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Linux* OS

The development and execution OS used was Ubuntu* OS version [20.04|22.04] / RHEL* OS version [8.4|8.6|8.8] / Debian 11.4 on x86. Follow these steps to compile and execute FIDO Device Onboard (FDO).

The FDO Client SDK execution depends on OpenSSL* toolkit 3.0.14 version. Users must install or upgrade the toolkit before compilation if the toolkit is not available by default in the environment.

1. Packages Requirements when Building Binaries:

  • For Ubuntu* OS version [20.04|22.04] / Debian 11.4:
sudo apt-get install build-essential python-setuptools clang-format dos2unix ruby \
  libglib2.0-dev libpcap-dev autoconf libtool libproxy-dev doxygen cmake mercurial nghttp2 libnghttp2-dev
  • For RHEL* OS version [8.4|8.6|8.8]:
sudo subscription-manager repos --enable codeready-builder-for-rhel-8-x86_64-rpms
sudo yum -y install
sudo yum -y install gcc gcc-c++ python3-setuptools git-clang-format dos2unix ruby perl glibc-static \
  glib2-devel libpcap-devel autoconf libtool libproxy-devel mozjs52-devel doxygen cmake make mercurial perl nghttp2 libnghttp2-devel

2. Packages Requirements when Executing Binaries:

OpenSSL* toolkit version 3.0.14 GCC version > 7.5 Curl version 8.8.0

Following steps will replace the existing versions of OpenSSL and Curl from the system. If you want to keep the existing versions then use Installation-Script script to install Openssl and Curl at a different location.

NOTE: Installation-Script will install OpenSSL and Curl at /opt/ by default. To provide different path, modify these variables in the script OPENSSL_ROOT=/opt/openssl CURL_ROOT=/opt/curl

Script usage command

  • Command to install OpenSSL and Curl
     sudo ./ -i -v 3.0.14

Steps to remove the older OpenSSL and curl packages

  1. If libssl-dev, curl and libcurl are installed, uninstall it:

    sudo apt-get remove --auto-remove libssl-dev
    sudo apt-get remove --auto-remove libssl-dev:i386
    sudo apt remove curl libcurl4-openssl-dev

    In case of RHEL OS, use below commands to uninstall:

    sudo yum remove libcurl-devel openssl-devel

Steps to Upgrade the OpenSSL* Toolkit to Version 3.0.14

  1. Pull the tarball:

  2. Unpack the tarball with:

    tar -zxf openssl-3.0.14.tar.gz && cd openssl-3.0.14
  3. Issue the command:

    ./config --libdir=/usr/local/lib
  4. Issue the command:

  5. Check for possible errors:

    make test
  6. Backup the current OpenSSL* binary:

    sudo mv /usr/bin/openssl ~/tmp
  7. Issue the command:

    sudo make install
  8. Create a symbolic link from the newly installed binary to the default location:

    sudo ln -s /usr/local/bin/openssl /usr/bin/openssl
  9. Run the command to update symlinks and rebuild the library cache:

    grep -qxF '/usr/local/lib/' /etc/ || echo /usr/local/lib/ | sudo tee -a /etc/
    sudo ldconfig
  10. Assuming no errors in executing steps 4 through 10, you should have successfully installed the new version of the OpenSSL* toolkit. Issue the following command from the terminal:

    openssl version

    Your output should be as follows:

    OpenSSL* 3.0.14  04 Jun 2024

Steps to install curl version 8.8.0 configured with openssl

After installing openssl, proceed with the installation of curl.

  1. Pull the tarball:

  2. Unpack the tarball with:

    tar -zxf curl-8.8.0.tar.gz && cd curl-8.8.0
  3. Issue the command to configure the curl with openssl and nghttp2:

    ./configure --with-openssl="OpenSSL Path" --with-nghttp2 --enable-versioned-symbols --without-libpsl
  4. Issue the command to build curl:

    make -j$(nproc)
  5. Command to install curl:

    sudo make install
  6. Assuming no errors in executing steps 1 through 5, you should have successfully installed curl configured with openssl Issue the following command from the terminal:

    curl --version

    Your output should point to the openssl version which you installed.

    curl 8.8.0 (x86_64-pc-linux-gnu) libcurl/8.8.0 OpenSSL/3.0.14 zlib/1.2.11

Note 1: If you are using no_proxy environment variable to exclude proxying for any FDO server IP addresses along with curl 8.8.0 in your setup, ensure to use CIDR notation ( as given in below examples.

