E97 Emulator rebuilt from scratch in C + GTK 4 (gtksourceview 5), inspired by K. Polyakov's "Лампанель".
- App compiles
- App opens
- "Run" button (does nothing yet)
- Code input
- Code Highlighting
- Code Compilation
- Code runner
- By-registor output
- Lamps field
- Memory view
- Debugging info??
Never? Idk I realised I dont like GTK
Ok, I can say GTK is actually not that bad after I saw C++ but still in no hurry
Firstly you have to install gtksourceview5
apt install libgtksourceview-5-dev
on Debian-based distrosyay -S gtksourceview5
) on Arch-based distros
As install.sh script is now available you can just run
and binary should be available in ./build
If permission denied do:
chmod +x ./install.sh
Sufficient single line: ./install.sh && ./build/lampanel
Please help