X- improve logs X- make sure victim is only picked once
X- Do not respawn traitor
X- Game.EnableControlHusk(override)
X- gui improvments, utilize vanilla ui X-- dialog rework -- message on next target soon ?
X- survive objective always active X- traitor selection time random
X- points for crew on mission complete
- crew loose point on kill non traitor
X- lives xp loss X-- on every death live gone X-- give feedback
X- end round if all dead except traitor?
X- save last char name in data for id X- !modinfo orr client logs
X- !traitoralive admin
X- experience gain gives traitor away
X- CHECK CREW WIN CONDITION (maybe endReached does not trigger?) X- restore xp after death
X- traitor won screen X- fix multi crew names X- fix inform victim
X- improve mission description, what is optional
X- fix Missions completed check
X- fix traitor selection while no target available X- fix crew becoming traitor on !traitor
add THT-like role specific welcome messages
point shop
choose if wanna be traitor -- Dialogs
select and give random radio channel to traitors
crew bonus points for every handcuffed traitor
second traitor after a time?
spawn random traitor item to make a new traitor (logbook)
make maybe randomness dependend on players online
high scores with win and maybe points
point feedback -- summarize collected points
- Traitor with no objective (fixed?)
- chosen Traitor can not be dead
- remove cientpermission_fix
- only send discord msg if players online
-- hidden talent to move arrested ppl Hook.Add("roundStart", "giveTalentsToSecurity", function() for k, v in pairs(Character.CharacterList) do if v.IsHuman and v.IsSecurity then v.GiveTalent("firemanscarry") end end end)
TEXTS: Security: Welcome to security, you have been selected as the security officer in this vital mission for your captain, don't let him down. Captain: Captain your task is not an easy one, your supposed to keep the whole crew alive and make sweet moneyz Engineer: Do as the captain tells you or you will deal with security next you grunt! Mechanical: Your is an easy job and for some odd reason captain picks you as the favorite, don't let this go to your head! Medic: Keep the crew alive, and remember your priorities, captain comes first Assistant: Do as you are told... or else.