The purpose of this repo is to help with automation of disaster recovery strategy using RDS PITR process.
High-level tasks:
- Start PITR by creating a new PITR DB instance
- Run
on the PITR DB instance - Run
on original instance - Destroy PITR DB Instance
The architecture of PoC consists of two moving parts:
- CDK - lab infrastructure
- Python + Docker - python script which is doing all the heavy-lifting packaged in the Docker image
Before PITR can be started, lab infrastructure has to be deployed. The infrastructure consists of:
- Secrets Manager DB secret
- DB Security Group
- RDS PostgreSQL instance
IMPORTANT: For lab purpose the database will be in public subnet and have public accessible, this is very dangerous and should NOT be used in production!
- Valid AWS credentials
- Nodejs
Following steps are required in order to deploy the lab infrastructure:
# Add CIDR which DB SG will trust
echo 'TRUSTED_INGRESS_DB_CIDR=<your_public_ip>/32' > .env
# Install the dependencies
npm i
# Deploy the infrastructure
npm run cdk -- deploy
Once lab infrastructure is deployed, PITR can be executed.
In order to be able to see the results go ahead and modify something in the database (create schemas, tables, rows, ..) and create a manual snapshot. Once snapshot is created, delete some of those changes, so the actual DB state differs from one in the snapshot.
Because lab DB is public PITR can be executed from local workstation, but for production usage its definetely recommended running PITR within VPC from a container.
- Valid AWS credentials
- Docker
Following steps are required in order to do PITR:
cd pitr
# Build the pitr docker image
docker build -t pitr .
# Run the docker pitr image
docker run \
-v $HOME/.aws:/root/.aws \
-e SOURCE_DB_IDENTIFIER=<source_db_identifier> \
-e SOURCE_DB_DATABASE=<name_of_database> \
-e CREDENTIALS_SECRET=<name_of_db_credentials_secret> \
Default container size limitation of 10 GB might be reached when cloning bigger databases. Solution for that would be to make a bind volume of container
to host.
docker run -v $HOME/.aws:/root/.aws -e SOURCE_DB_IDENTIFIER=pb19uk56bmxfkaf -e SOURCE_DB_DATABASE=PocRdsPitrStack -e CREDENTIALS_SECRET=BackendDbSecret6CDFECCB-eT8IEZ0S3pGP pitr
INFO:root:Starting PITR for pb19uk56bmxfkaf..
INFO:botocore.credentials:Found credentials in shared credentials file: ~/.aws/credentials
INFO:root:PITR instance (pb19uk56bmxfkaf-pitr) created.
INFO:root:Waiting for PITR instance to become available..
INFO:backoff:Backing off check_if_db_available(...) for 12.1s (DbUnavailableError: DB in status creating.)
INFO:backoff:Backing off check_if_db_available(...) for 10.7s (DbUnavailableError: DB in status creating.)
INFO:backoff:Backing off check_if_db_available(...) for 26.5s (DbUnavailableError: DB in status modifying.)
INFO:root:PITR instance available!
INFO:root:Starting pg_dump backup from PITR instance..
INFO:root:Backup (pg_dump) successful at path /tmp/backup-PocRdsPitrStack-2021-03-02_160844.sql.gz!
INFO:root:Starting pg_restore from /tmp/backup-PocRdsPitrStack-2021-03-02_160844.sql.gz to instance pb19uk56bmxfkaf..
INFO:root:Restore (pg_restore) successful at instance pb19uk56bmxfkaf!
INFO:root:Cleaning up..
INFO:root:Clean up successful, all done!