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Inference in Agda

module InferenceInAgda where

This is a tutorial on how Agda infers things.

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Agda is a wonderful language and its unification engines are exemplary, practical, improve over time and work predictably well. Unification engines are one notable distiction between Agda and other dependently typed languages (such as Idris 1, Coq, Lean, etc). I'm saying "unification engines", because there are two of them:

  • unification used for getting convenient and powerful pattern matching
  • unification used for inferring values of implicit arguments

These are two completely distinct machineries. This tutorial covers only the latter for the moment being as it's what gives Agda its inference capabilities. I'll probably say a few words about the former once I forget how hard it is to write long technical texts.

This tutorial primarily targets

  • users of Agda who want to understand how to write code to make more things inferrable
  • a general audience curious about dependent types and what can be done with them
  • people implementing powerful dependently typed languages and looking for features to support (most of what is described here are tricks that I use in may day-to-day work (when it involves Agda) and I'd definitely want to see them available in languages that are yet to come)

Higher-order unification is not covered. It's a highly advanced topic and from the user's perspective diving into higher-order unification has a rather big cost/benefit ratio: I don't remember tweaking my code to fit it into the pattern fragment or doing anything else of this kind to help Agda unify things in the higher-order case. Agda would barely be usable without the built-in higher-order unification, but it's mostly invisible to the user and just works.

Analogously, no attempt to dissect Agda's internals is performed. Agda is well-designed enough not to force the user to worry about the peculiarities of the implementation (like when something gets postponed or in what order equations get solved). If you do want to learn about the internals, I recommend reading Type checking in the presence of meta-variables and Higher-Order Dynamic Pattern Unification for Dependent Types and Records.

And if you want to learn about internals of unification powering the pattern matching engine, then it's all elaborated in detail by Jesper Cockx in his PhD thesis. Section "3.6 Related work" of it shortly describes differences between the requirements for the two kinds of unification.


Agda only infers values that are uniquely determined by the current context. I.e. Agda doesn't try to guess: it either fails to infer a value or infers the definitive one. Even though this makes the unification algorithm weaker than it could be, it also makes it reliable and predictable. Whenever Agda infers something, you can be sure that this is the thing that you wanted and not just a random guess that would be different if you provided more information to the type checker (but Agda does have a guessing machinery called Agsy that can be used interactively, so that no guessing needs to be done by the type checker and everything inferred is visible to the user).

We'll look into basics of type inference in Agda and then move to more advanced patterns. But first, some imports:


open import Level renaming (suc to lsuc; zero to lzero)
open import Function using (_$_; _$′_; _∘_; _∘′_; _∋_; case_of_) renaming (_|>_ to _&_; _|>′_ to _&′_)
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality
open import Data.Empty using (⊥)
open import Data.Unit.Base using (⊤; tt)
open import Data.Bool.Base using (Bool; true; false; not) renaming (_∨_ to _||_; _∧_ to _&&_)
open import Data.Nat.Base  using (ℕ; zero; suc; _+_; _*_; _∸_)
open import Data.Product using (_×_; Σ; _,_; _,′_)

Basics of type inference

module BasicsOfTypeInference where

Some preliminaries: the type of lists is defined as (ignoring universe polymorphism)

  infixr 5 _∷_

  data List (A : Set) : Set where
    []  : List A
    _∷_ : A -> List A -> List A

Agda sees [] as having the following type: ∀ {A} -> List A, however if you ask Agda what the type of [] is (by creating a hole in this module via _ = ?, putting there [] and typing C-c C-d. Or you can open the current module via open BasicsOfTypeInference and type C-c C-d [] without introducing a hole), you'll get something like

  List _A_42

(where 42 is some arbitrary number that Agda uses to distinguish between variables that have identical textual names, but are bound in distinct places)

That _A_42 is a metavariable and Agda expects it to be resolved in the current context. If the context does not provide enough information for resolution to happen, Agda just reports that the metavariable is not resolved, i.e. Agda doesn't accept the code.

In contrast, Haskell is perfectly fine with [] and infers its type as forall a. [a].

So Agda and Haskell think of [] having the same type

  ∀ {A} -> List A  -- in Agda
  forall a. [a]    -- in Haskell

but Haskell infers this type on the top level unlike Agda which expects A to be either resolved or explicitly bound.

You can make Agda infer the same type that Haskell infers by explicitly binding a type variable via a lambda:

  _ = λ {A} -> [] {A}

(_ = <...> is an anonymous definition: we ask Agda to type check something, but don't bother giving it a name, because we're not going to use it later)

This definition is accepted, which means that Agda has inferred its type successfully.

Note that

  _ {A} = [] {A}

means the same thing as the previous expression, but doesn't type check. It's just a syntactic limitation: certain things are allowed in patterns but not in lambdas and vice versa.

Agda can infer monomorphic types directly without any hints:

  _ = true ∷ []

Type inference works not only with lambdas binding implicit arguments, but also explicit ones. And types of latter arguments can depend on earlier arguments. E.g.

  id₁ = λ {A : Set} (x : A) -> x

is the regular id function spelled as

  id :: forall a. a -> a
  id x = x

in Haskell.

Partially or fully applied id₁ doesn't need a type signature either:

  _ = id₁
  _ = id₁ {Bool}
  _ = id₁ true

You can even interleave implicit and explicit arguments and partial applications (and so full ones as well) will still be inferrable:

  const = λ {A : Set} (x : A) {B : Set} (y : B) -> x
  _ = const {Bool}
  _ = const true

Finally, you don't need to specify a type signature for an alias, even if that alias has a different fixity than what it's defined in terms of. My favourite example is this:

  _∘ = _∘_

It's an operator that allows us to compose a function with an n-ary function. In Haskell we have libraries like composition that define a bunch of n-ary composition operators like

  (.*) :: (c -> d) -> (a -> b -> c) -> a -> b -> d
  (.**) :: (d -> e) -> (a -> b -> c -> d) -> a -> b -> c -> e

but in Agda we can get away with a single additional postfix operator and construct all of the above on the fly. For example:

  -- Composing `suc` with 2-ary `_+_`
  _ = suc ∘ ∘ _+_

  -- Composing `suc` with a random 3-ary function.
  _ = suc ∘ ∘ ∘ f where
    f = λ (x y z : ℕ) -> 0

Note that _∘ and _∘_ are two different operators (in particular, the former is postfix and the latter is infix) that happen to be called the same. We could have called _∘ differently of course, but since Agda is able to distinguish between the two based on how they're used (there's no ∘_ and so Agda knows that the only way to parse suc ∘ ∘ ∘ f is ((suc ∘) ∘) ∘ f, which is exactly what one'd write in Haskell), it's just nice to make the two operators share the name.

let, where, mutual

module LetWhereMutual where

In Agda bindings that are not marked with abstract are transparent, i.e. writing, say, let v = e in b is the same thing as directly substituting e for v in b ([e/v]b). For example all of these type check:

  _ : Bool
  _ = let 𝔹 = Bool
          t : 𝔹
          t = true
      in t

  _ : Bool
  _ = t where
    𝔹 = Bool
    t : 𝔹
    t = true

  𝔹 = Bool
  t : 𝔹
  t = true
  _ : Bool
  _ = t

Unlike Haskell Agda does not have let-generalization, i.e. this valid Haskell code:

  p :: (Bool, Integer)
  p = let i x = x in (i True, i 1)

has to be written either with an explicit type signature for i:

  _ : Bool × ℕ
  _ = let i : {A : Set} -> A -> A
          i x = x
      in (i true , i 1)

or in an equivalent way like

  _ : Bool × ℕ
  _ = let i = λ {A} (x : A) -> x
      in (i true , i 1)

So Agda infers polymorphic types neither on the top level nor locally.

In Haskell types of bindings can be inferred from how those bindings are used later. E.g. the inferred type of a standalone

  one = 1

is Integer (see monomorphism restriction), but in

  one = 1
  one' = one :: Word

the inferred type of one is Word rather than Integer.

This is not the case in Agda, e.g. a type for

  i = λ x -> x

is not going to be inferred regardless of how this definition is used later. However if you use let, where or mutual inference is possible:

  _ = let i = λ x -> x in i true

  _ = i true where i = λ x -> x

    i = λ x -> x
    _ = i true

In general, definitions in a let/where/mutual block share the same context, which makes it possible to infer more things than with consecutive standalone definitions. It's occasionally useful to create a bogus mutual block when you want the type of a definition to be inferred based on its use.

Unification intro

module UnificationIntro where

The following definitions type check:

  _ = (λ x -> x) 1
  _ = (λ x -> 2) 1

reassuring that Agda's type checker is not based on some simple bidirectional typing rules (if you're not familier with those, see Bidirectional Typing Rules: A Tutorial), but the type checker does have a bidirectional interface (inferExpr & checkExpr) where type inference is defined in terms of type checking for the most part:

  -- | Infer the type of an expression. Implemented by checking against a meta variable. <...>
  inferExpr :: A.Expr -> TCM (Term, Type)

which means that any definition of the following form:

  name = term

can be equally written as

  name : _
  name = term

since Agda elaborates _ to a fresh metavariable and then type checks term against it, which amounts to unifying the inferred type of term with the meta. If the inferred type doesn't contain metas itself, then the meta standing for _ is resolved as that type and the definition is accepted (if the inferred type does contain metas, things get more difficult and we're not going to describe all the gory details here). So type inference is just a particular form of unification.

You can put _ basically anywhere and let Agda infer what term/type it stands for. For example:

  id₂ : {A : Set} -> A -> _
  id₂ x = x

Here Agda binds the x variable and records that it has type A and when the x variable is returned as a result, Agda unifies the expected type _ with the actual type of x, which is A. Thus the definition above elaborates to

  id₂′ : {A : Set} -> A -> A
  id₂′ x = x

This definition:

  id₃ : {A : Set} -> _ -> A
  id₃ x = x

elaborates to the same result in a similar fashion, except now Agda first records that the type of x is a meta and when x is returned as a result, Agda unifies that meta with the expected type, i.e. A, and so the meta gets resolved as A.

An id function that receives an explicit type:

  id₄ : (A : Set) -> _ -> A
  id₄ A x = x

can be called as

  _ = id₄ _ true

and the _ will be inferred as Bool.

It's also possible to explicitly specify an implicit type by _, which is essentially a no-op:

  id₅ : {A : Set} -> A -> A
  id₅ x = x

  _ = id₅ {_} true

Inference and pattern matching

module InferenceAndPatternMatching where

Unrestricted pattern matching breaks type inference. Take for instance

  _ = λ where
          zero    -> true
          (suc _) -> false

which is a direct counterpart of Haskell's

  isZero = \case
      0 -> True
      _ -> False

The latter is accepted by Haskell, but the former is not accepted by Agda: Agda colors the entire snippet in yellow meaning it's unable to resolve the generated metavariables. "What's the problem? The inferred type should be just ℕ -> Bool" -- you might think. Such a type works indeed:

  _ :-> Bool
  _ = λ where
          zero    -> true
          (suc _) -> false

But here's another thing that works:

  _ : (n : ℕ) -> n & λ where
                         zero -> Bool
                         _    -> Bool
  _ = λ where
          zero    -> true
          (suc _) -> false

Recall that we're in a dependently typed language and here the type of the result of a function can depend on the argument of that function. And both the

  ℕ -> Bool

  (n : ℕ) -> n & λ where
                     zero -> Bool
                     _    -> Bool

types are correct for that function. Even though they are "morally" the same, they are not definitionally equal and there's a huge difference between them: the former one doesn't have a dependency and the latter one has.

There is a way to tell Agda that pattern matching is non-dependent: use case_of_, e.g.

  _ = λ (n : ℕ) -> case n of λ where
          zero    -> true
          (suc _) -> false

type checks. case_of_ is just a definition in the standard library that at the term level is essentially

  case x of f = f x

and at the type level it restricts the type of f to be a non-dependent function.