Single IP address example: no_proxy="" Two IP addresses example: no_proxy="," Range of IP addresses example: no_proxy=""

Note 2: On RHEL, Curl could also be installed using yum package manager as shown below: sudo yum -y install libcurl-devel

3. Compiling Intel safestringlib

FDO Client SDK uses safestringlib for string and memory operations to prevent serious security vulnerabilities (For example, buffer overflows). Download safestringlib from intel-safestringlib, checkout to the tag v1.2.0 and follow these instructions to build: From the root of the safestringlib, do the following:

mkdir obj

After this step, libsafestring.a library will be created.

4. Compiling Intel TinyCBOR

FDO Client SDK uses TinyCBOR library for Concise Binary Object Representation (CBOR) encoding and decoding. Download TinyCBOR from TinyCBOR, checkout to the tag v0.6.0 and follow these instructions to build: From the root of the TinyCBOR (named tinycbor), do the following:


5. Environment Variables

Add these environment variables to ~/.bashrc or similar (replace with actual paths). Provide OpenSSL, Curl, safestringlib and tinycbor paths:

export OPENSSL3_ROOT=path/to/openssl (can be /usr or /usr/local or default provide /opt/openssl)
export CURL_ROOT=path/to/curl (can be /usr or /usr/local or default provide /opt/curl)
export SAFESTRING_ROOT=path/to/safestringlib
export TINYCBOR_ROOT=path/to/tinycbor

6. Compiling FDO Client SDK

The FDO Client SDK build system is based on GNU make. It assumes that all the requirements are set up according to FDO Compilation Setup . The application is built using the cmake [options] in the root of the repository for all supported platforms. The debug and release build modes are supported in building the FDO Client SDK.

For an advanced build configuration, refer to Advanced Build Configuration .

make pristine
cmake .
bash utils/ .

NOTE: Keys_Gen script will use OpenSSL from /opt/ by default. To provide a different path, use which openssl command to get the exact path of OpenSSL and modify this variable in the script OPENSSL3_BIN=/opt/openssl/bin (can be /usr/bin or /usr/local/bin)

NOTE: To run with mTLS connection,

  1. Compile the code with -DMTLS=true flag.
  2. If signing with external CA, copy CA cert and CA key to data folder.
  3. Execute bash utils/ . This will generate client CSR and private key.

Several other options to choose when building the device are, but not limited to, the following: device-attestation (DA) methods, Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) encryption modes (AES_MODE), and underlying cryptography library to use (TLS). Refer to the section. FDO Build configurations

7. Running the Application

The FDO Client SDK Linux device is compatible with FDO PRI components namely: Manufacturer, Rendezvous, and Owner.

To test the FDO Client SDK Linux device, setup the FDO PRI Manufacturer, FDO PRI Rendezvous, and FDO PRI Owner.

After a successful compilation, the FDO Client SDK Linux device executable can be found at <path-to-client-sdk-fidoiot>/build/linux-client.

NOTE: Built binary can be either debug or release based on the compilation step.

  • Before executing linux-client, prepare for Device Initialization (DI) by starting the FDO PRI Manufacturer. Refer to Device Initialization Setup . Then, execute linux-client. The device is now initialized with the credentials and is ready for ownership transfer.

  • To enable the device for Transfer Ownership protocol (TO1 and TO2), configure the FDO PRI Rendezvous and Owner. Refer to Ownership Transfer Setup . After these are set up, execute linux-client again.


NOTE: Usage:

./build/linux-client -ip <http|https>://<mfg addr>:<port>
if -ip not specified, manufacturer_addr.bin will be used
-ss: specify if backend servers are using self-signed certificates
-r: enable resale