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Modules, Exports, and

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Modules, Exports, and Imports

Elm's core libraries are organized into modules, as are any third-party packages you may use. For your own large applications, you can define your own modules. However defined, you need to import from modules to get useful values and types for your program.

After reading this guide you will know

  • how to organize many modules within the file system
  • how to define a module's interface in a way that permits refactoring without breaking downstream code
  • how to use the import statements so you always know where a piece of code came from
  • how to organize tests or examples to not interfere with the main codebase
  • the best practices and common pitfalls of writing a large Elm codebase

This shouldn't be the first guide on Elm you read, but if you've playing around for a few hours and have specific questions about modules and the like, you should be fine. This guide aims to be a comprehensive reference to be read straight through, but if you have questions about a specific piece of syntax you should do fine skimming for code blocks.

Packages and Applications

Elm programs fall into two categories. Packages (or libraries) are meant to be reused and are typically published to the package registry. Applications are programs that can actually be run and produce output. Applications may depend on packages, which may depend on other packages in turn; applications are the root of this tree.

The distinction between package and application occurs in elm-package.json: A package will export at least one module in the "exposed-modules" field. Packages are compiled with elm make and no additional arguments. This compiles the modules listed, and subjects them to additional compile-time checks ensuring every exported value and type are documented properly. The compiler does not generate an HTML or JS output file.

If you pass a file to elm make, then you are writing an application. That file (and therefore module) is known as "Main". It's not necessary to call this file Main.elm or even declare a module definition in it at all -- but you should for large applications.

However defined, only Main can define ports (a topic otherwise beyond the scope of this guide). The Main module must define a main value, whose type is restricted to a handful of things that the compiler can display. Other modules should avoid defining main.

Another difference between packages and applications is how they tolerate change. Elm's package manager enforces semantic versioning, discouraging breaking changes. Additionally anything that is exported must be documented. Packages therefore want to hide their type definitions and helper functions, in order to present a stable, understandable, and helpful interface. Applications are more tolerant of change; for example adding a field to a record type alias or a tag to a union type. Only the application itself relies on these definitions, and the compiler will find any discrepancies that changes introduce. Therefore, packages must tightly control what is exported, but applications can afford to be more permissive.

Modules and Files

Every file contains exactly one module. Filenames should be capitalized and match the name of the module they contain. For example, Foo.elm should declare the module Foo. The compiler will not allow module names and file paths to disagree.

If you only have one file, it's fine to keep it in the top level folder. Otherwise, you should create a src folder and keep all source files in there. You'll need edit elm-package.json to read "source-directories": [ "src" ], (don't forget the comma; elm package doesn't give a helpful error on invalid JSON).

Module names can contain dots, for example Json.Encode, which is in file src/Json/Encode.elm. Folders may be nested as deep as you like, but don't overdo it. Sometimes a package will have a primary module Foo and a secondary module Foo.Bar. This is just the coincidence of having a file named the same as a folder (except the .elm extension); there's nothing "magic" about it.

Declaring a Module and Its Exports

The simplest syntax to declare a module is

module MyModule exposing (..)

This must be the first line of the file, and the module name must begin with a capital letter. Convention is to capitalize only the first letter of acronyms (e.g. Json and Http).

The (..) indicate that you are exporting everything in this module. That is, the parenthesis enclose a list of exported values, but the two dots are a shortcut indicating that everything is exported. "Everything" comprises all defined top-level constants, functions, types aliases, union types, and their tags.

If you want to limit what is exported, you must list everything that you do want to export (there is no way to "blacklist" private items). A list of items is separated by commas, and may be broken up across many lines. The one wrinkle is how union types are exported, but that will be addressed below.

module MyModule exposing (MyType, myValue, myFunction)

If MyModule defines myPrivateFunction, it cannot be imported by any other module, regardless of syntax used.

Although uncommon, you should avoid situations like this:

module Chance exposing  (Model, init)

type Coin = Heads | Tails

type alias Model = { coin : Coin }

init : Model
init = Model Heads

The private Coin type is visible in the definition of the public Model type. Even worse, someone importing this code can actually obtain a value of type Coin through init, even though that type doesn't exist to them. And worst of all, the compiler will not catch this error. It should, but it doesn't. So be careful when defining types, and think about what will and will not be exported.


