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Web Packaging Format Explainer

This document describes use cases for packaging websites and explains how to use the cluster of specifications in this repository to accomplish those use cases. It serves similar role as typical "Introduction" or "Using" and other non-normative sections of specs. The specifications here replace the W3C TAG's Web Packaging Draft.

Basic terminology

An HTTP exchange consists of an HTTP request and its response.

A publisher (like writes (or has an author write) some content and owns the domain where it's published. A client (like Firefox) downloads content and uses it. An intermediate (like Fastly, the AMP cache, or old HTTP proxies) downloads content from its author (or another intermediate) and forwards it to a client (or another intermediate).

When an HTTP exchange is encoded into a resource, the resource can be fetched from a distributing URL that is different from the publishing URL of the encoded exchange. We talk about the inner exchange and its inner request and response, the outer resource it's encoded into, and sometimes the outer exchange whose response contains the outer resource.

Component documents

The original web packaging IETF draft, draft-yasskin-dispatch-web-packaging has been superseded by the following documents and specifications:

List of use cases

draft-yasskin-wpack-use-cases (IETF draft) contains a full list of use cases and resulting requirements.

Signed HTTP exchanges

The Signed HTTP exchanges draft (IETF draft) allows a publisher to sign their HTTP exchanges and intermediates to forward those exchanges without breaking the signatures.

These signatures can be used in three related ways:

  1. When signed by a certificate that meets roughly the TLS server certificate requirements, clients can trust that the exchange is authoritative for its request URL, if that URL's host matches one of the certificate's domains.
  2. When signed by another kind of certificate, the signature proves some other kind of statement about the exchange. For example, the signature might act as a proof that the exchange appears in a transparency log or that some sort of static analysis has been run.
  3. When signed by a raw public key, the signatures enable signature-based subresource integrity.

Signed exchanges can also be sent to a client in three ways:

  1. Using a Signature header in a normal HTTP response. This way is used for non-origin signatures and to provide an origin-trusted signature to intermediates.
  2. Enveloped into the application/signed-exchange content type. In this case, the signed exchange has both the publishing URL of its inner request, and the distributing URL of the outer envelope.
  3. In an HTTP/2-Pushed exchange.

We publish periodic snapshots of this draft so that test implementations can interoperate.

Web bundles

We're defining a new Zip-like archive format to serve the Web's needs. (IETF draft)

This format will map HTTP requests, not just filenames, to HTTP responses, not just file contents. It will probably incorporate compression to shrink headers, and even in compressed bundles will allow random access to resources without uncompressing other resources, like Zip rather than Gzipped Tar. It will be able to include signed exchanges from multiple origins and will allow signers to sign a group of contained exchanges as a unit, both to optimize the number of public key operations and to prevent attackers from mixing versions of resources.

Bundles will probably also include a way to depend on other bundles by reference without directly including their content.

Like enveloped signed exchanges, bundles have a distributing URL in addition to the publishing URLs of their contained exchanges.

Loading specification

The Web Package Loading specification specifies how browsers load signed exchanges, and will eventually also describe how to load web bundles.

Use cases

This section describes how to achieve several of the use cases using the above specifications.

Offline installation

Use case

Peer-to-peer sharing is quite popular, especially in emerging Markets, due to cost and limitations on cellular data and relatively spotty WiFi availability. It is typically done over local Bluetooth/WiFi, by either built-in OS features like Android Beam or with popular third-party apps, such as ShareIt or Xender). People currently share locally-stored media files and apps (APK files for Android for example) this way. This collection of specifications extends that ability to bundles of content and Progressive Web Apps.

To install a website while offline, the client needs all of the HTTP exchanges that make up the website, signed to prove they're authentic, probably in a bundle so the collection is easy to keep track of.

To make sure the site keeps working while offline, the publisher should include a Service Worker, and identify it in the bundle's metadata. When the browser loads the bundle, it'll register the identified Service Worker and pass it the contents of the bundle to add to its cache.

The publisher doesn't need to include everything the bundle might possibly refer to in the bundle itself. In a bundled version of Twitter, for example, the application would appear in the bundle, but the client would need to go online to retrieve tweets. A bundled video player, by contrast, might include the player itself in the initial bundle but sign videos separately. People could transfer the player from one peer and then share videos individually with other peers.

