All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- 适配 LeviLamina 0.13.4
- 优化部分代码
- 优化部分代码
- 适配 LeviLamina 0.13.3
- fixed engsr6982/ChainMiner3#2
- 修复潜在的生命周期问题
- 适配 LeviLamina 0.13.0
- Fixed workflow
- 修复文件释放路径不匹配问题
- 修复engsr6982/ChainMiner3#1
- 完成从
的移植 - 重写
- 适配
LegacyMoney 0.7.0