The most common way to import a module is also the simplest:

import Dict

This gives you access to everything in the Dict library by prefacing it with the module name and a dot. This is sometimes called a qualified import. So if you want to use Dict.insert, this import statement is sufficient.

Qualified imports are the preferred way to import values from other modules, because you can always tell where something came from by the module name right in front of it. Conversely, it makes it easy to tell what is defined in this module.

The alternative to a qualified import is an exposed import, because of the keyword exposing (whose length should serve as a deterrent to using it!). But it's usually okay if you list what you're exposing, for example:

import Dict exposing (Dict)
import Html exposing (div, span, h1, h2)

In the first case, the Dict in parentheses is a type, not the module. (It's very common for modules to define types of the same name as the module itself.) It avoids the need to say Dict.Dict in type annotations. In the second case, the functions being exposed have distinctive names, and are going to be used frequently.

In both cases, the module name is also available to be use qualified. So you can still use Dict.insert or Html.text. When you have a list of exposed imports, the order doesn't matter, but typically the types are listed before the values.

The real reason exposed imports are considered an antipattern is because they can be combined with (..) to dump the entire module into the current one. When there are multiple such imports, it becomes impossible to see where something came from, and the odds of a name collision is much higher.

-- Antipattern!
import Dict exposing (..)

Dict.insert will now be available as insert. This can easily be confused with other insert operations, although the compiler will stop you in truly ambiguous cases. So don't expose an entire module unless you're really sure about it.

Regardless, exposing happens when you import. This makes it different from exporting, which happens when modules are defined. Many people and even Elm's tooling conflate the two, but if you're being technical they are distinct.

Infix operators must be imported exposed, for example as import Json.Encode exposing (object2, (:=)). Note that infix operators need to be surrounded by extra parentheses. The language does not have syntax for qualified infix operators. The good news is that, with the exception of the previous example, all infix ops in core are imported exposed by default.

Specifically, all of the arithmetic operators are in Basics, which is imported exposed automatically. (It's worth becoming familiar with everything in that module.) List cons, (::), is imported along with the List type. Als imported are are Maybe and Result, including their tags, Just, Nothing, Ok, and Err.

When importing a module, you can rename it like so:

import Json.Decode as Decode
import Graphics.Element as Elem exposing (Element, show)

As you can see, renaming and exposing can be used together. If you do though, as Alternative needs to come before exposing (the, functions).

Renaming is often used by "-extra" packages, which add extra functions to the core library. Typically they will be namespaced according the library they extend, and then imported like this:

import Random
import Random.Extra as Random

Yes, you can rename an import to share a name with another module. In theory, you now no longer need to worry about which functions Random exports, and which ones Random.Extra does (until you need to look up documentation…). However, some of these libraries will re-export functions in the library they extend, with the same name. Then when you try to use this function, the compiler will error because is ambiguous. There is no way to resolve this error without renaming the import or updating the library.

When you're listing all of your imports, it's helpful to group them in a sensible order. Although you don't have to be neurotic about it, try to put core libraries towards the top, and third-party packages towards the bottom. Modules from the current package or application should be listed last.

Exporting and Importing Union Types

Union types have a little bit of special treatment when it comes to imports and exports. Let's start with a simple union type, which you might find in a counter demo.

type Msg = Increment | Decrement

Remember that Increment and Decrement are called "tags". How would we export this type?

module MyModule exposing (Msg) exports Msg only. That is called an opaque type. Clients can see that Msg exists, but they can't see into it. This is frequently what you want, and we'll talk about it more in the next section.

module MyModule exposing (Msg(..)) exports Msg and all of its tags, namely Increment and Decrement. This form can be useful sometimes if you can commit to keeping Msg the same. A good example is a nonempty list; there will never be a reason to change the type's definition so the tag can be safely exported.

module MyModule exposing (Msg(Increment, Decrement)) exports Msg and only the listed tags. In this case it's listing all the tags explicitly. It's possible to only export some of the tags, but there is no reason to do this, ever.