Save and share a web page

Use case

Any client can snapshot the page or website they're currently reading by building a bundle of exchanges without signing them. A client could do part of this today by taking screenshots or building MHTML or Web Archive files from the content, but each of these options has significant downsides:

  • Screenshots only represent part of a single page, and links can't be clicked.
  • MHTML files can only represent a single top-level resource, incur base64 overhead for binary resources, and aren't random access.
  • Users MUST NOT open Web Archive files they didn't themselves create, on pain of UXSS:

Privacy-preserving prefetch

Use case

  1. A publisher signs a page that they'd like a source website to be able to prefetch and serves it with an appropriate Signature header.
  2. When the source website decides to link to the target page, it fetches the page with the Accept-Signature request header to get the response to include the Signature header, and serializes that exchange into the application/http-exchange+cbor format. For example, might copy to
  3. On pages that link to a signed target, the source website includes a <link rel="prefetch" href=""> tag or the equivalent Link HTTP header.
  4. A client loading this source page would fetch, discover that it has a valid signature for, and use it for subsequent uses of that URL.

To work in general, this requires some changes to the prefetch link relation type, which currently doesn't guarantee that it won't make further cross-origin requests. However, certain target resources (especially AMP and MIP resources) can be statically analyzed to guarantee that they preserve privacy before the server decides to prefetch them.

Packaged Web Publications

Use case

A packaged web publication will probably use the Bundling specification to represent a collection of web resources with the bundle's manifest either being or including the web publication's manifest.

Publications may be signed in a couple ways:

  • Individual resources can be signed as their origin to prove to the browser that they're authentic. However, the limited expiration time of these signatures limits their utility for books that should remain usable for years to centuries.
  • A whole publication might be signed by its author and/or its publisher, using a certificate type that's recognized by ebook readers rather than general web browsers.

Third-party security review

Use case

If a third-party reviews a package for security in some way, which could be as complex as the static analysis used to guard the Apple App Store, or as simple as inclusion in a transparency log. The third-party then signs either the exchanges in a package or the package as a whole using a certificate whose metadata reflects whichever property was reviewed for.

Signed Exchange Loading Sketch

Signed exchanges fit into the loading stack between the prefetch cache and Service Workers, leading to a stack with the following layers:

Network → HTTP/2 Push cache → HTTP Cache → prefetch cache → signed exchange handling → Service Workers → preload cache → memory/image cache → actual rendering

When an embedder prefetches or embeds an application/signed-exchange resource, or a client navigates from the embedder to an application/signed-exchange, the client goes through several steps to open the outer envelope and load the inner exchange.

Fetch the distributing URL

The client won't know that a URL holds a signed exchange until it receives the Content-Type in the response, so the initial request is identical to any other request in the same context. It follows redirects, is constrained by the embedder's and any parent frame's Content Security Policy, and goes through the distributing URL's Service Worker for navigations or the embedder's otherwise.

Once the response comes back, it's cached in the HTTP layer like any other response, but the Content-Type: application/signed-exchange header tells the client that it's the outer resource of a signed exchange, which causes the signed-exchange handler to return either an annotated redirect or a network error to higher layers.

Fetch the certificate chain

The client parses the beginning of the application/signed-exchange resource to extract the Signature header. Each signature in the Signature header has a cert-url field that identifies a certificate chain to use to validate the signature, and each certificate chain is fetched and validated.

The request for this certificate chain is made without credentials and skips Service Workers, due to the layering of signed-exchange handling. The request may be fulfilled from the HTTP cache, and its response is cached as a normal HTTP response. We might also define an additional content-addressed cache using the cert-sha256 field, if we can show that this avoids the privacy problems of the SRI cache.

The client checks the leaf certificate's hash against the cert-sha256 field of the Signature header and then validates the certificate chain. Certificate validation is a call to an OS-controlled library and may make further URL requests that aren't under the browser's control and therefore use a separate, probably ephemeral, cookie jar, cache, and set of service workers.

Each signature with a valid certificate chain is passed on to the next step.

Signature verification

Once the certificates are validated and enough of the outer resource is received to parse the claimed inner headers, the client extracts the publishing URL from those headers and then tries to find a valid signature over the headers that is trusted for the publishing URL's origin. If none of the signatures are valid and trusted, it either

  1. redirects to the publishing URL as if the outer response were a 303 redirect, or
  2. fails with a network error.

