+ {{ $character->displayType }}: {!! $character->character->slug !!} ・ [{{ $character->is_open && $character->sales->is_open ? 'Open' : 'Closed' }}]
+ {!! $character->image->species->displayName !!} ・ {!! $character->image->rarity->displayName !!}
- @if ($loop->count == 1)
- @if (Config::get('lorekeeper.extensions.traits_by_category'))
- @php
- $traitgroup = $character->image
- ->features()
- ->get()
- ->groupBy('feature_category_id');
- @endphp
- @if ($character->image->features()->count())
- @foreach ($traitgroup as $key => $group)
- @if ($group->count() > 1)
+ @if ($loop->count == 1)
+ @if (Config::get('lorekeeper.extensions.traits_by_category'))
+ @php
+ $traitgroup = $character->image
+ ->features()
+ ->get()
+ ->groupBy('feature_category_id');
+ @endphp
+ @if ($character->image->features()->count())
+ @foreach ($traitgroup as $key => $group)
+ @if ($group->count() > 1)
+ {!! $key ? $group->first()->feature->category->displayName : 'Miscellaneous' !!}:
+ @foreach ($group as $feature)
+ {!! $feature->feature->displayName !!}@if ($feature->data)
+ ({{ $feature->data }})
+ @endif{{ !$loop->last ? ', ' : '' }}
+ @endforeach
+ @else
{!! $key ? $group->first()->feature->category->displayName : 'Miscellaneous' !!}:
- @foreach ($group as $feature)
- {!! $feature->feature->displayName !!}@if ($feature->data)
- ({{ $feature->data }})
- @endif{{ !$loop->last ? ', ' : '' }}
- @endforeach
- @else
{!! $key ? $group->first()->feature->category->displayName : 'Miscellaneous' !!}:
- {!! $group->first()->feature->displayName !!}
- @if ($group->first()->data)
- ({{ $group->first()->data }})
- @endif
- @endif
- @endforeach
- @else
No traits listed.
- @endif
- @else
- image
- ->features()
- ->with('feature.category')
- ->get(); ?>
- @if ($features->count())
- @foreach ($features as $feature)
- @if ($feature->feature->feature_category_id)
- {!! $feature->feature->category->displayName !!}:
- @endif {!! $feature->feature->displayName !!} @if ($feature->data)
- ({{ $feature->data }})
+ {!! $group->first()->feature->displayName !!}
+ @if ($group->first()->data)
+ ({{ $group->first()->data }})
+ @endif
- @endforeach
- @else
No traits listed.
- @endif
+ @endforeach
+ @else
No traits listed.
+ @endif
+ @else
+ image
+ ->features()
+ ->with('feature.category')
+ ->get(); ?>
+ @if ($features->count())
+ @foreach ($features as $feature)
+ @if ($feature->feature->feature_category_id)
+ {!! $feature->feature->category->displayName !!}:
+ @endif {!! $feature->feature->displayName !!} @if ($feature->data)
+ ({{ $feature->data }})
+ @endif
+ @endforeach
+ @else
No traits listed.
+ @endif
+ @endif
+ @endif
+ Design:
+ @foreach ($character->image->designers as $designer)
+ {!! $designer->displayLink() !!}{{ !$loop->last ? ', ' : '' }}
+ @endforeach ・
+ Art:
+ @foreach ($character->image->artists as $artist)
+ {!! $artist->displayLink() !!}{{ !$loop->last ? ', ' : '' }}
+ @endforeach
+ {!! $character->price !!}
+ {!! isset($character->link) || isset($character->data['end_point']) ? '
' : '' !!}
+ @if (isset($character->data['end_point']))
+ {{ $character->data['end_point'] }}
+ @endif
+ {{ isset($character->link) && (!isset($character->sales->comments_open_at) || (Auth::check() && Auth::user()->hasPower('edit_pages')) || $character->sales->comments_open_at < Carbon\Carbon::now()) && isset($character->data['end_point']) ? ' ・ ' : '' }}
+ @if (isset($character->link) && (!isset($character->sales->comments_open_at) || (Auth::check() && Auth::user()->hasPower('edit_pages')) || $character->sales->comments_open_at < Carbon\Carbon::now()))
+ {{ $character->typeLink }}
- @endif
- Design:
- @foreach ($character->image->designers as $designer)
- {!! $designer->displayLink() !!}{{ !$loop->last ? ', ' : '' }}
- @endforeach ・
- Art:
- @foreach ($character->image->artists as $artist)
- {!! $artist->displayLink() !!}{{ !$loop->last ? ', ' : '' }}
- @endforeach
+ {!! $character->description !!}
+ Character not found.
- {!! $character->price !!}
- {!! isset($character->link) || isset($character->data['end_point']) ? '
' : '' !!}
- @if (isset($character->data['end_point']))
- {{ $character->data['end_point'] }}
- @endif
- {{ isset($character->link) && (!isset($character->sales->comments_open_at) || (Auth::check() && Auth::user()->hasPower('edit_pages')) || $character->sales->comments_open_at < Carbon\Carbon::now()) && isset($character->data['end_point']) ? ' ・ ' : '' }}
- @if (isset($character->link) && (!isset($character->sales->comments_open_at) || (Auth::check() && Auth::user()->hasPower('edit_pages')) || $character->sales->comments_open_at < Carbon\Carbon::now()))
{{ $character->typeLink }}
- @endif
+ If you see this text, please contact an administrator.
{!! $character->description !!}
This should only occur if a character was deleted. This entry was likely left in error, or is currently in the process of being removed.