All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Only copy the woff/woff2 files from fontawesome package
- ignore irrelevant font files from fontawesome package
- dependency updates
- Support Duotone icons
- Automatically fetch deprecated icons
Fomantic-UI 2.9.0+ support only. If you need this script for FUI <= 2.8.8 or SUI, use 1.1.0 instead
- Adjusted templates to generate icon.variables for new LESS mapping as of FUI 2.9.0
This is the last minor version working with FUI < 2.9.0 and SUI 2.4.x
- Ability to choose between FA 5 and FA 6+ for version preselection
- Increased number of choosable versions
- Match FUI 2.8.x
- Numbers > 9 were not converted into textual presentations
- Compilation errors
- Fixed issue in FA 5.9 causing the script to exit because the search terms where undefined (Fixes #16)
- Fixed issue with pro icon class names having numbers causing CSS errors.
- Fixed unnecessary space in file path
- Fixed issue with converter not coverting "*-v" to "vertical".
- Update icon template file description to better describe the integration between FUI and FA.
- v1 CLI