We're not yet certain which behavior is best. The first is slightly more resilient to clock skew, while the second encourages intermediates to get their implementations right.

If the client does find a valid signature, it "releases" the headers for further processing and starts validating mi-sha256 records into a response stream as they arrive.

Prefetching stops here

At this point, the client's behavior depends on whether the outer exchange was requested as a prefetch. To satisfy the privacy-preserving prefetch use case, prefetches have to be careful not to store the inner response in the HTTP cache or anywhere else that would be visible to the publishing URL's server.

Prefetches can and should process any Link: <>; rel=preload headers they find, as prefetches. If those point at signed exchanges, this process repeats.

No nested signed exchanges

To limit the complexity of the implementation, we're currently planning to disallow signed exchanges that contain either signed exchanges or redirects. This may change if use cases come up or if the implementation turns out to be simpler than expected.

Navigations and subresources redirect

At this point the client redirects to the signed exchange's publishing URL, with the inner request and response stream associated with the outer request. For navigations, this request goes through the publishing URL's Service Worker, if any. For subresources, like other redirects, it doesn't go through the Service Worker again.

If there's no Service Worker handling this fetch event or the Service Worker's handler fetches the original request or its clone from the network, either by returning without calling e.respondWith() or by calling fetch(e.request), this tries to return the response stream that was attached to the redirect. However, if either of the following conditions is met, the fetch bypasses the attached exchange and continues down to the lower caches and the network:

  • The inner request doesn't match the Request the Service Worker sent. This prevents a malicious intermediate from causing the client to use the wrong content-negotiated resource. If we later put inner responses in the HTTP cache (TBD), this also prevents the intermediate from putting the wrong resource there.
  • There's a response in a lower cache with a newer Date header than the inner response's Date header. This prevents some downgrade attacks.
    • Content-negotiated responses may need to allow separate monotonically-increasing Date sequences for each variant. We're not addressing this for V1 because it seems rare to expect a single client to see multiple different variants for the same URL.

The Service Worker can also explicitly return something else by calling e.respondWith(somethingElse).

For now, there's no explicit notification to the Service Worker that this request is part of handling a signed exchange. Because the inner exchange is attached, as described above, the Service Worker can check whether it's immediately available by doing a fetch of the same request or its clone with .cache set to "only-if-cached", or it can turn on navigationPreload and check e.preloadResponse. It might make sense to attach some metadata to that response describing the situation, but we don't currently propose that metadata. The Service Worker also currently gets no description of any differences between the signed inner request and the browser's request in e.request.

Matching prefetches with subresources

If page A prefetches two signed exchanges B.sxg and C.sxg containing publishing URLs B and C, respectively, and the user then navigates to B.sxg, we'd like as many of B's subresource fetches as possible to be fulfilled from the prefetched content. However, the fact that we don't put the inner exchange into the HTTP cache limits which ones we can wire up.

  1. B can use C.sxg as a subresource and have that fulfilled by A's prefetch of C.sxg.
  2. B can include a Link: <C.sxg>; rel=preload header and then have a C subresource fulfilled by A's prefetch. This works because the preload cache is populated from the Service Worker's response, so it sees the result of the redirect. TODO: Check that this doesn't violate the security requirements around exposing redirects.


  1. B cannot use C as a subresource and have that fulfilled by A's prefetch of C.sxg.
  2. B cannot include a Link: <C>; rel=preload header and then have a C subresource fulfilled by A's prefetch.

This means that a page with subresources that wants its referring sites to be able to prefetch it in a privacy-preserving way, has to use distributing URLs for internal links, which means it must be re-signed for each distributing cache.

We consider the centralizing properties of that restriction to be a bug. When bundles are more fully specified, we expect sites to be able to use publishing URLs in their internal links by including both B and C in a single bundle, and then a single signed bundle can be used for multiple distributing caches.

To consider: Cache the inner exchange

If the signed exchange was requested as a navigation or subresource (i.e. not prefetches), we may want to add the inner exchange to the HTTP cache, or to a layer above the HTTP cache that's roughly equivalent.

