When building NuGet packages with NuProj, you can install the Nerdbank.GitVersioning
NuGet package into your NuProj project itself to automatically start versioning your
own packages to match the git versioning rules specified in your version.json
First, you should make sure that your NuProj follows these build authoring guidelines.
Add Nerdbank.GitVersioning as a package to your NuProj's project.json
It may end up looking something like this:
"dependencies": {
"Nerdbank.GitVersioning": "1.4.41",
"NuProj": "0.10.48-beta-gea4a31bbc5"
"frameworks": {
"net451": { }
"runtimes": {
"win": { }
You are encouraged to remove any definition of a Version property, since it will be set by the build.