Analogously, this is yellow:

  _ = λ (n : ℕ) -> n & λ where
          zero    -> true
          (suc _) -> false

due to _&_ being dependent:

  _&_ : {A : Set} {B : A -> Set} -> ∀ x -> (∀ x -> B x) -> B x
  x & f = f x

While this is fine:

  _ = λ (n : ℕ) -> n &′ λ where
          zero    -> true
          (suc _) -> false

due to _&′_ being non-dependent:

  _&′_ : {A B : Set} -> A -> (A -> B) -> B
  x &′ f = f x

Agda's stdlib provides several intentionally non-dependent functions (e.g. _∘′_, _$′_ and case_of_ that we've already seen) to enable the user to get improved inference in the non-dependent case.

Note that annotating n with its type, , is mandatory in all the cases above. Agda is not able to conclude that if a value is matched against a pattern, then the value must have the same type as the pattern.

Even this doesn't type check:

  _ = λ n -> case n of λ where
          zero    -> zero
          (suc n) -> n

even though Agda really could figure out that if zero is returned from one of the branches, then the type of the result is , and since n is returned from the other branch and pattern matching is non-dependent, n must have the same type. See #2834 for why Agda doesn't attempt to be clever here.

There's a funny syntactical way to tell Agda that a function is non-dependent: just do not bind a variable at the type level. This type checks:

  _ :-> _
  _ = λ where
          zero    -> true
          (suc _) -> false

while this doesn't:

  _ : (n : ℕ) -> _
  _ = λ where
          zero    -> true
          (suc _) -> false

In the latter case Agda treats _ as being potentially dependent on n, since n is explicitly bound. And in the former case there can't be any dependency on a non-existing variable.

Inference and constructors

module InferenceAndConstructors where

Since tuples are dependent, this

  _ = (1 , 2)

results in unresolved metas as all of these

  ℕ × ℕ

  Σ ℕ λ where
          zero -> ℕ
          _    -> ℕ

  Σ ℕ λ where
          1 -> ℕ
          _ -> Bool

are valid types for this expression, which is similar to what we've considered in the previous section, except here not all of the types are "morally the same": the last one is very different to the first two.

As in the case of functions you can use a non-dependent alternative

  _ = (1 ,′ 2)

(_,′_ is a non-dependent version of _,_)

to tell Agda not to worry about potential dependencies.

Implicit arguments

module ImplicitArgumens where

As we've seen implicit arguments and metavariables are closely related. Agda's internal theory has metas in it, so inference of implicit arguments amounts to turning an implicit into a metavariable and resolving it later. The complicated part however is that it's not completely obvious where implicits get inserted.

For example, it may come as a surprise, but

  _ : ∀ {A : Set} -> A -> A
  _ = λ {A : Set} x -> x

gives a type error. This is because Agda greedily binds implicits, so the A at the term level gets automatically bound on the lhs (left-hand side, i.e. before =), which gives you essentially this:

  _ : ∀ {A : Set} -> A -> A
  _ {_} = <your_code_goes_here>

where {_} stands for {A}. So you can't bind A by a lambda, because it's already silently bound for you. Although it's impossible to reference that type variable unless you explicitly name it as in

  id : {A : Set} -> A -> A
  id {A} = λ (x : A) -> x

Not only does Agda eagerly binds implicits, but it also inserts them eagerly at the call site. E.g.

  id-id : {A : Set} -> A -> A
  id-id = id id

elaborates to

  id-id₁ : {A : Set} -> A -> A
  id-id₁ {A} = id {A -> A} (id {A})

I.e. the inner id gets implicitly instantiated and only then fed to the outer id. Hence the outer id is instantiated at A -> A, which is the type of the inner instantiated id.

An alternative could be

  id-id₂ : {A : Set} -> A -> A
  id-id₂ {A} = id { {A : Set} -> A -> A } id {A}

Here the inner id doesn't get instantiated and gets fed to the outer id as is. Hence the outer id is instantiated at {A : Set} -> A -> A, which is the type of the inner uninstantiated id.

(Except that definition does not type check, because {A : Set} -> A -> A is of type Set₁ rather than Set and we don't bother fixing this with proper universe polymorphism as those details are irrelevant for explaining how implicits get inserted)

Eager insertion of implicits is the reason why Agda infers the type of [] as List _A_42: [] gets elaborated to [] {_}, because the explicit argument A of List is implicit for the constructors of List (i.e. [] and _∷_) and that implicit gets eagerly inserted.

One exception to the general rule that implicits get bound and inserted eagerly is aliases: a definition of the form <name1> = <name2> doesn't need a type signature (as we saw before with the _∘ = _∘_ example) and gets accepted as is regardless of whether <name2> has any leading implicit arguments or not. Basically, <name1> inherits its type signature from <name2> without any further elaboration.

There is a notorious bug related to insertion of implicit lambdas that has been in Agda for ages (even since its creation probably?) called The Hidden Lambda Bug. I'm not going to describe the bug here as details change across different version of Agda, but here are some links:

So while Agda's elaborations works well, it has its edge cases. In practice, it's not a big deal to insert an implicit lambda to circumvent the bug, but it's not always clear that Agda throws a type error because of this bug and not due to something else (e.g. I was completely lost in this case). So beware.

An underspecified argument example

module UnderspecifiedArgument where

Another difference between Haskell and Agda is that Agda is not happy about ambiguous types that don't really affect anything. Consider a classic example: the I combinator can be defined in terms of the S and K combinators. In Haskell we can express that as

  k :: a -> b -> a
  k x y = x

  s :: (a -> b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
  s f g x = f x (g x)

  i :: a -> a
  i = s k k

and it'll type check. However the Agda's equivalent

  K : {A B : Set} -> A -> B -> A
  K x y = x

  S : {A B C : Set} -> (A -> B -> C) -> (A -> B) -> A -> C
  S f g x = f x (g x)

  I :  {A} -> A -> A
  I = S K K

results in the last K being highlighted in yellow (which means that not all metavariables were resolved). To see why, let's inline S and see if the problem persists:

  _ :  {A} -> A -> A
  _ = λ x -> K x (K x)

It does. So the problem is that in the expression above the final K x argument is underspecified: a K must receive a particular B, but we neither explicitly specify a B, nor it can be inferred from the context as the entire K x argument is thrown away by the outer K.

To fix this we can explicitly specify a B (any of type Set will work, let's pick ):

  _ :  {A} -> A -> A
  _ = S K (K {B = ℕ})

In general, Agda expects all implicits (and metavariables in general) to be resolved and won't gloss over such details the way Haskell does. Agda is a proof assistant and under the Curry-Howard correspondence each argument to a function represents a certain logical assumption and every such assumption must be fulfilled at the call site either explicitly or in an automated manner.

Not dependent enough

module NotDependentEnough where

Speaking of K, what do you think its most general type is, in Agda? Recall that we were using this definition in the previous section:

  K₀ : {A : Set} {B : Set} -> A -> B -> A
  K₀ x y = x

Looking at that type signature, we can think of making the type of the second argument dependent on the first argument:

  K₁ : {A : Set} {B : A -> Set} ->  x -> B x -> A

This version looks more general, but it's in fact not, as K₁ can be expressed in terms of K₀:

  K₁ x = K₀ x

Basically, if you have an x to pass to K₀, then you can use that same x to apply a B : A -> Set to it to get B x of type Set and since the non-dependent K does not restrict the type of its second argument in any way, B x is good enough, and the fact that it mentions the particular x being passed as a first term-level argument, is just irrelevant. If we fully spell it out:

  K₁′ : {A : Set} {B : A -> Set} ->  x -> B x -> A
  K₁′ {A} {B} x y = K₀ {A} {B x} x y

Note that we had to eta-expand the definition of K₁. If we don't do that, we'll get an error:

  -- Cannot instantiate the metavariable _360 to solution B x
  -- since it contains the variable x
  -- which is not in scope of the metavariable
  K₁ : {A : Set} {B : A -> Set} -> ∀ x -> B x -> A
  K₁ = K₀

This is because this definition of K₁ elaborates to K₁ {_} {_} = K₀ {_} {_} due to eager insertion of implicits and the last _ can't be resolved, because as we can see in K₁′ it has to be B x, but x is not bound on the lhs and so Agda complains about it.

K₀ in turn can be expressed in terms of K₁:

  K₀-via-K₁ : {A B : Set} -> A -> B -> A
  K₀-via-K₁ = K₁

Basically, K₁ expects a A -> Set and we can create one from B : Set via λ _ -> B.

So K₀ and K₁ are equally powerful. And note how in both the K₀-via-K₁ and K₁-via-K₀ cases Agda successfully infers implicits.

So is K₀/K₁ the best we can do? Nope, here's a twist: we can make the type of the result depend on the second argument (the one that gets dropped), which in turn requires to reflect the dependency in the type of the first argument (the one that gets returned), so we end up with

  -- ᵈ for "dependent".
  Kᵈ : {A : Set} {B : A -> Set} -> ( {x} -> B x) ->  x -> B x
  Kᵈ y x = y

Compare this to regular function application:

  apply : {A : Set} {B : A -> Set} -> ( x -> B x) ->  x -> B x
  apply f x = f x

I.e. Kᵈ is implicit function application.

"You're making it up! Kᵈ elaborates to λ y x -> y {x}, how is that a K combinator?"

Here is how: first of all, K₀ can be directly defined via Kᵈ:

  K₀-via-Kᵈ : {A B : Set} -> A -> B -> A
  K₀-via-Kᵈ x = Kᵈ x

But most importantly Kᵈ expresses the "drop the second argument, return the first one" idea better than than the non-dependent K as the former can be used where the latter fails. For example, in the Outrageous but Meaningful Coincidences paper the author stumbles upon a few expressions involving K that look like they should type check, but they don't, despite the fact that a bunch of very similar expressions also involving K type check perfectly well. So the author inlines the definition of K and writes in a footnote:

It’s frankly astonishing how effective Agda’s implicit syntax mechanism turns out to be. The trouble is that the system’s limits are far from clear. It is hard to tell what shouldn’t work, and what is rather a lacuna.

However in this case the problem is not with Agda not being able to infer something, but rather the type of K being too restrictive. If we use the dependent version of K instead, then everything type checks.

Note that we had to eta-expand K₀-via-Kᵈ, but this time for a different reason. If we make it

  K₀-via-Kᵈ′ : {A B : Set} -> A -> B -> A
  K₀-via-Kᵈ′ {A} {B} = {!Kᵈ {B} {λ _ -> A}!}

and ask for the type of the expression in the hole, we'll see

  Goal: A -> B -> A
  Have: ({B} -> A) -> B -> A

and A and {B} -> A are two distinct types that fail to unify. While an expression of type A can be used wherever a {B} -> A is expected as Agda will realize that an implicit variable of type B can be simply ignored, and so this is why eta-expaning the definition solves the problem.

Is Kᵈ the best we can do? Well, Agda has explicit universe polymorphism, so we can and should make the definition universe-polymorphic:

  Kᵈ′ :  {α β} {A : Set α} {B : A -> Set β} -> ( {x} -> B x) ->  x -> B x
  Kᵈ′ y x = y

Which gives us a reasonably general definition that works in most practical cases, but here's an example of where it fails:

  -- Set (lsuc (lsuc α)) != Set _β_382
  -- when checking that the expression Set α has type Set (lsuc α)
  _ = Kᵈ′ (λ {α} -> Set α)

This is because the type of Set α is Set (lsuc α) where α is an (implicit) argument, i.e. the universe where B lies depends on the received value and Kᵈ′ does not support this due to β not depending on an A in the type of B: A -> Set β.

We can support this use case by turning β into a function from A:

  Kᵈ′′ :  {α} {A : Set α} {β : A -> Level} {B :  x -> Set (β x)} -> ( {x} -> B x) ->  x -> B x
  Kᵈ′′ y x = y

Now the example type checks:

  _ = Kᵈ′′ (λ {α} -> Set α)

But that is rarely needed in practice and not making β a function is good enough most of the time.