We aren't specifying or implementing this yet in order to provide time for security folks to decide whether it's safe. However, we're considering the following:

This entry needs to have the same lifetime-extension semantics as the request that retrieved the outer response. For example, if the outer response was prefetched, the inner one's lifetime in the cache needs to be at least 5 minutes. If the outer response was preloaded, the inner one needs to live in the preload cache for the fetch group.

It's probably unsafe for the inner exchange to stay in the cache longer than the outer signature is valid. This makes it more difficult for an attacker to get persistent access to an XSS vulnerability by sending a signed response with a long HTTP cache lifetime, since the Signature will expire more quickly. Some concerns have been raised about allowing a Service Worker to add signed responses to the long-lived SW Cache, but this should be safe since the SW script itself will expire, and newer SW scripts can explicitly reject particular vulnerable resources. (TODO: Figure out whether developers can be that careful in practice.)

This increases the number of ways a resource can be "stale":

  1. The HTTP caching information is fresh, but the Signature header's certificate expiration, OCSP response's nextUpdate, or signature expiration has passed.
  2. The Signature header isn't expired, but the HTTP cache entry is stale.
  3. Both.

For later loads of the publishing URL (in particular, not the load that's happening through the signed exchange, since it's fulfilled using the above-mentioned prefetch cache), a stale entry can be revalidated in the following ways:

  1. If only the Signature is expired, the client can fetch the validity-url to update just the signature. It must not send an If-None-Match or If-Modified-Since request to update the cache, because the Signature expiring means we don't trust the claimed ETag or date anymore.
  2. If only the HTTP caching information is stale, the client can send the publishing URL an If-None-Match or If-Modified-Since request hoping for a 304. Note that the client has to keep the original response headers if it intends to use the validity-url to update the signature in the future.
  3. If both are stale, the client could first update the signature and then check for a 304 (or even do both concurrently), but it may be easier to just do an unconditional request.


Why signing but not encryption? HTTPS provides both...

The use cases concern distributing public resources in new ways. Clients need to know that the content is authentic, so that statements like "I trust" have meaning, and signing provides that. However, since the resources are public and need to be forwardable to any client who wants them, their content isn't secret, and any encryption winds up being misleading at best.

What if a publisher accidentally signs a non-public resource?

There are three variants of this mistake:

  1. The publisher signs private information that only you should see. For example, a bank might sign the page showing your balance. If we assume that the publisher already checks that it only serves you your own balance, then just adding a signature doesn't leak any of your information. You could then forward the information to someone else whether or not it has a signature.

    However, an attacker might take advantage of this by showing their victim a signed bank statement that was sent to the attacker. Since the URL would show the victim's actual bank, it might be easier to get them to believe the wrong balance as a step in a layer 8 attack.

  2. The publisher signs a Set-Cookie response header, or other state-changing HTTP header. This could be used in a session fixation attack or to bypass certain kinds of CSRF protection. To prevent this, browsers must not trust signatures that cover these response headers.

  3. The publisher might sign a web page with Javascript that modifies state in a way that depends on request metadata. A simple example might be a "you're logged in" page that sets document.cookie instead of using the Set-Cookie header. More sophisticated vulnerabilities are probably also possible. The client can't detect this, so instead we need guidelines to make it less likely that server will sign non-public resources.

What about certificate revocation, especially while offline?

The certificate(s) used to sign a package must be accompanied by a short-lived OCSP response, guaranteeing that it hasn't been revoked for more than about 7 days. This is the same time-limit that browsers use.

The OCSP response can be updated without needing to update the whole package, and this update can be stored as a file and forwarded peer-to-peer.

It may also be safe to extend trust in OCSP responses for some number of days past their expiration, as long as the client is continuously offline. This would be useful to bridge the offline resource to the beginning of the next month, when the client's data plan renews. This question is tracked in WICG/webpackage#117.

What if a publisher signed a package with a JS library, and later discovered a vulnerability in it. On the Web, they would just replace the JS file with an updated one. What is the story in case of packages?

The expires timestamp in the Signature header limits the lifetime of the resource in the same way as the OCSP response limits the lifetime of a certificate. When the author needs to replace a vulnerable resource, the signature's validity-url would omit an updated signature, and the client would need to re-download the resource from its original location.

While a client is continuously offline, like with OCSP checks, it might choose to continue using the vulnerable resource somewhat past its expiration, to bridge to the start of a new data plan cycle.