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How to build Apache Gravitino
This software is licensed under the Apache License version 2.


  • Linux or macOS operating system
  • Git
  • A Java Development Kit, version 8 to 17, installed in your environment to launch Gradle
  • Python 3.8, 3.9, 3.10, or 3.11 to build the Gravitino Python client
  • Optionally, Docker to run integration tests

:::info Please read the following notes before trying to build Gravitino.

  • Gravitino requires a minimum of JDK8, and supports up to JDK17 to run Gradle, so you need to install a JDK, version 8 to 17, to launch the build environment.
  • Gravitino itself supports using JDK8, 11, or 17 to build. The Gravitino Trino connector uses JDK17 to build (to avoid vendor-related issues on some platforms, Gravitino uses the specified Amazon Corretto OpenJDK 17 to build the Trino connector on macOS). You don't have to preinstall the specified JDK environment, as Gradle detects the JDK version needed and downloads it automatically.
  • Gravitino uses the Gradle Java Toolchain to detect and manage JDK versions, and it checks the installed JDK by running the ./gradlew javaToolchains command. See Gradle Java Toolchain.
  • Gravitino excludes all Docker-related tests by default. To run Docker-related tests, make sure you have installed Docker in your environment and either (1) set skipDockerTests=false in the file (or use -PskipDockerTests=false in the command) or (2) export SKIP_DOCKER_TESTS=false in shell. Otherwise, all tests requiring Docker will be skipped.
  • macOS uses docker-connector to make the Gravitino Trino connector work with Docker for macOS. See docker-connector, $GRAVITINO_HOME/dev/docker/tools/, and $GRAVITINO_HOME/dev/docker/tools/ for more details.
  • You can use OrbStack as a replacement for Docker for macOS. See OrbStack. With OrbStack, you can run Gravitino integration tests without needing to install docker-connector. :::

Quick start

  1. Clone the Gravitino project.

    If you want to contribute to this open-source project, please fork the project on GitHub first. After forking, clone the forked project to your local environment, make your changes, and submit a pull request (PR).

    git clone [email protected]:apache/gravitino.git
  2. Build the Gravitino project. Running this for the first time can take 15 minutes or more.

    cd gravitino
    ./gradlew build

    The default specified JDK version is 8, but if you want to use JDK 11 or 17 to build, modify the property jdkVersion to 11 or 17 in the file, or specify the version with -P, like:

    ./gradlew build -PjdkVersion=11


    ./gradlew build -PjdkVersion=17

    The ./gradlew build command builds all the Gravitino components, including Gravitino server, Java and Python clients, Trino and Spark connectors, and more.

    For the Python client, the ./gradlew build command builds the Python client with Python 3.8 by default. If you want to use Python 3.9, 3.10 or 3.11 to build, please modify the property pythonVersion to 3.9, 3.10 or 3.11 in the file, or specify the version with -P, like:

    ./gradlew build -PpythonVersion=3.9


    ./gradlew build -PpythonVersion=3.10


    ./gradlew build -PpythonVersion=3.11

    If you want to build some modules alone, like Spark connector, you can use Gradle build task with specific module name, like:

    ./gradlew spark-connector:spark-runtime-3.4:build -PscalaVersion=2.12

    This creates gravitino-spark-connector-runtime-{sparkVersion}_{scalaVersion}-{version}.jar under the spark-connector/v3.4/spark-runtime/build/libs directory. You could replace 3.4 with 3.3 or 3.5 to specify different Spark versions, and replace 2.12 with 2.13 for different Scala versions. The default Scala version is 2.12 if not specifying -PscalaVersion.

    :::info Gravitino Spark connector doesn't support Scala 2.13 for Spark 3.3. :::

    :::note The first time you build the project, downloading the dependencies may take a while. You can add -x test to skip the tests using ./gradlew build -x test.

    The built Gravitino libraries are Java 8 compatible and verified under Java 8, 11, and 17 environments. You can use Java 8, 11, or 17 runtimes to run the Gravitino server, no matter which JDK version you used to build the project.