In general, an attempt to apply a higher-order function expecting a non-dependent function as its argument to a dependent function results in an error talking about a variable not being in scope of a metavariable. As a quick example, having a random dependently typed function:

  BoolOrℕ : Bool -> Set
  BoolOrℕ true  = Bool
  BoolOrℕ false =falseOrZero : (b : Bool) -> BoolOrℕ b
  falseOrZero true  = false
  falseOrZero false = 0

we can trigger the error by trying to feed falseOrZero to _$′_ (which expects a non-dependent function):

  -- Cannot instantiate the metavariable _401 to solution BoolOrℕ b
  -- since it contains the variable b
  -- which is not in scope of the metavariable
  _ = falseOrZero $′ true

The exact error message depends on the version of Agda used, though.

But note that

  1. this error can be triggered in different cases as well, as we saw with K₁ = K₀
  2. applying a higher-order function to an unexpectedly dependent function can give a different error, as we saw with Kᵈ′′ (λ {α} -> Set α)

Anyway, in my experience being able to make sense of that particular error is really helpful.

Inferring implicits

module InferringImplicits where

As we've seen previously the following code type checks fine:

  id : {A : Set} -> A -> A
  id x = x

  _ = id true

Here A is bound implicitly in id, but Agda is able to infer that in this case A should be instantiated to Bool and so Agda elaborates the expression to id {Bool} true.

This is something that Haskell would infer as well. The programmer would hate to explicitly write out the type of every single argument, so programming languages often allow the user not to specify types when they can be inferred from the context. Agda is quite unique here however, because it can infer a lot more than other languages (even similar dependently typed ones) due to bespoke machineries handling various common patterns. But let's start with the basics.

Arguments of data types

module ArgumentsOfDataTypes where
  open BasicsOfTypeInference

Agda can infer parameters/indices of a data type from a value of that data type. For example if you have a function

  listId :  {A} -> List A -> List A
  listId xs = xs

then the implicit A can be inferred from a list:

  _ = listId (12 ∷ [])

Unless, of course, A can't be determined from the list alone. E.g. if we pass an empty list to f, Agda will mark listId with yellow and display an unresolved metavariable _A:

  _ = listId []

Another example of this situation is when the list is not empty, but the type of its elements can't be inferred, e.g.

  _ = listId ((λ x -> x) ∷ [])

Here the type of x can be essentially anything (, List Bool, ⊤ × Bool -> ℕ, etc), so Agda asks to provide missing details. Which we can do either by supplying a value for the implicit argument explicitly

  _ = listId {ℕ -> ℕ} ((λ x -> x) ∷ [])

or by annotating x with a type

  _ = listId ((λ (x : ℕ) -> x) ∷ [])

or just by providing a type signature

  _ : List (ℕ -> ℕ)
  _ = listId ((λ x -> x) ∷ [])

All these definitions are equivalent.

So "A is inferrable from a List A" doesn't mean that you can pass any list in and magically synthesize the type of its elements -- only that if that type is already known at the call site, then you don't need to explicitly specify it to apply listId to the list as it'll be inferred for you. "Already known at the call site" doesn't mean that the type of elements needs to be inferrable -- sometimes it can be derived from the context, for example:

  _ = suc ∷ listId ((λ x -> x) ∷ [])

The implicit A gets inferred here: since all elements of a list have the same type, the type of λ x -> x must be the same as the type of suc, which is known to be ℕ -> ℕ, hence the type of λ x -> x is also ℕ -> ℕ.

Comparison to Haskell

In Haskell it's also the case that a is inferrable form a [a]: when the programmer writes

`  sort :: Ord a => [a] -> [a]

Haskell is always able to infer a from the given list (provided a is known at the call site: sort [] is as meaningless in Haskell as it is in Agda) and thus figure out what the appropriate Ord a instance is. However, another difference between Haskell and Agda is that whenever Haskell sees that some implicit variables (i.e. those bound by forall <list_of_vars> .) can't be inferred in the general case, Haskell, unlike Agda, will complain. E.g. consider the following piece of code:

  {-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses, FlexibleInstances, TypeFamilies #-}

  class C a b where
    f :: a -> Int

  instance b ~ () => C Bool b where
    f _ = 0

  main = print $ f True

Even though at the call site (f True) b is determined via the b ~ () constraint of the C Bool b instance and so there is no ambiguity, Haskell still complains about the definition of the C class itself:

  • Could not deduce (C a b0)
    from the context: C a b
      bound by the type signature for:
                 f :: forall a b. C a b => a -> Int
      at prog.hs:6:3-15
    The type variable ‘b0’ is ambiguous

The type of the f function mentions the b variable in the C a b constraint, but that variable is not mentioned anywhere else and hence can't be inferred in the general case, so Haskell complains, because by default it wants all type variables to be inferrable upfront regardless of whether at the call site it would be possible to infer a variable in some cases or not. We can override the default behavior by enabling the AllowAmbiguousTypes extension, which makes the code type check without any additional changes.

Agda's unification capabilities are well above Haskell's ones, so Agda doesn't attempt to predict what can and can't be inferred and allows us to make anything implicit, deferring resolution problems to the call site (i.e. it's like having AllowAmbiguousTypes globally enabled in Haskell). In fact, you can make implicit even such things that are pretty much guaranteed to never have any chance of being inferred, for example

  const-zeroᵢ : {ℕ} ->-- `{ℕ}` is a shorthand for `{_ : ℕ}`
  const-zeroᵢ = zero

as even

  const-zeroᵢ′ : {ℕ} -> ℕ
  const-zeroᵢ′ = const-zeroᵢ

results in unresolved metas, because it elaborates to

  const-zeroᵢ′-elaborated : {ℕ} -> ℕ
  const-zeroᵢ′-elaborated {_} = const-zeroᵢ {_}

(due to eager insertion of implicits) and the fact that there's a variable of type bound in the current scope (regardless of whether it's bound explicitly or implicitly) does not have any effect on how implicits get resolved in the body of the definition. Metavariable resolution does not come up with instantiations for metavariables at random by looking at the local or global scope, it only determines what instantiations are bound to be by solving unification problems that arise during type checking.

But note that even though a value of type {ℕ} -> ℕ is not very useful on its own, having such a value as an argument like this:

  at1 : ({ℕ} -> ℕ) -> ℕ
  at1 f = f {1}

can be useful occasionally, because it gives you an API where the caller can decide if they want to bind the additional implicit variable or not. Here's an example for each of the cases:

  _ = at1 2
  _ = at1 λ {n} -> n

Thus, covariantly positioned implicits that are not determined by explicit arguments can be handy for providing defaults or additional data that the caller is usually not interested in, but occasionally is, and so the data is hidden in an implicit.

By the way, if you do need to resolve things based on the current scope, then Agda has instance arguments for that (they are similar to Haskell's type classes, but do not obey global uniqueness of instances, because it's hard), for example

  const-zeroᵢᵢ : {{ℕ}} -> ℕ
  const-zeroᵢᵢ = zero

  const-zeroᵢᵢ′ : {{ℕ}} ->-- Explicitly inserting `{{_}}` just to show that there's no interference with how instance
  -- arguments get inserted.
  const-zeroᵢᵢ′ {{_}} = const-zeroᵢᵢ

does not result in unresolved metas.

Under the hood

module UnderTheHood where
  open BasicsOfTypeInference

Example 1: listId (1 ∷ 2 ∷ [])

Returning to our listId example, when the user writes

  listId :  {A} -> List A -> List A
  listId xs = xs

  _ = listId (12 ∷ [])

here is what happens under the hood:

  1. the implicit A gets instantiated as a metavariable _A
  2. the type of the instantiated listId becomes List _A -> List _A
  3. List _A (what the instantiated listId expects as an argument) gets unified with List ℕ (the type of the actual argument). We'll write this as List _A =?= List ℕ
  4. From unification's point of view type constructors are injective, hence List _A =?= List ℕ simplifies to _A =?= ℕ, which immediately gets solved as _A := ℕ

And this is how Agda figures out that A gets instantiated by .

Example 2: suc ∷ listId ((λ x -> x) ∷ [])

Similarly, when the user writes

  _ = suc ∷ listId ((λ x -> x) ∷ [])
  1. the implicit A gets instantiated as a metavariable _A

  2. the type of the instantiated listId becomes List _A -> List _A

  3. List _A (what the instantiated listId expects as an argument) gets unified with List (_B -> _B) (the type of the actual argument). _B is another metavariable. Recall that we don't know the type of x and hence we simply make it a meta

  4. List _A (this time the type of the result that listId returns) also gets unified with the expected type, which is List (ℕ -> ℕ), because suc prepended to the result of the listId application is of this type

  5. we get the following unification problem consisting of two equations:

      List _A =?= List (_B -> _B)
      List _A =?= List (ℕ -> ℕ)
  6. as before we can simplify the equations by stripping Lists from both the sides of each of them:

      _A =?= _B -> _B
      _A =?= ℕ -> ℕ
  7. the second equation gives us A := ℕ -> ℕ and it only remains to solve

      ℕ -> ℕ =?= _B -> _B
  8. which is easy: _B := ℕ. The full solution of the unification problem is

      _B := ℕ
      _A := ℕ -> ℕ

Example 3: λ xs -> suc ∷ listId xs

When the user writes

  _ = λ xs -> suc ∷ listId xs
  1. the yet-unknown type of xs elaborates to a metavariable, say, _LA

  2. the implicit A of listId elaborates to a metavariable _A

  3. List _A (what the instantiated listId expects as an argument) gets unified with _LA (the type of the actual argument)

  4. List _A (this time the type of the result that listId returns) also gets unified with the expected type, which is ℕ -> ℕ, because suc prepended to the result of the listId application is of this type

  5. we get a unification problem consisting of two equations:

      List _A =?= _LA
      List _A =?= List (ℕ -> ℕ)
  6. _A gets solved as _A := ℕ -> ℕ

  7. and _LA gets solved as _LA := List (ℕ -> ℕ)

  8. so the final solution is

      _A := ℕ -> ℕ
      _LA := List (ℕ -> ℕ)

But note that we could first resolve _LA as List _A, then resolve _A and then instantiate it in List _A (what _LA was resolved to), which would give us the same final solution.

In general, there are many possible routes that one can take when solving a unification problem, but some of them are less straightforward (and thus less efficient) than others. Such details are beyond the scope of this document, here we are only interested in unification problems that get generated during type checking and solutions to them. Arriving at those solutions is a pretty technical (and incredibly convoluted) thing.

Nicer notation

In the previous section we were stripping List from both the sides of an equation. We were able to do this, because from the unification's point of view type constructors are injective (this has nothing to do with the --injective-type-constructors pragma that makes Agda anti-classical). I.e. List A uniquely determines A.

We'll denote "X uniquely determines Y" (the notation comes from the bidirectional typechecking discipline) as X ⇉ Y. So List A ⇉ A.

An explicitly provided argument (i.e. x in either f x or f {x}) uniquely determines the type of that argument. We'll denote that as (x : A) ⇉ A.

We'll denote "X does not uniquely determine Y" as X !⇉ Y.

We'll also abbreviate

  X ⇉ Y₁
  X ⇉ Y₂
  X ⇉ yₙ


  X ⇉ Y₁ , Y₂ ... Yₙ

(and similarly for !⇉).

We'll denote "X can be determined in the current context" by

  ⇉ X

Finally, we'll have derivation trees like

  X        Y
    Z₁ , Z₂        A

which reads as "if X and Y are determined in the current context, then it's possible to determine Z₁ and Z₂, having which together with A determined in the current context, is enough to determine B".

Type functions

module TypeFunctions where
  open BasicsOfTypeInference

Analogously to listId we can define fId that works for any F : Set -> Set, including List:

  fId :  {F : Set -> Set} {A} -> F A -> F A
  fId a = a

Unfortunately applying fId to a list without explicitly instantiating F as List

  _ = fId (12 ∷ [])

results in both F and A not being resolved. This might be surprising, but there is a good reason for this behavior: there are multiple ways F and A can be instantiated. Here's the solution that the user would probably have had in their mind:

  _F := List
  _A := ℕ

which is what a first-order unification engine would come up with. But Agda's unification engine is higher-order and so this solution is also valid:

  _F := λ _ -> List ℕ
  _A := Bool

i.e. F ignores A and just returns List ℕ:

  _ = fId {λ _ -> List ℕ} {Bool} (12 ∷ [])

Given that there are two valid solutions, Agda does not pick one at random and instead reports that there's ambiguity.

