MongoDB bindings for The Julia Language
You must have the Mongo C drivers installed, see
using Mongo
client = MongoClient() # Defaults to MongoClient("localhost", 27017)
# Insert a few documents
insert(client, "test.people", { "name" => "Brian", "age" => 30, "hobbies" => {"surfing", "coding", "video games"}})
insert(client, "test.people", { "name" => "Lizzie", "age" => 30, "hobbies" => {"traveling", "crafts", "movies"}})
insert(client, "test.people", { "name" => "Adam", "age" => 31, "hobbies" => {"climbing", "cycling"}})
# Find Brian
obj = find_one(client, "test.people", { "name" => "Brian" })
# Change his age to 31
update(client, "test.people", { "_id" => obj["_id"] }, { "\$set" => { "age" => 31 }})
# Change everyone's age to 30
update(client, "test.people", Dict(), { "\$set" => { "age" => 30 }}, MULTI)
# Change Adam back to 31
update(client, "test.people", { "name" => "Adam" }, { "\$set" => { "age" => 31 }})
# Find everyone's name and age and display
fields = { "name" => 1, "age" => 1 }
cursor = find(client, "test.people", Dict(), fields)
for o in cursor
println("Name: " * o["name"] * " / Age: " * string(o["age"])) # Or simply, println(o)
# Remove Lizze
remove(client, "test.people", { "name" => "Lizzie" })
# Actually, let's just remove everyone
remove(client, "test.people", Dict())
NOTE: MongoDB server must be running on localhost
to the project root and run the following:julia test/run.jl
Fork and send a pull request or create a GitHub issue and I'll try and respond quickly