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A place for everything and everything in its place.

Definition of multi-tenancy

A tenant is a group of users sharing the same view on an application they use. This view includes the data they access, the configuration, the user management, particular functionality and related non-functional properties. Usually the groups are members of different legal entities. This comes with restrictions (e.g. data security and privacy).

Multi-tenancy is an approach to share an application instance between multiple tenants by providing every tenant a dedicated ”share” of the instance, which is isolated from other shares with regard to performance and data privacy. A commonly used analogy for explanation is a living complex where different parties share some of their resources like heating to reduce costs, but also love to enjoy their privacy and therefore demand a certain level of isolation (in particular when it comes to noise).

Rouven Krebs, Christof Momm and Samuel Kounev

"Architectural Concerns in Multi-tenant SaaS Applications" (PDF) .

Read more: multi-tenancy wikipedia entry

Technical implementation

The module aether.sdk.multitenancy contains all the relevant code to make multi-tenancy work.

Check the tests sample to understand how to use it in the app.

In each module/app file is mandatory to indicate the setting MULTITENANCY_MODEL with the model that supports the multi-tenancy one to one relation, e.g. MULTITENANCY_MODEL='my_app.MyModel'.


An object-level permission class to allow access to objects linked to the current realm for authenticated users. The current realm value is saved in the request cookie indicated in settings.REALM_COOKIE.

This permission is included in the REST-Framework DEFAULT_PERMISSION_CLASSES list if multi-tenacy is enabled.


A model class to keep the relation between the objects and the realms.

It has two required fields:

  • instance: (model) one to one relation with the model class indicated in the setting MULTITENANCY_MODEL.

  • realm: (text) a string that identifies the realm/tenant.


The settings.MULTITENANCY_MODEL class must extend this abstract model class. It includes the necessary methods to check permissions and to add the objects to the realms.

Defined methods:

  • is_accessible(realm), checks if the object "realm" is the given realm. This method is the one used by utils.is_accessible_by_realm(request, obj) to check the object accessibility. If multi-tenancy is not enabled returns true.

  • get_realm(), returns the object linked "realm" or the default one (settings.DEFAULT_REALM) if missing. If multi-tenancy is not enabled returns None.

  • add_to_realm(request) adds the object to the current realm even if it already belongs to another one. If multi-tenancy is not enabled does nothing.

class MyModel(MtModelAbstract):

    class Meta:
        app_label = 'my_app'


An abstract model class with the methods that any model linked with the multi-tenancy model must have.

The type of relation could be one to one or one to many but never many to many.

Defined methods:

  • is_accessible(realm), checks if the object "realm" is the given realm.

  • get_realm(), returns the object linked "realm".

  • get_mt_instance() returns the settings.MULTITENANCY_MODEL object linked to this one (needs to be implemented).

class AnotherModel(MtModelChildAbstract):
    my_model = models.ForeignKey(to=MyModel)

    def get_mt_instance(self):
        return self.my_model

    class Meta:
        app_label = 'my_app'

class EvenAnotherModel(MtModelChildAbstract):
    another_model = models.ForeignKey(to=AnotherModel)

    def get_mt_instance(self):
        return self.another_model.my_model

    class Meta:
        app_label = 'my_app'


Extends the Rest-Framework rest_framework.serializers.ModelSerializer class and overrides the create method to add the newly created object to the current realm.

The settings.MULTITENANCY_MODEL serializer class must extend this class.

class MyModelSerializer(MtModelSerializer):

    class Meta:
        model = MyModel


Extends the Rest-Framework rest_framework.serializers.PrimaryKeyRelatedField class and overrides get_queryset method to filter the data by the current realm.

Expects a mt_field property with the path to the settings.MULTITENANCY_MODEL field, for the MtModelAbstract class is None, for the rest of classes concatenates the path of the relation tree to MtModelAbstract field with __ (double underscore). Defaults to None.

This class is useful for two reasons:

  • In the REST API browsable view, the HTML select options generated to fulfill the field will be restricted to the objects linked to the current realm.
  • Most important, the save method complains if an object that does not belong to the current realm is assigned to this field.
class AnotherModelSerializer(rest_framework.serializers.ModelSerializer):
    my_model = MtPrimaryKeyRelatedField(
        # mt_field=None,  # already refers to the `MtModelAbstract` field

    class Meta:
        model = AnotherModel

class EvenAnotherModelSerializer(rest_framework.serializers.ModelSerializer):
    another_model = MtPrimaryKeyRelatedField(
        mt_field='my_model',  # path to the `MtModelAbstract` field

    class Meta:
        model = EvenAnotherModel


Extends the Rest-Framework rest_framework.serializers.PrimaryKeyRelatedField class and overrides get_queryset method to filter the users data by the current realm authorization group.

This class is expected to be used with any users queryset or at least with any model that has a many to many groups field with the authorization group model.

class MyUserModel(django.db.models.Model):
    groups = models.ManyToManyField(to='auth.Group')

class WithUserModel(django.db.models.Model):
    my_user = models.ForeignKey(to=MyUserModel)
    auth_user= models.ForeignKey(to=django.contrib.auth.get_user_model())

class WithUserModelSerializer(rest_framework.serializers.ModelSerializer):
    my_user = MtUserRelatedField(

    auth_user = MtUserRelatedField(

    class Meta:
        model = WithUserModel


Defines get_queryset method to include filter by realm.