Even if you specify A = ℕ, F still can be either List or λ _ -> List ℕ, so you have to specify F (and then the problem reduces to the one that we considered earlier, hence there is no need to also specify A):

  _ = fId {List} (12 ∷ [])

Therefore, F A (where F is a bound variable) uniquely determines neither F nor A, i.e. F A !⇉ F , A.

Andreas Abel's commented:

Future research could improve on unification via an analysis in which situation the chosen solution does not matter (however, I never got around to do this research).

The example you give is such an instance: it does not matter how we solve _F _A =?= List ℕ, because the solutions of _F and _A can never flow out of the expression fId _F _A (1 ∷ 2 ∷ []) : _F _A.

Comparison to Haskell

A type application of a variable is injective in Haskell. I.e. unification of f a and g b (where f and g are type variables) forces unification of a and b, as well as unification of f and g. I.e. not only does f a ⇉ a hold for arbitrary type variable f, but also f a ⇉ f. This makes it possible to define functions like

  fmap :: Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b

and use them without compulsively specifying f at the call site each time.

Haskell is able to infer f, because no analogue of Agda's λ _ -> List ℕ is possible in Haskell as its surface language doesn't have type lambdas. You can't pass a type family as f either. Therefore there exists only one solution for "unify f a with List Int" in Haskell and it's the expected one:

  f := List
  a := Int

For a type family F we have F a !⇉ a (just like in Agda), unless F is an injective type family.

Data constructors

module DataConstructors where

Data constructors are injective from the unification point of view and from the theoretical point of view as well (unlike type constructors). E.g. consider the type of vectors (a vector is a list whose length is statically known):

  infixr 5 _∷ᵥ_
  data Vec (A : Set) :-> Set where
    []ᵥ  : Vec A 0
    _∷ᵥ_ :  {n} -> A -> Vec A n -> Vec A (suc n)

The head function is defined like that over Vec:

  headᵥ :  {A n} -> Vec A (suc n) -> A
  headᵥ (x ∷ᵥ _) = x

I.e. we require an input vector to have at least one element and return that first element.

n can be left implicit, because suc n ⇉ n. In general, for a constructor C the following holds:

  C x₁ x₂ ... xₙ ⇉ x₁ , x₂ ... xₙ

A simple test:

  _ = headᵥ (0 ∷ᵥ []ᵥ)

Here we pass a one-element vector to headᵥ and Agda succesfully infers the implicit n of headᵥ to be 0 (i.e. no elements in the vector apart from the first one).

During unification the implicit n gets instantiated to a metavariable, say, _n, and suc _n (the expected length of the vector) gets unified with suc zero (i.e. 1, the actual length of the vector), which amounts to unifying _n with zero, which immediately results in n := zero.

Instead of having a constant vector, we can have a vector of an unspecified length and infer that length by providing n to headᵥ explicitly, as in

  _ = λ {n} xs -> headᵥ {ℕ} {n} xs

The type of that definition is ∀ {n} -> Vec ℕ (suc n) -> ℕ.

We started by binding two variables without specifying their types, but those got inferred from how arguments are used by headᵥ.

Note that _⇉_ is transitive, i.e. if X ⇉ Y and Y ⇉ Z, then X ⇉ Z. For example, since Vec A n ⇉ n (due to Vec being a type constructor) and suc n ⇉ n (due to suc being a data constructor), we have Vec A (suc n) ⇉ n (by transitivity of _⇉_).


If X reduces to Y (we'll denote that as X ~> Y) and Y ⇉ Z, then X ⇉ Z.

E.g. if we define an alternative version of headᵥ that uses 1 +_ instead of suc:

  headᵥ⁺ :  {A n} -> Vec A (1 + n) -> A
  headᵥ⁺ (x ∷ᵥ _) = x

the n will still be inferrable:

  _ = headᵥ⁺ (0 ∷ᵥ []ᵥ)

This is because 1 + n reduces to suc n, so the two definitions are equivalent.

Note however that a "morally" equivalent definition:

  headᵥ⁺-wrong : ∀ {A n} -> Vec A (n + 1) -> A
  headᵥ⁺-wrong (x ∷ᵥ _) = x

does not type check giving:

  I'm not sure if there should be a case for the constructor _∷ᵥ_,
  because I get stuck when trying to solve the following unification
  problems (inferred index ≟ expected index):
    suc n ≟ n₁ + 1
  when checking that the pattern x ∷ᵥ _ has type Vec A (n + 1)

That's because _+_ is defined by pattern matching on its left operand, so 1 + n computes while n + 1 is stuck and does not compute as n is a variable rather than an expression starting with a constructor of . headᵥ⁺-wrong is a contrived example, but this problem can arise in real cases, for example consider a naive attempt to define the reverse function over Vec using an accumulator, the helper type checks perfectly:

  reverse-go :  {A n m} -> Vec A m -> Vec A n -> Vec A (n + m)
  reverse-go acc  []ᵥ      = acc
  reverse-go acc (x ∷ᵥ xs) = x ∷ᵥ reverse-go acc xs

but the final definition gives an error:

  -- _n_390 + 0 != n of type ℕ
  reverse-wrong : ∀ {A n} -> Vec A n -> Vec A n
  reverse-wrong xs = reverse-go []ᵥ xs

That's because reverse-go is appled to []ᵥ of type Vec A 0 and xs of type Vec A n, so it returns a Vec A (n + 0), which is not definitionally the same thing as Vec A n. We could prove that n + 0 equals n for any n and use that proof to rewrite Vec A (n + 0) into Vec A n, but that would make it harder to prove properties about reverse defined this way.

The usual way of approaching this problem is by generalizing the helper. In the case of reverse we can generalize the helper to the regular foldl function and define reverse in terms of that -- that's what they do in the standard library. See this Stack Overflow question and answer for a more complex and elaborated example. Anyway, end of digression.

Agda looks under lambdas when reducing an expression, so for example λ n -> 1 + n and λ n -> suc n are two definitionally equal terms:

  _ : (λ n -> 1 + n) ≡ (λ n -> suc n)
  _ = refl

But Agda does not look under pattern matching lambdas, so for example these two functions

  λ{ zero -> zero; (suc n) -> 1 + n }
  λ{ zero -> zero; (suc n) -> suc n }

are not considered definitionally equal. In fact, even

  _ : _≡_ {A = ℕ -> ℕ}
      (λ{ zero -> zero; (suc n) -> suc n })
      (λ{ zero -> zero; (suc n) -> suc n })
  _ = refl

is an error despite the two functions being syntactically equal. Here's the funny error:

  (λ { zero → zero ; (suc n) → suc n }) x !=
  (λ { zero → zero ; (suc n) → suc n }) x of type ℕ
  when checking that the expression refl has type
  (λ { zero → zero ; (suc n) → suc n }) ≡
  (λ { zero → zero ; (suc n) → suc n })

Pattern matching

Generally speaking, pattern matching breaks inference. We'll consider various cases, but to start with the simplest ones we need to introduce a slightly weird definition of the plus operator:

module WeirdPlus where
  open DataConstructors

  _+′_ :->-> ℕ
  zero  +′ m = m
  suc n +′ m = n + suc m

because the usual one

  _+_ : ℕ -> ℕ -> ℕ
  zero  + m = m
  suc n + m = suc (n + m)

is subject to certain unification heuristics, which the weird one doesn't trigger.

We'll be using the following function for demonstration purposes:

  idᵥ⁺ :  {A n m} -> Vec A (n +′ m) -> Vec A (n +′ m)
  idᵥ⁺ xs = xs

A constant argument

idᵥ⁺ applied to a constant vector

  _ = idᵥ⁺ (1 ∷ᵥ 2 ∷ᵥ []ᵥ)

gives us yellow, because Agda turns the implicit n and m into metavariables _n and _m and tries to unify the expected length of a vector (_n +′ _m) with the actual one (2) and there are multiple solutions to this problem, e.g.

  _ = idᵥ⁺ {n = 1} {m = 1} (1 ∷ᵥ 2 ∷ᵥ []ᵥ)
  _ = idᵥ⁺ {n = 2} {m = 0} (1 ∷ᵥ 2 ∷ᵥ []ᵥ)

Howewer as per the previous the section, we do not really need to specify m, since _+′_ is defined by recursion on n and hence for it to reduce it suffices to specify only n:

  _ = idᵥ⁺ {n = 1} (1 ∷ᵥ 2 ∷ᵥ []ᵥ)

since with n specified this way the _n metavariable gets resolved as _n := 1 and the expected length of an argument, _n +′ _m, becomes suc m, which Agda knows how to unify with 2 (the length of the actual argument).

Specifying m instead of n won't work though:

  _ = idᵥ⁺ {m = 1} (1 ∷ᵥ 2 ∷ᵥ []ᵥ)

Agda can't resolve _n. This is because _+′_ is defined by pattern matching on its first variable, so 1 +′ m reduces to suc m, but n +′ 1 is stuck and doesn't reduce to anything when n is a variable/metavariable/any stuck term. So even though there's a single solution to the

  n +′ 1 =?= 2

unification problem, Agda is not able to come up with it, because this would require unbounded search in the general case and Agda's unification machinery carefully avoids any such strategies.

A non-constant argument

idᵥ⁺ applied to a non-constant vector has essentially the same inference properties.

Without specializing the implicit arguments we get yellow:

  _ = λ n m (xs : Vec ℕ (n +′ m)) -> idᵥ⁺ xs

Specializing m doesn't help, still yellow:

  _ = λ n m (xs : Vec ℕ (n +′ m)) -> idᵥ⁺ {m = m} xs

And specializing n (with or without m) allows Agda to resolve all the metas:

  _ = λ n m (xs : Vec ℕ (n +′ m)) -> idᵥ⁺ {n = n} xs
  _ = λ n m (xs : Vec ℕ (n +′ m)) -> idᵥ⁺ {n = n} {m = m} xs


So we have the following rule of thumb: whenever the type of function h mentions function f at the type level, every argument that gets pattern matched on in f (including any internal function calls) should be made explicit in h and every other argument can be left implicit (there are a few exceptions to this rule, which we'll consider below, but it applies in most cases).

Example 1: _+′_

idᵥ⁺ mentions _+′_ in its type:

  idᵥ⁺ : ∀ {A n m} -> Vec A (n +′ m) -> Vec A (n +′ m)

and _+′_ pattern matches on n, hence Agda won't be able to infer n, i.e. the user will have to provide it and so it should be made explicit:

  idᵥ⁺ : ∀ {A m} n -> Vec A (n +′ m) -> Vec A (n +′ m)

Since _+′_ doesn't match on its second argument, m, we leave it implicit.