    The built jars are under the build/libs directory of the modules. You can publish them to your Maven repository to use them in your project. :::

  3. Get the Gravitino server binary package.

    ./gradlew compileDistribution

    The compileDistribution command creates a distribution directory in the Gravitino root directory.

    The directory structure of the distribution directory is as follows:

    :::note The ./gradlew clean command deletes the distribution directory. :::

  4. Assemble the Gravitino server distribution package.

    ./gradlew assembleDistribution

    The assembleDistribution command creates gravitino-{version}-bin.tar.gz and gravitino-{version}-bin.tar.gz.sha256 under the distribution directory.

    You can deploy them to your production environment.

    :::note The gravitino-{version}-bin.tar.gz file is the Gravitino server distribution package, and the gravitino-{version}-bin.tar.gz.sha256 file is the sha256 checksum file for the Gravitino server distribution package. :::

  5. Assemble the Gravitino Trino connector package

     ./gradlew assembleTrinoConnector


    ./gradlew assembleDistribution

    This creates gravitino-trino-connector-{version}.tar.gz and gravitino-trino-connector-{version}.tar.gz.sha256 under the distribution directory. You can uncompress and deploy it to Trino to use the Gravitino Trino connector.

  6. Assemble the Gravitino Iceberg REST server package

     ./gradlew assembleIcebergRESTServer

    This creates gravitino-iceberg-rest-server-{version}.tar.gz and gravitino-iceberg-rest-server-{version}.tar.gz.sha256 under the distribution directory. You can uncompress and deploy it to use the Gravitino Iceberg REST server.

How to build Apache Gravitino on Windows (Using WSL)

Download WSL (Ubuntu)

On Windows:

Refer to this guide for installation: WSL Installation Guide

Note: Ubuntu 22.04 can successfully run Gravitino

This step involves setting up your Windows machine's Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL). WSL allows you to run a Linux distribution alongside Windows, providing a Linux-like environment for development.

Update package list and install necessary packages

On Ubuntu (WSL):

sudo apt update
sudo apt install apt-transport-https ca-certificates curl software-properties-common

Updating the package list ensures you have the latest information on the newest versions of packages and dependencies. Installing the necessary packages lets your system download and manage additional software securely.

Download and setup Java SDK 17 (11 or 8 also works)

On Ubuntu (WSL):

  1. Edit your ~/.bashrc file using any editor. Here, vim is used:

    vim ~/.bashrc
  2. Add the following lines at the end of the file. Replace /usr/lib/jvm/java-11-openjdk-amd64 with your actual Java installation path:

    export JAVA_HOME="/usr/lib/jvm/java-11-openjdk-amd64"
    export PATH=$PATH:$JAVA_HOME/bin
  3. Save and quit in vim using :wq.

  4. Run source ~/.bashrc to update your shell session's environment variables.

    Editing the ~/.bashrc file allows you to set environment variables available in every terminal session. Setting JAVA_HOME and updating PATH ensures that your system uses the correct Java version for development.

Install Docker

On Ubuntu (WSL):

curl -fsSL https
curl -fsSL | sudo apt-key add -
sudo add-apt-repository "deb [arch=amd64] $(lsb_release -cs) stable"
sudo apt update
sudo apt install docker-ce
sudo service docker start
sudo docker run hello-world
sudo usermod -aG docker $USER

These commands install Docker. Running hello-world verifies the installation. Adding your user to the Docker group allows you to run Docker commands without sudo.

Install Python 3.11

On Ubuntu (WSL):

sudo apt update
sudo apt install software-properties-common
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:deadsnakes/ppa
sudo apt update
sudo apt install python3.11
python3.11 --version

These commands add a repository that provides the latest Python versions and installs Python 3.11.

Download Apache Gravitino project to WSL

On Ubuntu (WSL):

git clone
cd gravitino
./gradlew compileDistribution -x test
cd distribution/package/
./bin/ start

Access http://localhost:8090

Building the Gravitino project compiles the necessary components, and starting the server allows you to access the application in your browser.

Please refer to for instructions on running the project using VSCode or IntelliJ on Windows.