Expects a mt_field property with the path to the settings.MULTITENANCY_MODEL field, for the MtModelAbstract class is None, for the rest of classes concatenates the path of the relation tree to MtModelAbstract field with __ (double underscore). Defaults to None.

Adds two new methods:

  • get_object_or_404(pk) raises NOT_FOUND error if the object does not exist or if it is not accessible by current realm, otherwise returns the object.

  • get_object_or_403(pk) raises FORBIDDEN error if the object exists and is not accessible by current realm, otherwise returns the object or None if it does not exist.

Adds a detail endpoint /{model}/{pk}/is-accessible only permitted with HEAD method, returns the following statuses:

  • 404 NOT_FOUND if the object does not exist
  • 403 FORBIDDEN if the object is not accessible by current realm
  • 204 NO_CONTENT otherwise

All the model view classes controlled by realms could extend this class. Otherwise the get_query_set method must be overriden to filter the data by current realm.

class MyModelViewSet(MtViewSetMixin, rest_framework.viewsets.ModelViewSet):
    queryset = MyModel.objects.all()
    serializer_class = MyModelSerializer
    # mt_field = None  # not needed in this case

    @action(detail=True, methods=['post'])
    def manual_creation(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
        # sample of instance creation without using the serializer class
        obj = MyModel.objects.create(
            # extract fields from

        # needs to add the object to the realm manually

        return Response(data=self.serializer_class(obj).data, status=201)

class AnotherModelViewSet(MtViewSetMixin, rest_framework.viewsets.ModelViewSet):
    queryset = AnotherModel.objects.all()
    serializer_class = AnotherModelSerializer
    mt_field = 'my_model'  # path to the `MtModelAbstract` field

    @action(detail=True, methods=['patch'])
    def create_or_update(self, request, pk, *args, **kwargs):
        # sample of "create or update" object
        # will respond with 403 status
        # if the object already exists but does not belong to the current realm

        if not self.get_object_or_403(pk=pk):
            return self.create(request, *args, **kwargs)
            return self.update(request, pk, *args, **kwargs)

class EvenAnotherModelViewSet(MtViewSetMixin, rest_framework.viewsets.ModelViewSet):
    queryset = EvenAnotherModel.objects.all()
    serializer_class = EvenAnotherModelSerializer
    mt_field = 'another_model__my_model'  # path to the `MtModelAbstract` field

    @action(detail=True, methods=['patch'])
    def activate(self, request, pk=None, *args, **kwargs):
        # sample of custom patch endpoint
        # will respond with 404 status
        # if the object does not exists or does not belong to the current realm

        obj = self.get_object_or_404(pk=pk) = True

        return Response(data=self.serializer_class(obj).data, status=200)


Defines get_queryset method to include filter by current realm authorization group.

This class is expected to be used with a subclass of the user model class or at least with any model that has a many to many groups field with the authorization group model.

class MyUserModelViewSet(MtUserViewSetMixin, rest_framework.viewsets.ReadOnlyModelViewSet):
    queryset = MyUserModel.objects.all()
    serializer_class = MyUserModelSerializer

class UserModelViewSet(MtUserViewSetMixin, rest_framework.viewsets.ReadOnlyModelViewSet):
    queryset = django.contrib.auth.get_user_model().objects.all()
    serializer_class = UserSerializer

A collection of useful methods.

  • get_multitenancy_model(), returns the settings.MULTITENANCY_MODEL class.

  • get_path_realm(request, default_realm=None), finds the current realm in the request path. If the GATEWAY is enabled the app path is built using the current realm and the app gateway id like {gateway-server}/{current-realm}/{app-gateway-id}/my-enpoint.

  • get_current_realm(request, default_realm=settings.DEFAULT_REALM), finds the current realm in the request path or in the session or within the request cookies or within the request headers. While using the token authentication no session/cookie is included in the requests, in this case the realm value is included as an HTTP header, i.e., if the REALM_COOKIE value is my-realm the HTTP header name is HTTP_MY_REALM.

  • is_accessible_by_realm(request, obj), indicates if the object is accessible by the current realm. This method is the one used by IsAccessibleByRealm permission class to check the object accessibility.

  • filter_by_realm(request, data, mt_field=None), includes the realm filter in the given data object (Queryset or Manager). This method is the one used by MtPrimaryKeyRelatedField.get_query_set and MtViewSetMixin.get_query_set methods to get the list of accessible objects.

  • add_current_realm_in_headers(request, headers={}), includes the current realm in the request headers.

  • add_instance_realm_in_headers(instance, headers={}), includes the object realm in the request headers.

  • get_auth_group(request), returns the authorization group that represents the current realm.

  • add_user_to_realm(request, user), adds the current realm authorization group to the given user groups.

  • remove_user_to_realm(request, user), removes the current realm authorization group from the given user groups.

  • filter_users_by_realm(request, data), includes the realm authorization group filter in the given data object (Queryset or Manager). This method is the one used by MtUserRelatedField.get_query_set and MtUserViewSetMixin.get_query_set methods to get the list of accessible users.