Example 2: _∸_

A function mentioning _∸_

  _-_ : ℕ -> ℕ -> ℕ
  n     - zero  = n
  zero  - suc m = zero
  suc n - suc m = n - m

at type level has to receive both the arguments that get fed to _∸_ explicitly as _∸_ matches on both of them:

  idᵥ⁻ :  {A} n m -> Vec A (n ∸ m) -> Vec A (n ∸ m)
  idᵥ⁻ n m xs = xs

and none of

  _ = idᵥ⁻ 2 _ (1 ∷ᵥ []ᵥ)  -- `m` can't be inferred
  _ = idᵥ⁻ _ 1 (1 ∷ᵥ []ᵥ)  -- `n` can't be inferred

is accepted unlike

  _ = idᵥ⁻ 2 1 (1 ∷ᵥ []ᵥ)

Example 3: _*_

A function mentioning _*_

  _*_ : ℕ -> ℕ -> ℕ
  zero  * m = zero
  suc n * m = m + n * m

at the type level has to receive both the arguments that get fed to _*_ explicitly, even though _*_ doesn't directly match on m. This is because in the second clause _*_ expands to _+_, which does match on m. So it's

  idᵥ* :  {A} n m -> Vec A (n * m) -> Vec A (n * m)
  idᵥ* n m xs = xs

and none of

  _ = idᵥ* 2 _ (1 ∷ᵥ 2 ∷ᵥ []ᵥ)  -- `m` can't be inferred
  _ = idᵥ* _ 1 (1 ∷ᵥ 2 ∷ᵥ []ᵥ)  -- `n` can't be inferred

type check, unlike

  _ = idᵥ* 2 1 (1 ∷ᵥ 2 ∷ᵥ []ᵥ)

Example 4: _+′_, two arguments

With this definition:

  ignore2 :  n m -> Vec ℕ (n +′ m) -> Vec ℕ (m +′ n) -> ℕ
  ignore2 _ _ _ _ = 0

it suffices to explicitly provide either n or m:

  _ = ignore2 2 _ (1 ∷ᵥ 2 ∷ᵥ 3 ∷ᵥ []ᵥ) (4 ∷ᵥ 5 ∷ᵥ 6 ∷ᵥ []ᵥ)
  _ = ignore2 _ 1 (1 ∷ᵥ 2 ∷ᵥ 3 ∷ᵥ []ᵥ) (4 ∷ᵥ 5 ∷ᵥ 6 ∷ᵥ []ᵥ)

This is because with explicitly provided n Agda can determine m from n +′ m and with explicitly provided m Agda can determine n from m +′ n.

Example 5: nested _+′_, two arguments

In the following definition we have multiple mentions of _+′_ at the type level:

  ignore2p :  {m p} n -> Vec ℕ (n +′ (m +′ p)) -> Vec ℕ (n +′ m) -> ℕ
  ignore2p _ _ _ = 0

and three variables used as arguments to _+′_, yet only the n variable needs to be bound explicitly. This is due to the fact that it's enough to know n to determine what m is (from Vec ℕ (n +′ m)) and then knowing both n and m is enough to determine what p is (from Vec ℕ (n +′ (m +′ p))). Which can be written as

  n    m

Note that the order of the Vec arguments doesn't matter, Agda will postpone resolving a metavariable until there is enough info to resolve it.

A test:

  _ = ignore2p 1 (3 ∷ᵥ 4 ∷ᵥ 5 ∷ᵥ 6 ∷ᵥ []ᵥ) (1 ∷ᵥ 2 ∷ᵥ []ᵥ)

Example 6: nested _+′_, one argument

A very similar example:

  ignore1p :  {m p} n -> Vec (Vec ℕ (n +′ m)) (n +′ (m +′ p)) -> ℕ
  ignore1p _ _ = 0

Just like in the previous case it's enough to provide only n explicitly as the same

  n    m

logic applies. Test:

  _ = ignore1p 1 ((1 ∷ᵥ 2 ∷ᵥ []ᵥ) ∷ᵥ (3 ∷ᵥ 4 ∷ᵥ []ᵥ) ∷ᵥ (5 ∷ᵥ 6 ∷ᵥ []ᵥ) ∷ᵥ []ᵥ)

Large elimination

module LargeElimination where
  open BasicsOfTypeInference

So far we've been talking about functions that pattern match on terms and return terms, but in Agda we can also pattern match on terms and return types. Consider

  ListOfBoolOrℕ : Bool -> Set
  ListOfBoolOrℕ false = List Bool
  ListOfBoolOrℕ true  = List ℕ

This function matches on a Bool argument and returns the type of lists with the type of elements depending on the Bool argument.

Having an identity function over a ListOfBoolOrℕ b

  idListOfBoolOrℕ : {b : Bool} -> ListOfBoolOrℕ b -> ListOfBoolOrℕ b
  idListOfBoolOrℕ xs = xs

we can show that the implicit b can't be inferred, as this:

  _ = idListOfBoolOrℕ (123 ∷ [])

results in unresolved metas, while this:

  _ = idListOfBoolOrℕ {b = true} (123 ∷ [])

is accepted by the type checker.

The reason for this behavior is the same as with all the previous examples: pattern matching blocks inference and ListOfBoolOrℕ is a pattern matching function.


module Generalization where

In general: given a function f that receives n arguments on which there's pattern matching anywhere in the definition of f (including calls to other functions in the body of f) and m arguments on which there is no pattern matching, we have the following rule (for simplicity of presentation we place pᵢ before xⱼ, but the same rule works when they're interleaved)

  p₁    ...    pₙ        (f p₁ ... pₙ x₁ ... xₘ)
                x₁    ...    xₘ

i.e. if every pᵢ can be inferred from the current context, then every xⱼ can be inferred from f p₁ ... pₙ x₁ ... xₘ.

There is an important exception from this rule and this is what comes next.

module ConstructorHeadedFunctions where
  open BasicsOfTypeInference
  open DataConstructors

Consider a definition of ListOfBoolOrℕ that is slightly different from the previous one, but is isomorphic to it:

  BoolOrℕ : Bool -> Set
  BoolOrℕ false = Bool
  BoolOrℕ true  =ListOfBoolOrℕ′ : Bool -> Set
  ListOfBoolOrℕ′ b = List (BoolOrℕ b)

Here ListOfBoolOrℕ′ does not do any pattern matching itself and instead immediately returns List (BoolOrℕ b) with pattern matching performed in BoolOrℕ b. There's still pattern matching on b and the fact that it's inside another function call in the body of ListOfBoolOrℕ′ should not change anything as we've discussed previously. Yet id defined over such lists:

  idListOfBoolOrℕ′ : {b : Bool} -> ListOfBoolOrℕ′ b -> ListOfBoolOrℕ′ b
  idListOfBoolOrℕ′ xs = xs

does not require the user to provide b explicitly, i.e. the following type checks just fine:

  _ = idListOfBoolOrℕ′ (123 ∷ [])

This works as follows: the expected type of an argument (ListOfBoolOrℕ′ _b) gets unified with the actual one (List ℕ):

  ListOfBoolOrℕ′ _b =?= List ℕ

after expanding ListOfBoolOrℕ′ we get

  List (BoolOrℕ _b) =?= List ℕ

as usual List gets stripped from both the sides of the equation:

  BoolOrℕ _b =?= ℕ

and here Agda has a special rule, quoting the wiki:

If all right hand sides of a function definition have distinct (type or value) constructor heads, we can deduce the shape of the arguments to the function by looking at the head of the expected result.

In our case two "constructor heads" in the definition of BoolOrℕ are Bool and , which are distinct, and that makes Agda see that BoolOrℕ is injective, so unifying BoolOrℕ _b with amounts to finding the clause where is returted from BoolOrℕ, which is

  BoolOrℕ true  = ℕ

and this determines that for the result to be the value of _b must be true, so the unification problem gets solved as

  _b := true

BoolOrℕ differs from

  ListOfBoolOrℕ : Bool -> Set
  ListOfBoolOrℕ false = List Bool
  ListOfBoolOrℕ true  = List ℕ

in that the latter definition has the same head in both the clauses (List) and so the heuristic doesn't apply. Even though Agda really could have figured out that ListOfBoolOrℕ is also injective (the fact that ListOfBoolOrℕ is not consdered invertible is more of an implementation detail than a theoretical limination).

Here's an example of a theoretical limitation: a definition like

  BoolOrBool : Bool -> Set
  BoolOrBool true  = Bool
  BoolOrBool false = Bool

can't be inverted, because the result (Bool in both the cases) does not determine the argument (either true or false).

Example 1: universe of types

There's a standard technique (the universe pattern) that allows us to get ad hoc polymorphism (a.k.a. type classes) for a closed set of types in a dependently typed world.

We introduce a universe of types, which is a data type containing tags for actual types:

  data Uni : Set where
    bool nat : Uni
    list : Uni -> Uni

interpret those tags as types that they encode:

  ⟦_⟧ : Uni -> Set
  ⟦ bool   ⟧ = Bool
  ⟦ nat    ⟧ = ℕ
  ⟦ list A ⟧ = List ⟦ A ⟧

and then mimic the Eq type class for the types from this universe by directly defining equality functions:

  _==Bool_ : Bool -> Bool -> Bool
  true  ==Bool true  = true
  false ==Bool false = true
  _     ==Bool _     = false

  _==ℕ_ :->-> Bool
  zero  ==ℕ zero  = true
  suc n ==ℕ suc m = n ==ℕ m
  _     ==ℕ _     = false

    _==List_ :  {A} -> List ⟦ A ⟧ -> List ⟦ A ⟧ -> Bool
    []       ==List []       = true
    (x ∷ xs) ==List (y ∷ ys) = (x == y) && (xs ==List ys)
    _        ==List _        = false

    _==_ :  {A} -> ⟦ A ⟧ -> ⟦ A ⟧ -> Bool
    _==_ {nat   } x y = x ==ℕ    y
    _==_ {bool  } x y = x ==Bool y
    _==_ {list A} x y = x ==List y

_==_ checks equality of two elements from any type from the universe.

Note that _==List_ is defined mutually with _==_, because elements of lists can be of any type from the universe, i.e. they can also be lists, hence the mutual recursion.

A few tests:

  -- Check equality of two equal elements of `ℕ`.
  _ : (42 == 42) ≡ true
  _ = refl

  -- Check equality of two non-equal elements of `List Bool`.
  _ : ((true ∷ []) == (false ∷ [])) ≡ false
  _ = refl

  -- Check equality of two equal elements of `List (List ℕ)`.
  _ : (((481 ∷ []) ∷ (572 ∷ []) ∷ []) == ((481 ∷ []) ∷ (572 ∷ []) ∷ [])) ≡ true
  _ = refl

  -- Check equality of two non-equal elements of `List (List ℕ)`.
  _ : (((481 ∷ []) ∷ (572 ∷ []) ∷ []) == ((481 ∷ []) ∷ [])) ≡ false
  _ = refl

It's possible to leave A implicit in _==_ and get it inferred in the tests above precisely because ⟦_⟧ is constructor-headed. If we had bool₁ and bool₂ tags both mapping to Bool, inference for _==_ would not work for booleans, lists of booleans etc. In the version of Agda I'm using inference for naturals, lists of naturals etc still works though, if an additional bool is added to the universe, i.e. breaking constructor-headedness of a function for certain arguments does not result in inference being broken for others.

Example 2: boolToℕ

Constructor-headed functions can also return values rather than types. For example this function:

  boolToℕ : Bool -> ℕ
  boolToℕ false = zero
  boolToℕ true  = suc zero

is constructor-headed, because in the two clauses heads are constructors and they're different (zero vs suc).

So if we define a version of id that takes a Vec with either 0 or 1 element:

  idVecAsMaybe :  {b} -> Vec ℕ (boolToℕ b) -> Vec ℕ (boolToℕ b)
  idVecAsMaybe xs = xs

then it won't be necessary to specify b:

  _ = idVecAsMaybe []ᵥ
  _ = idVecAsMaybe (0 ∷ᵥ []ᵥ)

as Agda knows how to solve boolToℕ _b =?= zero or boolToℕ _b =?= suc zero due to boolToℕ being invertible.

idVecAsMaybe supplied with a vector of length greater than 1 correctly gives an error (as opposed to merely reporting that there's an unsolved meta):

  -- suc _n_624 != zero of type ℕ
  _ = idVecAsMaybe (0 ∷ᵥ 1 ∷ᵥ []ᵥ)

Note that boolToℕ defined like that:

  boolToℕ′ : Bool -> ℕ
  boolToℕ′ false = zero + zero
  boolToℕ′ true  = suc zero

is not considered to be constructor-headed, because Agda does not attempt to unfold recursive definitions in the RHS of a clause of a function. With this definition the second test in

  idVecAsMaybe′ :  {b} -> Vec ℕ (boolToℕ′ b) -> Vec ℕ (boolToℕ′ b)
  idVecAsMaybe′ xs = xs

  _ = idVecAsMaybe′ []ᵥ
  _ = idVecAsMaybe′ (0 ∷ᵥ []ᵥ)

is yellow. But not the first one. I guess with idVecAsMaybe′ []ᵥ Agda tries to unify zero (the actual length of the vector) with both the RHSes of boolToℕ′ and since zero is definitely not equal to suc zero, only the zero + zero case remains, so Agda finally decides to reduce that expression to find out that it indeed equals to zero.

