It is possible to delegate authentication to the administration console of OCS Inventory NG to an annex database. Some modules have already been developed and are available natively in version 2.0. So we will see how to delegate the connection to the OCSInventory NG GUI to LDAP.
Note: For this documentation, we assume that you have a working and fully configured LDAP server
For the LDAP connection we need the php_ldap module:
apt install php-ldap
For debian based unix
Open the dropdown "Config" choose "Config" and then click on "LDAP configuration".
Here we have varius files to fill:
- CONEX_LDAP_SERVEUR: Is the LDAP Server (ex . or
- CONEX_ROOT_DN: Is the user which is used to check logins (attribute: ...)
- CONEX_ROOT_PW: Password if the user above
- CONEX_LDAP_PORT: LDAP conection Port (389 or 686 for SSL)
- CONEX_DN_BASE_LDAP: Is the Base DN where Users which are able to login could be found
- CONEX_LOGIN_FIELD: The attribute with which a user logs in (ex. sAMAccountName or uid)
- CONEX_LDAP_PROTOCOL_VERSION: Protocol version number (3 for Active Directory)
- CONEX_LDAP_CHECK_DEFAULT_ROLE: Choose a default role from dropdown which all users have expect the one from Field check
Currently we can seperate users authenticated with ldap through three options: Field1, Field2 and default role. With the options below we can use an attribute to assigen the users to a differnt group than the default group.
- CONEX_LDAP_CHECK_FIELD1_NAME: An attribute which has every user (ex. department)
- CONEX_LDAP_CHECK_FIELD1_VALUE: A value of the attribute above
- CONEX_LDAP_CHECK_FIELD1_ROLE: Choose a role from dropdown
Typical the files are stored under: /usr/share/ocsinventory-reports/ocsreports/backend/AUTH
We have to change two files: In the first (auth.php) we set the authentication method and in the other (identity.php) we define that the user rights (role) are also synchronised with ldap.
We need to change the login option from local to ldap by comment this line out
and the line below in
It is also possible to use both, ldap and local authentication:
We need to delegate the rights of the account also to ldap by commenting this line out
and this line below in
If you use local and ldap authentication you need to use this line:
In this case, rights will be retrieve in the LDAP, and will be completed by those found locally.
Changes need to be done in ~/backend/AUTH/auth.php It is possble to change the connction form from the classic html site to a browser query
If you don't modify the line
then you will keep the "classic " login page.
However, if you replace html by SSO
the request for username / password will be in this form
Note: In this case, the choice of language will no longer directly available. You will need to choose it and freeze it in the var.php file.
require_once(BACKEND . 'require/connexion.php');
$list_methode = array(0 => "local.php");
if (!isset($_SESSION['OCS']["lvluser"])) {
$i = 0;
//methode pour le calcul des droits
while ($list_methode[$i]) {
require_once('methode/' . $list_methode[$i]);
//on garde les erreurs présentes
//entre chaque méthode
if (isset($ERROR)) {
$tab_error[$list_methode[$i]] = $ERROR;
//on garde les tags qu'a le droit de voir l'utilisateur
if (isset($list_tag)) {
$tab_tag[$list_methode[$i]] = $list_tag;
if (!isset($tab_tag) && $restriction != 'NO') {
foreach ($tab_error as $script => $error) {
$LIST_ERROR .= $error;
addLog('ERROR_IDENTITY', $error);
$_SESSION['OCS']["mesmachines"] = "NOTAG";
} elseif (isset($tab_tag)) {
foreach ($list_methode as $prio => $script) {
if (isset($tab_tag[$script])) {
foreach ($tab_tag[$script] as $tag => $lbl) {
$list_tag[$tag] = $tag;
$lbl_list_tag[$tag] = $lbl;
This file allow to define rights that the account logged will have into the administration console of OCS Inventory NG. In order to delegate those rights to a schedule base, in our case an LDAP, you have to change the line
It is also possible to keep the 2 ways to connect to the administration console by changing the line
In this case, rights will be retrieve in the LDAP, and will be completed by those found locally.
Based on the LDAP database created at the beginning, and having made changes outlined in preceding paragraphs, so we can connect with the user john/password.
On connection, he will have automatically rights of Super administrator profile.
His account will be created directly in the ocsweb database LDAP information. His Password will not be stored.
However, the user georgess, may well identify but cannot connect directly. Indeed, we have assigned by default a Local Administrator profile, which has a limited view of the park of machines. So, after the connection of that user, it will have the following message:
For that user can access the administration console of OCS Inventory NG, it will wait a Super Administrator gives it access to TAG wich interested it.