The trouble with exporting tags is not only that you may want to remove some, which will break any code that relies on the ones being removed. Even adding tags will break code, because previously exhaustive pattern matches are no longer exhaustive. If only some of the tags are exported, it's impossible to write a valid case statement (at least not without a _ -> pattern, which are discouraged).

Importing union types exposed follows the exact same syntax. For example, import MyModule exposing (Msg) will import only the type, while import MyModule exposing (Msg(..)) will import any exported tags as well. You can also use exported tags qualified, like MyModule.Increment.

Opaque Types

An opaque type is a union type where the type is exported but the tag(s) are not. Someone outside the module can see that the type exists, pass it around, and store it in records. They only thing they can't do is look inside the type, even if they know what the tags are named. Hence, it's opaque.

An example of an opaque type would be a 2D point. Creating a point would require either x and y, or r and theta. But, there's no way to know which version is actually stored.. The point might actually store all four, knowing that there's no way for someone to create a point that's inconsistent. Rather than rely on record accessors, the author of the Point library would define their own methods to access the coordinates of the point.

What this means is that opaque types are Elm's way of enforcing information hiding. They allow a package author to define an interface of functions to create, update, and read useful values out of the opaque type. The implementation can change completely, but as long as all functions on the type are updated to match, it's still considered a patch change. This gives package writers flexibility when writing their libraries. It also lets them rely on invariants, assured that the client hasn't meddled with values of the type in unexpected ways.

Opaque types are less useful in applications. If you're typing to simply pass information around, exporting record type aliases is fine. If it makes sense to also define operations on these models, an opaque type might be a better fit.

If your union type contains many tags, you can export functions that wrap them. You can be selective about which ones you export. Sometimes it can be tedious, but it's worth it.

module Road exposing (Msg, addCar, redLight)

import Car exposing (Car)

type Light =
  Red | Yellow | Green

type Msg =
  AddCar Car | Light Light | SomethingPrivate

addCar : Car -> Msg
addCar =

redLight : Msg
redLight =
  Light Red

You cannot make an opaque type out of a type alias; those are either exported or not, just like values. But you can create a union type to hide it. (This is more common when the opaque type represents a model rather than a message.)

module Person exposing (Person, age)

type Person =
  P { name : String, age : Int }

age : Person -> Int
age (P {age}) =

First, we define the union type Person with one tag, P, which carries a record. (You can put the record definition directly in the union type, or define an unexported alias.) Then we can export the age function which accesses the record in a way not possible outside of this module. The definition uses two nifty language features. First, it pattern matches on the P tag in the argument list. This is permitted when there is only one tag, because otherwise it's an incomplete pattern match. Next, {age} destructures the record, assigning the local constant age to the value of the record's age field. It's a much more concise way of writing this:

age person =
  case person of
    P record ->

Organizing Tests and Examples

When writing a package, it's often useful to write tests or examples that use it. But, you don't want these to be included with the package, and certainly not in the compiled code that uses your package. Elm's tooling does not (currently) have an equivalent of Node's dev-dependencies or Ruby on Rails' development environment. So here is a trick to keep tests and their libraries separate from your package, while still being able to run the tests without publishing.

Create a new folder, say test, and copy elm-package.json there. Edit it and make these changes:

  • Change the version to 0.0.1. This isn't strictly necessary but it helps prevent the tests from being released as their own package.
  • Under "source-directories", change "src" to be "../src". (If it's just ".", make it ".."). Then add "." to the list.
  • Change the "exposed-modules" to be the empty list, []. Tests are an application, after all.

Notice that we've kept all of the dependencies of the package in place. Now you can install any test toolkits you like into test/elm-package.json and they won't affect the main package. If the package's dependencies change, you will need to manually sync them to test/elm-package.json.

You can now write your tests or examples and import modules in your package as if it was installed in elm-package.json, but instead it's pulling from the parent folder with the original source. You just need to run elm package or elm reactor from inside the test folder.