Constructor/argument-headed functions

module ConstructorArgumentHeadedFunctions where
  open DataConstructors

Recall that we've been using a weird definition of plus

because the usual one

  _+_ : ℕ -> ℕ -> ℕ
  zero  + m = m
  suc n + m = suc (n + m)

is subject to certain unification heuristics, which the weird one doesn't trigger.

As you can see in the usual definition we return one of the arguments in the first clause and the second clause starts with a constructor. Just like for regular constructor-headed functions, Agda has enhanced inference for functions of this kind as well.

Quoting the changelog:

Improved constraint solving for pattern matching functions Constraint solving for functions where each right-hand side has a distinct rigid head has been extended to also cover the case where some clauses return an argument of the function. A typical example is append on lists:

  _++_ : {A : Set} → List A → List A → List A
  []       ++ ys = ys
  (x ∷ xs) ++ ys = x ∷ (xs ++ ys)

Agda can now solve constraints like ?X ++ ys == 1 ∷ ys when ys is a neutral term.

Example 1: back to idᵥ⁺

Now if we come back to this example:

idᵥ⁺ applied to a non-constant vector has essentially the same inference properties.

Without specializing the implicit arguments we get yellow:

  _ = λ n m (xs : Vec  (n +′ m)) -> idᵥ⁺ xs

Specializing m doesn't help, still yellow:

  _ = λ n m (xs : Vec  (n +′ m)) -> idᵥ⁺ {m = m} xs

but define idᵥ⁺ over _+_ rather than _+′_:

  idᵥ⁺ :  {A n m} -> Vec A (n + m) -> Vec A (n + m)
  idᵥ⁺ xs = xs

then supplying only m explicitly:

  _ = λ n m (xs : Vec ℕ (n + m)) -> idᵥ⁺ {m = m} xs

satisfies the type checker due to _+_ being constructor/argument-headed.


  _ = λ n m (xs : Vec ℕ (n + m)) -> idᵥ⁺ xs

still gives yellow, because it's still inherently ambiguous.

Additionally, this now also type checks:

  _ = idᵥ⁺ {m = 0} (1 ∷ᵥ 2 ∷ᵥ []ᵥ)

This is because instantiating m at 0 in idᵥ⁺ makes _+_ constructor-headed, because if we inline m in the definition of _+_, we'll get:

  _+0 : ℕ -> ℕ
  zero  +0 = zero
  suc n +0 = suc (n +0)

which is clearly constructor-headed.


  _ = idᵥ⁺ {m = 1} (1 ∷ᵥ 2 ∷ᵥ []ᵥ)

still does not type check, because inlining m as 1 does not make _+_ constructor-headed:

  _+1 : ℕ -> ℕ
  zero  +1 = suc zero
  suc n +1 = suc (n +1)

Example 2: polyvariadic zipWith: list-based

module PolyvariadicZipWith where
  open import Data.List.Base as List
  open import Data.Vec.Base as Vec renaming (_∷_ to _∷ᵥ_; [] to []ᵥ)

We can define this family of functions over vectors:

  replicate : ∀ {m} → A → Vec A m
  map : ∀ {m} → (A → B) → Vec A m → Vec B m
  zipWith : ∀ {m} → (A → B → C) → Vec A m → Vec B m → Vec C m
  zipWith3 : ∀ {m} → (A → B → C → D) → Vec A m → Vec B m → Vec C m → Vec D m

(the Agda stdlib provides all of those but the last one)

Can we define a generic function that covers all of the above? Its type signature should look like this:

  (A₁ -> A₂ -> ... -> B) -> Vec A₁ m -> Vec A₂ m -> ... -> Vec B m

Yes: we can parameterize a function by a list of types and compute those n-ary types from the list. Folding a list of types into a type, given also the type of the result, is trivial:

  ToFun : List Set -> Set -> Set
  ToFun  []      B = B
  ToFun (A ∷ As) B = A -> ToFun As B

This allows us to compute the n-ary type of the function. In order to compute the n-ary type of the result we need to map the list of types with λ A -> Vec A m and turn B (the type of the resulting of the zipping function) into Vec B m (the type of the final result):

  ToVecFun : List Set -> Set ->-> Set
  ToVecFun As B m = ToFun ( (λ A -> Vec A m) As) (Vec B m)

It only remains to recurse on the list of types in an auxiliary function (n-ary (<*>), in Haskell jargon) and define zipWithN in terms of that function (we use Vec.zipWith _$_ instead of _⊛_, because the latter has a slightly broken inference in some versions of the standard library):

  apN :  {As B m} -> Vec (ToFun As B) m -> ToVecFun As B m
  apN {[]}     ys = ys
  apN {A ∷ As} fs = λ xs -> apN {As} (Vec.zipWith _$_ fs xs)

  zipWithN :  {As B m} -> ToFun As B -> ToVecFun As B m
  zipWithN f = apN (Vec.replicate f)

Some tests verifying that the function does what it's supposed to:

  _ : zipWithN 1 ≡ (1 ∷ᵥ 1 ∷ᵥ 1 ∷ᵥ []ᵥ)
  _ = refl

  _ : zipWithN suc (1 ∷ᵥ 2 ∷ᵥ 3 ∷ᵥ []ᵥ) ≡ (2 ∷ᵥ 3 ∷ᵥ 4 ∷ᵥ []ᵥ)
  _ = refl

  _ : zipWithN _+_ (1 ∷ᵥ 2 ∷ᵥ 3 ∷ᵥ []ᵥ) (4 ∷ᵥ 5 ∷ᵥ 6 ∷ᵥ []ᵥ) ≡ (5 ∷ᵥ 7 ∷ᵥ 9 ∷ᵥ []ᵥ)
  _ = refl

Note how we do not provide the list of types explicitly in any of these cases, even though there's pattern matching on that list.

Your first guess is probably that Agda can infer the list of types from the type of the function passed to zipWithN. I.e. the type of _+_ is ℕ -> ℕ -> ℕ and so it corresponds to Fun (ℕ ∷ ℕ ∷ []) ℕ. But that is not really clear to Agda as this snippet:

  _ : ToFun _ _ ≡ (ℕ ->-> ℕ)
  _ = refl

gives yellow. And this is for a good reason, there are three ways to compute ℕ -> ℕ -> ℕ with ToFun:

  ToFun (ℕ ∷ ℕ ∷ [])  ℕ             -- The obvious one.
  ToFun (ℕ ∷ [])     (ℕ -> ℕ)       -- A sneaky one.
  ToFun []           (ℕ -> ℕ -> ℕ)  -- Another sneaky one.

So the ToFun _As _B =?= ℕ -> ℕ -> ℕ unification problem does not have a single solution and hence can't be solved by Agda.

However Agda sees that zipWithN _+_ is applied to two vectors and the result is also a vector and since in the type signature of zipWithN

  zipWithN : ∀ {As B n} -> ToFun As B -> ToVecFun As B n

the types of the arguments and the result are computed from ToVecFun As B n, we have the following unification problem:

  ToVecFun _As _B _n =?= Vec ℕ m -> Vec ℕ m -> Vec ℕ m

which Agda can immediately solve as

  _As := ℕ ∷ ℕ ∷ []
  _B  := ℕ
  _n  := m

And indeed there's no yellow here:

  _ :  {m} -> ToVecFun _ _ _ ≡ (Vec ℕ m -> Vec ℕ m -> Vec ℕ m)
  _ = refl

The reason for that is that ToVecFun does not return an arbitrary B in the [] case like ToFun -- ToVecFun always returns a Vec in the [] case, so resolving metas as

  _As := ℕ ∷ []
  _B  := ℕ -> ℕ
  _n  := m

is not possible as that would compute to Vec ℕ m -> Vec (ℕ -> ℕ) m rather than Vec ℕ m -> Vec ℕ m -> Vec ℕ m.

Hence there's no ambiguity now and since ToVecFun also returns a _->_ in the _∷_ case, that function is constructor-headed (as Vec and _->_ are two different type constructors) and Agda knows how to infer the list of types.

If we omit the resulting vector, we'll get yellow:

  _ : zipWithN _+_ (1 ∷ᵥ 2 ∷ᵥ 3 ∷ᵥ []ᵥ) (4 ∷ᵥ 5 ∷ᵥ 6 ∷ᵥ []ᵥ) ≡ _
  _ = refl

as a standlone

  ToVecFun _As _B _n =?= Vec ℕ m -> Vec ℕ m -> _R

is inherently ambiguous again and Agda would need to do some non-trivial proof search in order to realize that _R can't be an _->_ because of what the other equation is:

  ToFun _As _B =?= ℕ -> ℕ -> ℕ

However, by specifying B to something that is clearly different from ->, we can turn ToFun (a constructor/argument-headed function) into a proper constructor-headed function. This type checks:

  _ : ToFun _ ℕ ≡ (ℕ ->-> ℕ)
  _ = refl

And hence we can omit the resulting vector, if B is specified, because knowing B and the type of the zipping function is sufficient for inverting ToFun and inferring As:

  _ : zipWithN {B = ℕ} _+_ (1 ∷ᵥ 2 ∷ᵥ 3 ∷ᵥ []ᵥ) (4 ∷ᵥ 5 ∷ᵥ 6 ∷ᵥ []ᵥ) ≡ _
  _ = refl

We don't need to invert ToFun when the spine of As is provided explicitly:

  _ : zipWithN {As = _ ∷ _ ∷ []} _+_ (1 ∷ᵥ 2 ∷ᵥ 3 ∷ᵥ []ᵥ) (4 ∷ᵥ 5 ∷ᵥ 6 ∷ᵥ []ᵥ) ≡ _
  _ = refl

as Agda only needs to know the spine of As and not the actual types stored in the list in order for ToFun to compute (since ToFun is defined by pattern matching on the spine of its argument and so the actual elements of the list are computationally irrelevant). ToFun (_A₁ ∷ _A₂ ∷ []) _B computes to _A₁ -> _A₂ -> _B and unifying that type with ℕ -> ℕ -> ℕ is a trivial task.

Omitting a second vector still allows Agda to infer everything:

  _ : zipWithN _+_ (1 ∷ᵥ 2 ∷ᵥ 3 ∷ᵥ []ᵥ) _ ≡ (5 ∷ᵥ 7 ∷ᵥ 9 ∷ᵥ []ᵥ)
  _ = refl

as it only needs to solve

  ToVecFun _As _B _n =?= Vec ℕ m -> _ -> Vec ℕ m


  _As := Vec ℕ m ∷ Vec ℕ m ∷ []
  _B  := Vec ℕ m
  _n  := m

(which is possible due to the type of result being the concrete Vec, disjoint with _->_) and then solve all the pointwise equations:

  1 + _ =?= 5
  2 + _ =?= 6
  3 + _ =?= 7

by reducing them to

  suc _             =?= suc (suc (suc (suc (suc _))))
  suc (suc _)       =?= suc (suc (suc (suc (suc (suc _)))))
  suc (suc (suc _)) =?= suc (suc (suc (suc (suc (suc (suc _))))))

(due to _+_ being defined by pattern matching on its first argument) and then inverting all the sucs.

Omitting a first vector gives yellow, though:

  _ : zipWithN _+_ _ (4 ∷ᵥ 5 ∷ᵥ 6 ∷ᵥ []ᵥ) ≡ (5 ∷ᵥ 7 ∷ᵥ 9 ∷ᵥ []ᵥ)
  _ = refl

as the version of Agda that I'm using can't solve equations like

  _ : _ + 45
  _ = refl

due _ + 4 being stuck and not reducing to anything. Even though Agda could potentially solve such equations, given the constructor/variable-headedness of _+_.

