Backend, API, Business-logic layer for Fractale.
Fractale is a platform for self-organisation. It is designed around the concept that an organisation can be represented as a tree and should follow principles of transparency, governance decentralization and authority distribution. A tree divides in branches and form leaves, likewise an organisation divides in Circles that can have Roles. Both, circles and roles have an associated descriptive document, called Mandate, intended to define its purpose and operating rules. Finally, the communication inside the organisation is done through Tensions, and make the link between users and organisations. You can think of a tension as an email, but more structured and more powerful.
Using Fractale for your organisation offers the following capabilities and features:
- Interactive tree and graph packing organisation chart
- Organisation visibility defined at circles level
- ACL based on member roles and circle governance rules
- Ticketing management through Tensions
- Discussion thread and subscription by tension
- Email notifications broadcast and email reply
- Labels system
- Role templates system
- Journal history of events (including mandate updates!)
- GraphQL API
- Redis 4+
Download and extract the given release
unzip && mv fractal6-amd64 fractal6
cd fractal6
This will install the client built for To point to your own instance, you need to replace the
folder by your own build, otherwise it will query the api (for build instruction, see fractal6-ui.elm and fractal6-ui.elm#3 ).
Copy the config file template
cp templates/config.toml .
Edit the config file with your settings. Update the
field if you already have a config file.
Generate the certificates to communicate with Dgraph
openssl genrsa -out private.pem 2048
openssl rsa -in private.pem -pubout -out public.pem
Copy public key for the Dgraph authorization at the end of the schema
sed -i '$ d' schema/dgraph_schema.graphql
PUBKEY=$(cat public.pem | sed 's/$/\\n/' | tr -d "\n" | head -c -2)
echo "# Dgraph.Authorization {\"Header\":\"X-Frac6-Auth\",\"Namespace\":\"https://YOUR_DOMAIN/jwt/claims\",\"Algo\":\"RS256\",\"VerificationKey\":\"$PUBKEY\"}" >> schema/dgraph_schema.graphql
Redis needs to be listening at localhost:6379
Launch the following processes:
./dgraph zero --config contrib/dgraph/config-zero.yml
./dgraph alpha --config contrib/dgraph/config-alpha.yml
./f6 api
./f6 notifier
Load up the data schema to Dgraph
curl -X POST http://localhost:8080/admin/schema --data-binary "@schema/dgraph_schema.graphql"
That's it, Fractale is running \o/ and waiting for connection at the http://localhost:8888
If it is your first go, you might want to login. But as user registration needs email validation and might not be working if you did not set it up, you can add new user with the CLI:
./f6 adduser
- setup a reverse proxy to secure connections
- systemd unit files are available in contrib/systemd
You can open issues for bugs you've found or features you think are missing. You can also submit pull requests to this repository. To get started, take a look at
You can follow Fractale organisation and roadmap at o/f6 and espacially t/f6/tech.
IRC channel: #fractal6 on
Fractale is free, open-source software licensed under AGPLv3.