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The RewardsController is designed to store and distribute rewards to accounts that interact with the Markets' different variable and fixed pools.

It calculates the total amount of rewards to distribute and determines the allocation between the pools based on a dynamic distribution model. Accounts can claim their rewards through the contract, and their claimable rewards can be queried at any time using the claimable function.

Public State Variables


function UTILIZATION_CAP() external view returns (uint256)

Max utilization supported by the sigmoid function not to cause a division by zero.


function distribution(contract Market) external view returns (uint8 availableRewardsCount, uint256 baseUnit)

Tracks the reward distribution data for a given market.


function marketList(uint256) external view returns (contract Market)

Retrieves Markets with distributions set.


function rewardEnabled(contract ERC20) external view returns (bool)

Tracks enabled asset rewards.


function rewardList(uint256) external view returns (contract ERC20)

Stores registered asset rewards.

View Methods


function accountOperation(address account, contract Market market, bool operation, contract ERC20 reward) external view returns (uint256, uint256)

Gets the account data of a given account, Market, operation and reward asset.


Name Type Description
account address The account to get the operation data from.
market contract Market The market in which the operation was made.
operation bool True if the operation was a borrow, false if it was a deposit.
reward contract ERC20 The reward asset.


Name Type Description
_0 uint256 accrued The accrued amount.
_1 uint256 index The account index.


function allClaimable(address account, contract ERC20 reward) external view returns (uint256 unclaimedRewards)

Gets the claimable amount of rewards for a given account and reward asset.


Name Type Description
account address The account to get the claimable amount for.
reward contract ERC20 The reward asset.


Name Type Description
unclaimedRewards uint256 The claimable amount for the given account.


function allMarketsOperations() external view returns (struct RewardsController.MarketOperation[] marketOps)

Gets all market and operations.


Name Type Description
marketOps RewardsController.MarketOperation[] The list of market operations.


function allRewards() external view returns (contract ERC20[])

Retrieves all rewards addresses.


Name Type Description
_0 contract ERC20[] All enabled reward addresses


function availableRewardsCount(contract Market market) external view returns (uint256)

Gets the amount of reward assets that are being distributed for a Market.


Name Type Description
market contract Market Market to get the number of available rewards to distribute.


Name Type Description
_0 uint256 The amount reward assets set to a Market.


function claimable(RewardsController.MarketOperation[] marketOps, address account, contract ERC20 reward) external view returns (uint256 unclaimedRewards)

Gets the claimable amount of rewards for a given account, Market operations and reward asset.


Name Type Description
marketOps RewardsController.MarketOperation[] The list of Market operations to get the accrued and pending rewards from.
account address The account to get the claimable amount for.
reward contract ERC20 The reward asset.


Name Type Description
unclaimedRewards uint256 The claimable amount for the given account.


function distributionTime(contract Market market, contract ERC20 reward) external view returns (uint32, uint32, uint32)

Gets the distribution start, end and lastUpdate value of a given market and reward.


Name Type Description
market contract Market The market to get the distribution times.
reward contract ERC20 The reward asset.


Name Type Description
_0 uint32 The distribution start, end and lastUpdate time.


function previewAllocation(contract Market market, contract ERC20 reward, uint256 deltaTime) external view returns (uint256 borrowIndex, uint256 depositIndex, uint256 newUndistributed)

Retrieves projected distribution indexes and new undistributed amount for a given deltaTime.


Name Type Description
market contract Market The market to calculate the indexes for.
reward contract ERC20 The reward asset to calculate the indexes for.
deltaTime uint256 The elapsed time since the last update.


Name Type Description
borrowIndex uint256 The index for the borrow operation.
depositIndex uint256 The index for the deposit operation.
newUndistributed uint256 The new undistributed rewards of the distribution.


function rewardConfig(contract Market market, contract ERC20 reward) external view returns (struct RewardsController.Config)

Gets the configuration of a given distribution.


Name Type Description
market contract Market The market to get the distribution configuration for.
reward contract ERC20 The reward asset.


Name Type Description
_0 RewardsController.Config The distribution configuration.


function rewardIndexes(contract Market market, contract ERC20 reward) external view returns (uint256, uint256, uint256)

Gets the reward indexes and last amount of undistributed rewards for a given market and reward asset.


Name Type Description
market contract Market The market to get the reward indexes for.
reward contract ERC20 The reward asset to get the reward indexes for.


Name Type Description
_0 uint256 borrowIndex The index for the floating and fixed borrow operation.
_1 uint256 depositIndex The index for the floating deposit operation.
_2 uint256 lastUndistributed The last amount of undistributed rewards.

Write Methods


function claim(RewardsController.MarketOperation[] marketOps, address to, contract ERC20[] rewardsList) external nonpayable returns (contract ERC20[], uint256[] claimedAmounts)

Claims msg.sender rewards for the given operations and reward assets to the given account.


Name Type Description
marketOps RewardsController.MarketOperation[] The operations to claim rewards for.
to address The address to send the rewards to.
rewardsList contract ERC20[] The list of rewards assets to claim.


Name Type Description
_0 contract ERC20[] The list of rewards assets.
claimedAmounts uint256[] The list of claimed amounts.


function claimAll(address to) external nonpayable returns (contract ERC20[] rewardsList, uint256[] claimedAmounts)

Claims all msg.sender rewards to the given account.


Name Type Description
to address The address to send the rewards to.


Name Type Description
rewardsList contract ERC20[] The list of rewards assets.
claimedAmounts uint256[] The list of claimed amounts.


function config(RewardsController.Config[] configs) external nonpayable

Enables or updates the reward distribution for the given markets and rewards.


Name Type Description
configs RewardsController.Config[] The configurations to update each RewardData with.


function handleBorrow(address account) external nonpayable

Hook to be called by the Market to update the index of the account that made a rewarded borrow.


Name Type Description
account address The account to which the index is updated.


function handleDeposit(address account) external nonpayable

Hook to be called by the Market to update the index of the account that made a rewarded deposit.


Name Type Description
account address The account to which the index is updated.


function withdraw(contract ERC20 asset, address to) external nonpayable

Withdraws the contract's balance of the given asset to the given address. Only to be called by ADMIN role accounts.


Name Type Description
asset contract ERC20 The asset to withdraw.
to address The address to withdraw the asset to.