Finally, constructor-headedness is compositional. The

  ToVecFun _As _B _n =?= Vec ℕ m -> Vec ℕ m -> Vec ℕ m

problem expands to

  ToFun ( (λ A -> Vec A m) _As) (Vec _B _n) =?= Vec ℕ m -> Vec ℕ m -> Vec ℕ m

Agda sees that the RHS was computed from the _∷_ case of ToFun, but the actual argument of ToFun is not a meta or a _∷_ already, it's a (λ A -> Vec A m) _As and so Agda needs to invert for unification to proceed. Which is no problem, since is also constructor-headed.


module EtaRules where

Agda implements eta-rules for negative types.

One such rule is that a function is definitionally equal to its eta-expanded version:

  _ :  {A : Set} {B : A -> Set} -> (f :  x -> B x) -> f ≡ (λ x -> f x)
  _ = λ f -> refl

Usefulness of this eta-rule is not something that one thinks of much, but that is only until they try to work in a language that doesn't support the rule (spoiler: it's a huge pain).

All records support eta-rules by default (that can be switched off for a single record via an explicit no-eta-equality mark or for all records in a file via {-# OPTIONS --no-eta-equality #-} at the beginning of the file).

The simplest record is one with no fields:

  record Unit : Set where
    constructor unit

The eta-rule for Unit is "all terms of type Unit are definitionally equal to unit":

  _ : (u : Unit) -> u ≡ unit
  _ = λ u -> refl

Consequently, since all terms of type Unit are equal to unit, they are also equal to each other:

  _ : (u1 u2 : Unit) -> u1 ≡ u2
  _ = λ u1 u2 -> refl

Since Agda knows that any value of type Unit is in fact unit, Agda can infer the value of any implicit argument of type Unit. I.e. A and {_ : Unit} -> A are isomorphic for any A:

  _ : {A : Set} -> A -> {_ : Unit} -> A
  _ = λ x -> x

  _ : {A : Set} -> ({_ : Unit} -> A) -> A
  _ = λ x -> x

This eta-rule applies to as well, precisely because is defined as a record with no fields.

For a record with fields the eta-rule is "an element of the record is always the constructor of the record applied to its fields". For example:

  record Triple (A B C : Set) : Set where
    constructor triple
      fst : A
      snd : B
      thd : C
  open Triple

  _ :  {A B C} -> (t : Triple A B C) -> t ≡ triple (fst t) (snd t) (thd t)
  _ = λ t -> refl

Correspondingly, since Agda knows that any value of type Triple A B C is triple applied to some argument, these two types are isomorphic:

  ∀ {x y z} -> D x y z
  {(triple x y z) : Triple A B C} -> D x y z

for any A, B, C, D as witnessed by

  _ :  {A B C} {D : A -> B -> C -> Set} -> ({(triple x y z) : Triple A B C} -> D x y z) ->  {x y z} -> D x y z
  _ = λ d -> d

  _ :  {A B C} {D : A -> B -> C -> Set} -> ( {x y z} -> D x y z) -> {(triple x y z) : Triple A B C} -> D x y z
  _ = λ d -> d

We'll consider the opportunities that this feature gives us a bit later.

Supporting eta-equality for sum types is possible in theory, but Agda does not implement that. Any data definition in Agda does not support eta-equality, including an empty data declaration like

  data Empty : Set where

(which is always isomorphic to Data.Empty.⊥ and is how is defined in the first place).

Eta-rules for records may seem not too exciting, but there are a few important use cases.

Computing predicates: division

Consider the division function (defined by repeated subtraction in a slightly weird way to please the termination checker):

module Div-v1 where
  open import Data.List.Base as List
  open import Data.Maybe.Base

  -- This function divides its first argument by the successor of the second one via repeated
  -- subtraction.
  _`div-suc`_ :->-> ℕ
  n `div-suc` m = go n m where
    go :->-> ℕ
    go  0       m      = 0
    go (suc n)  0      = suc (go n m)
    go (suc n) (suc m) = go n m

  _`div`_ :->-> Maybe ℕ
  n `div` 0     = nothing
  n `div` suc m = just (n `div-suc` m)

An attempt to divide a natural number by 0 results in nothing, otherwise we get the quotient wrapped in just.

We can check that all natural numbers up to 12 get divided by 3 correctly:

  _ : (λ n -> n `div` 3) (0123456789101112 ∷ [])
    ≡  just              (0001112223334  ∷ [])
  _ = refl

and that an attempt to divide any number by 0 will give us nothing:

  _ :  n -> n `div` 0 ≡ nothing
  _ = λ n -> refl

This all works as expected, however we can redefine the division function is a way that allows us to

  1. not wrap the result in Maybe
  2. easily recover the original definition

Here's how:

module Div-v2 where
  open Div-v1 using (_`div-suc`_)

  open import Data.List.Base as List
  open import Data.Maybe.Base

  _≢0 :-> Set
  _≢0 0 = ⊥
  _≢0 _ =_`div`_ :->  m -> {m ≢0} -> ℕ
  _`div`_ n  0      {()}
  _`div`_ n (suc m)      = n `div-suc` m  -- The worker is the same as in the original version.

Now instead of returning a Maybe we require the caller to provide a proof that the divisor is not zero. And the original definition can be recovered as

  _`div-original`_ :->-> Maybe ℕ
  n `div-original` 0     = nothing
  n `div-original` suc m = just (n `div` suc m)

There exist a bunch of blogposts advocating a similar style of programming:

  1. Parse, don't validate
  2. Type Safety Back and Forth
  3. The golden rule of software quality

However all those blogposts talk about introducing separate data types for expressing invariants, while what we do here instead is use the regular type of natural numbers and add an additional type-level predicate computing to (a type, for which no value can be provided), if the divisor is zero, and (a type with a single value) otherwise. I.e. the only way to provide a value of type m ≢0 is to make this predicate compute to , which requires m to be a suc of some natural number.

What Agda makes nice is that we don't need to ask the caller to provide a proof explicitly when m is in WHNF (i.e. m is either zero or suc m' for some m', definitionally), which enables us to leave the m ≢0 argument implicit. The reason for that is when the outermost constructor of m is known, we have two cases:

  1. it's zero: zero ≢0 reduces to and no value of that type can be provided, hence there's no point in making that argument explicit as the user will have to reconsider what they're doing anyway
  2. it's suc: suc m' ≢0 reduces to and due to the eta-rule of , the value of can be inferred automatically

Let us now see how this works in practice. Here we divide all numbers up to 12 by 4:

  _ : (λ n -> n `div` 4) (0123456789101112 ∷ [])
    ≡                             (0000111122223  ∷ [])
  _ = refl

Note how we don't need to provide any proof that the divisor is not equal to zero, Agda figures that out itself.

An attempt to divide a number by 0 gives us an unresolved metavariable of type (note the yellow):

  -- _1254 :_ :  n -> n `div` 0 ≡ n `div` 0
  _ = λ n -> refl

(if you're curious whether it's possible to throw an actual error instead of having an unresolved metavariable, then Agda does allow us to do that via Reflection, see this file)

So in short, the eta-rule of allows for convenient APIs when there are computational properties involved and it's fine to force upon the caller to specify enough info to make the property compute. In the above cases we only required a single argument to be in WHNF, but in other cases it can be necessary to have multiple arguments in canonical form (see this Stackoverflow question and answer for an example).

If we attempt to call _`div`_ with the divisor argument not being in WHNF, we'll get yellow:

  _ :->  m -> {m ≢0} -> ℕ
  _ = λ n m -> n `div` m

since it's not possible to infer the value of type m ≢0 when the type is stuck and can't reduce to anything. Which is rather inconvenient as we now have to explicitly thread the divisor-not-equal-to-zero proof through every function that eventually defers to _`div`_. See the next section for an alternative solution.

Bonus: singletons

Instead of checking if a value satisfies a certain predicate, we can sometimes provide that value in a correct by construction manner. In the case of division we need to ensure that the divisor is not zero, so we could have a special type of non-zero natural numbers for that:

  data ℕ₁ : Set where
    suc₁ :-> ℕ₁

and define:

  _`div₁`_ :-> ℕ₁ -> ℕ
  n `div₁` suc₁ m = n `div-suc` m

This is essentially what the "Parse, don't validate" approach referenced earlier is about.

However in a dependently typed language we don't actually need to create a bespoke data type for the purpose of ensuring that a value is an application of a certain constructor. Instead we can define a singleton type that allows us to promote any value to the type level:

  data Promote {A : Set} : A -> Set where
    promote :  x -> Promote x

(there's only one value of type Promote x: promote x -- hence why it's called a singleton).

Now the useful thing about this type is that it allows us to promote an arbitrary value to the type level, in particular we can promote an application of suc to a type variable:

  _`divᵖ`_ :  {m} ->-> Promote (suc m) -> ℕ
  n `divᵖ` promote (suc m) = n `div-suc` m

This ensures that the second argument is promote applied to a natural number and that natural number is of the suc m form for some m, which is exactly the invariant that we want to express. Note how Agda does not ask to handle a

  n `divᵖ` promote 0 = ?

case, as it knows that this case cannot occur.

We can check that the implicit m can be inferred without any problems:

  _ :  {m} ->-> Promote (suc m) -> ℕ
  _ = λ n m -> n `divᵖ` m

which clearly has to be the case as m is an argument to a data constructor (suc) and the application (suc m) is an argument to a type constructor (Promote) and type and data constructors are inference-friendly due to them being invertible as we discussed before.

A test:

  _ : (λ n -> n `divᵖ` promote 4) (0123456789101112 ∷ [])
    ≡                                      (0000111122223  ∷ [])
  _ = refl

An attempt to divide a number by 0 results in a somewhat readable type error (as opposed to an unsolved meta of type as before):

  -- zero !=< suc _m_1287 of type ℕ
  -- when checking that the expression promote 0 has type
  -- Promote (suc _m_1287)
  _ : ∀ n -> n `divᵖ` promote 0 ≡ n `divᵖ` promote 0
  _ = λ n -> refl

And we can of course provide a function that tries to parse a natural number as an application of suc and either fails (when the number is 0) or returns a Promote (suc m) for some m:

  open import Data.Product

  parseNonZero :-> Maybe (∃ (Promote ∘ suc))
  parseNonZero  zero   = nothing
  parseNonZero (suc n) = just (n , promote _)

Finally, there's one more use case for promote. Let's say you have some statically known list of numbers

  listOfNumbers : List ℕ
  listOfNumbers = 1234 ∷ []

and you want to extract the second number from the list. Direct pattern matching does not work:

  secondNumber-direct : ℕ
  secondNumber-direct with listOfNumbers
  ... | _ ∷ two ∷ _ = two

Agda colors the matching line, 'cause it wants you to handle the [] and _ ∷ [] cases as well. This is because internally a with-abstraction is translated to an auxiliary function and the actual pattern matching happens in this function, but at that point we've already generalized the specific list to a variable of type List ℕ and lost the information that the original list (that gets passed as an argument to the function) is of a particular spine.

But we can preserve the information that the list is of a particular spine by reflecting that spine at the type level via Promote:

  secondNumber : ℕ
  secondNumber with promote listOfNumbers
  ... | promote (_ ∷ two ∷ _) = two

which makes Agda accept the definition.

Generating type-level data

module PolyvariadicZipWithNoGo where
  open import Data.Vec.Base as Vec renaming (_∷_ to _∷ᵥ_; [] to []ᵥ)

Polyvariadic zipWith: a no go

Recall this reasoning from the PolyvariadicZipWith module:

We don't need ToFun to be invertible when the spine of As is provided explicitly:

  _ : zipWithN {As = _ ∷ _ ∷ []} _+_ (1 ∷ᵥ 2 ∷ᵥ 3 ∷ᵥ []ᵥ) (4 ∷ᵥ 5 ∷ᵥ 6 ∷ᵥ []ᵥ) ≡ _
  _ = refl

as Agda only needs to know the spine of As and not the actual types stored in the list in order for ToFun to compute (since ToFun is defined by pattern matching on the spine of its argument and so the actual elements of the list are computationally irrelevant). ToFun (_A₁ ∷ _A₂ ∷ []) _B computes to _A₁ -> _A₂ -> _B and unifying that type with ℕ -> ℕ -> ℕ is a trivial task.

