Deprecated in favor of /CTT
Delicious list of useful stuff I don't talk about on CTT. Anything in this repo should be used at your own risk/discretion, I just made this small repo to share what I don't care to verify is 100% safe to share on Discord.
Command-line tool to download YouTube (and a lot of other sites) videos in any quality (or as audio).
- Their GitHub repo. This can also be easily downloaded using Chocolatey and Scoop
Tweak Discord to your liking, not only can you have custom themes and plugins to help you, but also also to easily make small fixes to the gui in CSS.
- View Raw - equivalent to discord's "copy text", it lets you copy messages with raw formatting, as it was sent
- VC Timer - Shows the time you've spent in call, I just use it because it makes a bigger button to click on.
- Better codeblocks (Included with Powercord) - Lets you copy the codeblocks people make, linecounts and see what language has been set to highlight.
- Mute New Guilds - Mutes a server upon joining.
- Their Discord server / website
Need to activate Windows/Office? This will save your day, it supports activation for a lot of different Windows versions (LTSC, Server, Enterprise..)
Title is pretty obvious, just a batch script (that invokes rundll32 and does a bit of powershell) for playing Valorant stretched
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/i50RRCxc4t0" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>Adblocker for Spotify (Windows), easily installable with via a Scoop bucket: Scoop-Spotify.
There's also Spicetify for applying fancy themes to Spotify