Any pipeline solution we develop/offer should at least have the following:
- init
- validate
- linting
- plan
- security checks
- policy checks
- cost estimations
- apply
- notifications
- Terraform
- Terragrunt
- Terraspace
- Terramate
- GDN's Taskfile
- Jenkins
- Circle CI
- Gitlab CI
- Bitbucket pipelines
- Github Actions
- AWS CodeBuild and CodePipeline
- env0
- Scalr
- Spacelift
- Terraform Cloud
Bootstrap and prepare local developer machine, get started by Installing the following DevOps
- Git
- Taskfile
- tfenv - tool for managing different versions of terraform; the required version can be specified directly as an argument or via
- tgenv - tool for managing different versions of terragrunt; the required version can be specified directly as an argument or via
- terraform - terraform itself, our main development tool:
tfenv install
- awscli - console utility to work with AWS API
- kubectl - conssole utility to work with Kubernetes API
- kubectx + kubens - power tools for kubectl help you switch between Kubernetes clusters and namespaces
- helm - tool to create application packages and deploy them into k8s
- helmfile - "docker compose" for helm
- terragrunt - small terraform wrapper providing DRY approach in some cases:
tgenv install
- awsudo - simple console utility that allows running awscli commands assuming specific roles
- aws-vault - tool for securely managing AWS keys and running console commands
- aws-mfa - utility for automating the reception of temporary STS tockens when MFA is enabled
- vscode - main IDE
- azure-cli - Azure Command-Line Interface (CLI)
Optionally, a pre-commit hook can be set up and configured for terraform: pre-commit-terraform, this will allow formatting and validating code at the commit stage
Edit AWS Config file:
vi ~/.aws/config
Add AWS SSO settings:
[profile XYZ]
Login using aws-vault:
aws-vault exec XYZ-shared
Useful DevOps VSCode extensions