Can we somehow make that more ergonomic and allow the user to specify the length of the list of types (i.e. just a number) instead of the spine of that list, which is awkward? One option is to still use a list of types, but provide a wrapper that receives a natural number and turns every suc into a binding a type. All types bound this way then get fed one by one to a continuation that assembles them in a list and once zero is reached the wrapper calls the original function and passes the collected list of types as an argument. This is what they do in the Arity-Generic Datatype-Generic Programming paper. However this approach is rather tedious as it introduces a level of indirection that makes it harder to prove things about n-ary functions defined this way (and generally handle them at the type level). It also doesn't play well with universe polymorphism, since in order to handle an n-ary function receiving arguments lying in different universes we need another data structure storing the level of each of the universes and making that structure also a list entails the necessity to provide another wrapper on top of the existing one, which is just a mess.

One idea that comes to mind is to store types in a vector rather than a list. A vector is indexed by its length, so if we explicitly provide the length of a vector, Agda will be able to infer its spine and we won't need to specify it explicitly, right? Not quite.

Having these definitions:

  ToFunᵥ :  {n} -> Vec Set n -> Set -> Set
  ToFunᵥ  []ᵥ      B = B
  ToFunᵥ (A ∷ᵥ As) B = A -> ToFunᵥ As B

  idNᵥ :  {B} n {As : Vec Set n} -> ToFunᵥ As B -> ToFunᵥ As B
  idNᵥ _ y = y

(idNᵥ receives an n-ary function and returns it back. n specifies how many arguments that function takes) we can check if As is inferrable in idNᵥ:

  _ = idNᵥ 2 _+_

Nope, it's not. Even though we know that we've specified enough information to determine what As is, we see yellow nevertheless. But if the spine of As is provided explicitly, then everything type checks:

  _ = idNᵥ 2 {_ ∷ᵥ _ ∷ᵥ []ᵥ} _+_

"But 2 determines that spine!" -- well, yes, but Agda doesn't see that.

We can force Agda to infer the spine of the vector by using a constructor-headed function matching on the vector and returning its length. We then need to equate the result of that function with the actual length provided as the n argument. The function looks like this:

  length-deep :  {n} -> Vec Set n -> ℕ
  length-deep  []ᵥ      = 0
  length-deep (_ ∷ᵥ xs) = suc (length-deep xs)

The idea is that since we know the length of the vector (by means of it being provided as an argument) and length-deep returns precisely that length, we can make Agda invert the constructor-headed length-deep (and thus infer the spine of the vector) by unifying the provided and the computed lengths. However that last unification part is tricky: in Haskell one can just use ~ (see GHC User's Guide) and that will force unification at the call site (or require the constraint to bubble up), but Agda doesn't seem to have an analogous primitive. We can cook it up from instance arguments though, but first here's an explicit version:

  idNᵥₑ :  {B} n {As : Vec Set n} -> length-deep As ≡ n -> ToFunᵥ As B -> ToFunᵥ As B
  idNᵥₑ _ _ y = y

idNᵥₑ does not use the equality proof that it asks for, but the caller has to provide a proof anyway and so refl provided as a proof will force unification of length-deep As and n as Agda has to check that those two terms are actually the same thing (as refl claims them to be). And this unification is the only thing we need to get length-deep inverted and thus the spine of As inferred. We can check that there's indeed no yellow now:

  _ = idNᵥₑ 2 refl _+_

Of course providing refl manually is laborious and since it's the only constructor of _≡_ we can ask Agda to come up with it automatically via instance arguments:

  idNᵥᵢ :  {B} n {As : Vec Set n} -> {{length-deep As ≡ n}} -> ToFunᵥ As B -> ToFunᵥ As B
  idNᵥᵢ _ y = y

It's nearly the same function as the previous one, but now Agda implicitly inserts refl instead of asking the user to insert it explicitly. A test:

  _ = idNᵥᵢ 2 _+_

Summarizing, Vec is as inference-friendly as List (i.e. not very friendly) when it comes to n-ary operations (we could use the same equate-the-expected-length-with-the-provided-one trick for List as well). And it's also impossible to store types from different universes in a Vec.

But there's a better way to store types.

Polyvariadic zipWith: eta-based

module PolyvariadicZipWithEtaBased where
  open import Data.Vec.Base as Vec renaming (_∷_ to _∷ᵥ_; [] to []ᵥ)

Here's an inference-friendly data structure:

  -- Same as `⊤`, but lives in `Set₁` rather than `Set`.
  record ⊤₁ : Set₁ where
    constructor tt₁

  -- This function is constructor-headed.
  Sets :-> Set₁
  Sets  0      = ⊤₁
  Sets (suc n) = Set × Sets n

Sets n computes to the n-ary product of Sets, for example Sets 3 reduces to Set × Set × Set × ⊤₁. I.e. Sets n is isomorphic to Vec Set n, but since the former computes to a bunch of products and Agda has eta-rules for those, inferring a whole Sets n value amounts only to inferring each particular type from that structure, which is not the case for Vec Set n as we've seen previously (we know that n does determine the spine of a Vec, but Agda does not attempt to infer that spine).

Here's a quick test that Sets does have better inference properties than Vec:

  -- `n` can be inferred from `Sets n`, hence can be left it implicit.
  -- As before, this function is constructor/argument-headed.
  ToFun :  {n} -> Sets n -> Set -> Set
  ToFun {0}      tt₁     B = B
  ToFun {suc n} (A , As) B = A -> ToFun As B

  idN :  {B} n {As : Sets n} -> ToFun As B -> ToFun As B
  idN _ y = y

  _ = idN 2 _+_

Type checks perfectly.

Now we can proceed to defining Sets-based polyvariadic zipWith. For that we'll neeed a way to map elements of a Sets with a function:

  -- This function is constructor-headed as its `Vec`-based analogue.
  mapSets :  {n} -> (Set -> Set) -> Sets n -> Sets n
  mapSets {0}     F  tt₁     = tt₁
  mapSets {suc n} F (A , As) = F A , mapSets F As

And the rest is the same as the previous version except List is replaced by Sets n:

  -- As before, even though this function delegates to `ToFun`, it's constructor-headed
  -- (as opposed to the constructor/argument-headed `ToFun`), because the `B` of `ToFun` gets
  -- instantiated with `Vec B m` and so the two clauses of `ToFun` become disjoint (because `Vec`
  -- and `->` are two distinct type constructors).
  ToVecFun :  {n} -> Sets n -> Set ->-> Set
  ToVecFun As B m = ToFun (mapSets (λ A -> Vec A m) As) (Vec B m)

  -- Here `Sets n` is implicit, so in order to infer `n` from it, Agda needs to be able to infer
  -- `As`. As before, it's not possible to infer `As` from the type of the argument, but is
  -- possible to infer it from the type of the result.
  apN :  {n B m} {As : Sets n} -> Vec (ToFun As B) m -> ToVecFun As B m
  apN {0}     ys = ys
  apN {suc n} fs = λ xs -> apN (zipWith _$_ fs xs)

  zipWithN :  n {B m} {As : Sets n} -> ToFun As B -> ToVecFun As B m
  zipWithN _ f = apN (Vec.replicate f)

Note that n is an explicit argument in zipWithN. Providing n explicitly is useful when As can't be inferred otherwise. We'll consider such cases, but first let's check that all previous tests still pass. No need to specify n when when all arguments and the result are explicitly provided (which makes it possible for Agda to invert ToVecFun and infer As, as before)

  _ : zipWithN _ 1 ≡ (1 ∷ᵥ 1 ∷ᵥ 1 ∷ᵥ []ᵥ)
  _ = refl

  _ : zipWithN _ suc (1 ∷ᵥ 2 ∷ᵥ 3 ∷ᵥ []ᵥ) ≡ (2 ∷ᵥ 3 ∷ᵥ 4 ∷ᵥ []ᵥ)
  _ = refl

  _ : zipWithN _ _+_ (1 ∷ᵥ 2 ∷ᵥ 3 ∷ᵥ []ᵥ) (4 ∷ᵥ 5 ∷ᵥ 6 ∷ᵥ []ᵥ) ≡ (5 ∷ᵥ 7 ∷ᵥ 9 ∷ᵥ []ᵥ)
  _ = refl

No need to specify n when either B or the spine of As is specified (which makes it possible for Agda to invert ToFun and infer As, as before)

  _ : zipWithN _ {B = ℕ} suc (1 ∷ᵥ 2 ∷ᵥ 3 ∷ᵥ []ᵥ) ≡ _
  _ = refl

  _ : zipWithN _ {As = _ , _ , tt₁} _+_ (1 ∷ᵥ 2 ∷ᵥ 3 ∷ᵥ []ᵥ) (4 ∷ᵥ 5 ∷ᵥ 6 ∷ᵥ []ᵥ) ≡ _
  _ = refl

I.e. the Sets-based zipWithN is at least as good inference-wise as its List-based counterpart. But now we can also just specify the arity (n) of the zipping function without specifying B or the spine of As as the spine of As can be inferred from n due to Sets being defined by pattern matching on n and computing to an n-ary product (which is inference-friendly due to the eta-rule of _×_):

  _ : zipWithN 1 suc (1 ∷ᵥ 2 ∷ᵥ 3 ∷ᵥ []ᵥ) ≡ _
  _ = refl

  _ : zipWithN 2 _+_ (1 ∷ᵥ 2 ∷ᵥ 3 ∷ᵥ []ᵥ) (4 ∷ᵥ 5 ∷ᵥ 6 ∷ᵥ []ᵥ) ≡ _
  _ = refl

  _ : zipWithN 2 _+_ (1 ∷ᵥ 2 ∷ᵥ 3 ∷ᵥ []ᵥ) (4 ∷ᵥ 5 ∷ᵥ 6 ∷ᵥ []ᵥ) ≡ _
  _ = refl

This approach generalizes to dependently typed functions as well as full universe polymorpism, see this Stack Overflow question and answer for an elaborated example. And it's possible to write a general machinery that supports both non-dependent and dependent n-ary functions, see this blog post.

Universe levels

module UniverseLevels where

One another thing that Agda's unification engine handles specially is universe levels: there are a bunch of definitional equalities associated with them. Without that universe polymorphism would be nearly unusable. Here are the equalities:

  _ :  {α} -> lzero ⊔ α ≡ α
  _ = refl

  _ :  {α} -> α ⊔ α ≡ α
  _ = refl

  _ :  {α} -> lsuc α ⊔ α ≡ lsuc α
  _ = refl

  _ :  {α β} -> α ⊔ β ≡ β ⊔ α
  _ = refl

  _ :  {α β γ} -> (α ⊔ β) ⊔ γ ≡ α ⊔ (β ⊔ γ)
  _ = refl

  _ :  {α β} -> lsuc α ⊔ lsuc β ≡ lsuc (α ⊔ β)
  _ = refl

A demonstration of how Agda can greatly simplify level expressions using the above identites:

  _ :  {α β γ} -> lsuc α ⊔ (γ ⊔ lsuc (lsuc β)) ⊔ lzero ⊔ (β ⊔ γ) ≡ lsuc (α ⊔ lsuc β) ⊔ γ
  _ = refl

These special rules also give us the ability to define a less-than-or-equal-to relation on levels:

  _≤ℓ_ : Level -> Level -> Set
  α ≤ℓ β = α ⊔ β ≡ β

which in turn allows us to emulate cumulativity of universes in Agda (although there is an experimental option --cumulativity that makes the universe hierarchy cumulative).

The list of equalities shown above is not exhaustive. E.g. if during type checking Agda comes up with the following constraint:

  α <= β <= α

it gets solved as α ≡ β.


This tutorial covers a single topic of inference in Agda and doesn't even get into actually hardcore things like higher-order unification, the Miller's pattern fragment and all this kind of stuff that Agda has under the hood. Now imagine how much can be written about all the features available in Agda.

Maybe one day.


Huge "thank you" goes to major contributors:

  • Andreas Abel