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bin-yang-algotune edited this page Apr 2, 2021 · 8 revisions
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awesome-deep-trading curated list of papers/repos on topics like CNN/LSTM/GAN/Reinforcement Learning etc. Categorized as deep learning for now but there are other topics here. Manually maintained by cbailes 11/26/18 3:23 1/1/21 9:41 528.0 ✔️ ⭐x4
trading-bot Implementation of deep reinforcement learning using Deep Q Network (DQN). Only supports single security at the moment. Idea is roughly based here and uses tensorflow/keras. Interesting helper python libraries used here are tqdm for console based progress bar and altair for declarative visualization in python 8/13/18 10:44 1/23/20 4:41 285.0 ✔️ ⭐x3
Advanced-Deep-Trading notebooks containing experiments based on Lopez de Prado book "Advances in financial machine learning". Mostly not deep learning related but rather sklearn regression models. Interesting libraries include mlfinlab for calculating return stats and shap for explaining models. Examlpe of shap can be which features are pushing the value up and and which features are pushing the value down. Also contain functions for calculating geometric brownian motion and jump diffusion functions. 2/16/19 21:18 11/29/20 20:12 319.0 ✔️ ⭐x3
deep-RL-trading NEW 2/25/18 17:41 12/1/20 22:06 231.0 ✔️ ⭐x3
FinRL-Library NEW 7/26/20 13:18 3/28/21 13:46 1780.0 ✔️ ⭐x5
RLTrader NEW 4/27/19 18:35 10/17/19 16:25 1300.0 ✔️ ⭐x5
Deep-Reinforcement-Learning-for-Automated-Stock-Trading-Ensemble-Strategy-ICAIF-2020 NEW 7/26/20 13:12 1/21/21 18:11 542.0 ✔️ ⭐x4
BitcoinForecast NEW 3/10/17 10:52 6/11/18 8:07 287.0 ✖️ ⭐x3
AutomatedStockTrading-DeepQ-Learning NEW 2/23/19 12:01 2/25/20 18:16 134.0 ✔️ ⭐x3
Personae NEW 3/10/18 11:22 9/2/18 17:21 1142.0 ✖️ ⭐x5
Deep-Reinforcement-Stock-Trading NEW 5/19/19 22:20 9/27/20 19:22 140.0 ✔️ ⭐x3
Deep-Learning-Machine-Learning-Stock NEW 9/29/18 23:38 3/18/21 3:16 251.0 ✔️ ⭐x3
trading-rl NEW 4/22/19 10:03 9/28/20 9:07 179.0 ✔️ ⭐x3
DQN-DDPG_Stock_Trading NEW 9/19/18 3:17 11/26/20 16:58 134.0 ✔️ ⭐x3
Stock-Prediction-Models NEW 12/18/17 10:49 1/5/21 10:31 3584.0 ✔️ ⭐x5
Deep-Reinforcement-Learning-in-Trading NEW 5/11/18 0:52 10/26/19 14:22 137.0 ✔️ ⭐x3
crypto-rl NEW 6/21/18 1:06 11/5/20 11:08 339.0 ✔️ ⭐x3
DeepLearningInFinance NEW 8/21/17 16:00 8/21/17 17:23 266.0 ✖️ ⭐x3
LTSM GRU Stock Market Forecasting using LSTM\GRU. 5/13/18 2:39 2/25/19 0:26 11.0 ✔️ ⭐x3
Deep Learning Technical experimentations to beat the stock market using deep learning. 12/12/16 2:15 3/4/17 8:37 427.0 ✖️ ⭐x4
Deep Learning II Tensorflow Regression. 7/12/16 12:56 2/16/18 2:43 174.0 ✖️ ⭐x3
Deep Learning III Algorithmic trading with deep learning experiments. 6/18/16 18:23 8/7/18 15:24 1262.0 ✖️ ⭐x5
Deep Learning IV Bulbea: Deep Learning based Python Library. 3/9/17 6:11 3/19/17 7:42 1448.0 ✔️ ⭐x5
AI Trading AI to predict stock market movements. 1/9/19 8:02 2/11/19 16:32 2852.0 ✖️ ⭐x5
Neural Network Neural networks to predict stock prices. 9/10/18 6:34 11/21/18 7:39 488.0 ✖️ ⭐x4
ARIMA-LTSM Hybrid Hybrid model to predict future price correlation coefficients of two assets. 8/5/18 2:13 10/1/18 11:25 218.0 ✔️ ⭐x3
LTSM Recurrent OHLC Average Prediction of Apple Inc. Using LSTM Recurrent Neural Network. 10/7/18 3:58 8/3/19 9:00 1198.0 ✔️ ⭐x4
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