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executable file
320 lines (261 loc) · 11 KB

File metadata and controls

executable file
320 lines (261 loc) · 11 KB


Bash shell scripts primarily for batch geoprocessing spatial data using the OGR2OGR utility, a part of the Geospatial Data Abstract Library: GDAL.

These scripts are useful when open-source GIS applications such as QGIS do not allow for batch processing directories of vector spatial data. Additionally, invoking the scripts from a shell (such as the Terminal.App in Mac OSX) allows for heavy data processing to be run in the background while freeing up a GIS software to be used simultaneously for visualization and analysis.

There are also a few scripts in here for doing other useful things such as a batch find and replace or renaming files to be database and GIS friendly.

The Scripts


You must install GDAL and be able to access its utilities from the command line.

###Mac OS X: Install GDAL via either King Chaos or Homebrew.

If installing through King Chaos be sure to follow the instructions for appending the GDAL utilities' absolute path to the PATH variable in your .bash_profile or .bashrc file in your home directory.


Install FWTools (the Linux 64-bit version is here).


Make sure ogr2ogr is working in Bash with basic command: ogrinfo --version

You should get back something like:

GDAL 1.11.0, released 2014/04/16

You can either add the shell_scripts directory to your PATH or run the commands with the full file path.

##FAQ The scripts I authored in this repository were written while working with Cartographic Design & GIS software that primarily uses the ESRI Shapefile format for storing vector spatial data. Thus most of these scripts assume that is your desired output (and sometimes input) data format unless otherwise specified. Use the shp-to-geojson and geojson-to-shp scripts to convert data between the ESRI Shapefile and GeoJSON data formats as needed.

Many of these scripts contain variables that must be edited to in order to change their paramaters. Before running open the script of choice with a text editor and change variable assignments for parameters such as output projection (eg: T_SRS=EPSG:4326).

Note: You must set the executible permission for these scripts before you can run them. First cd to the folder in which they live and do chmod +ux * to make them executible.

Reference Material

These resources have helped me out in learning to build the ogr2ogr shell scrips:

Script Descriptions

Clips data given bounding box coordinates and projects to an output CRS. Change variable assignments within the script for these parameters.
####Supported Types
ESRI Shapefile
####Usage variables:

LAT_MIN # minimum latitude  (min y value)
LON_MIN # minimum longitude ( min x value)
LAT_MAX # maximum latitude  (max y value)
LON_MAX # maximum longitude (max x value)
S_SRS  #data's source coordinate system / projection
T_SRS   #data's target coordinate system / projection
DIR_OUT # set absolute path for output .shp files here
PRJ # extracts EPSG code from T_SRS to append to filename

cd to the directory of your .shp data and do ./
####Sample Output

Clips raster datasets to a shapefile polygon. Both the raster and vector datasets must be in the same projection / CRS.
####Supported Types
.shp and GDAL supported raster formats.
./ polygon-to-clip-to.shp raster-data.tiff ####Sample Output

Clips all data to a shapefile polygon.
####Supported Types

CLIP # absolute path to clipping .shp polygon
DIR_OUT # absolute path for output .shp files

cd to directory containing .shp data and do ./
####Sample Output

This script will export all .geojson files in a directory to .shp files in a specified subdirectory.
####Supported Types
NEWDIR # Path for new sub-directory for output .shp files

cd to the directory of .geojson files you want to convert ./
####Sample Output
Writes new files to a subdirectory.

Returns bounding box coordinates for a dataset as:
<x_min> <y_min> <x_max> <y_max> ####Supported Types
####Sample Output
-84.391994 33.758135 -84.376599 33.754353

Converts all .gpx files in a directory into separate .shp files for the following .gpx data layers:
tracks, way points and track points assuming the .gpx file contains data for these layers.
####Supported Types

OUTDR # absolute path for .shp files here
TSRS # target CRS EPSG code
PRJ # extracts EPSG code from $TSRS to append to filename

####Sample Output


Search through all files in a directory and perform a find and replace on text inside those files.
####Supported Types
.txt, .html, .css, etc.

startdirectory # directory to search in
searchterm # file name to search for
replaceterm # file name to move / replace

####Sample Output

Takes a Digital Elevation Model (DEM) raster and generates hillshades from 4 different light angles and a slope shade.These 5 files may then be composited in QGIS, TileMill, Photoshop, etc.

Note: Requires a color-slope.txt file containing the following:

0 255 255 255
90 0 0 0 

Suggestion: Process DEM data prior to running this script (mosaic, clip, resample, reproject, etc).
####Supported Types
GDAL supported Raster files.
Z # vertical exaggeration factor. Default is 1

cd to the folder containing the DEM
then do: ./ some-input-dem.flt
####Sample Output


Merges a directory of shapefiles. Copies the first .shp file as the target to merge to and then appends each following .shp file to it.
Caveats: Files must be of same geometry. If attribute schema differs between files you will end up with a huge attribute table. ####Supported Types
.shp ####Usage

FILE # name of .shp file to be merged to (will be created if it doesn't yet exist)
LAYER # must be same as above but without `.shp` extension
SSRS # source CRS
TSRS # target CRS

cd to the folder containing files to merge copy a shapefile to merge other shapefiles to by doing ogr2ogr merge.shp shapefile-to-merge-everything-to.shp then do ./ ####Sample Output

Projects all data in a directory to web-mercator projection EPSG:3857 ####Supported Types
.shp ####Usage
$1 # source CRS of target data

./ <EPSG code> ####Sample Output

Projects all data in a directory to WGS 94 / World Mercator EPSG:3395 ####Supported Types
.shp ####Usage
$1 # source CRS of target data

cd to the folder containing your data and do ./ <EPSG code> ####Sample Output

Projects all data in a directory to WGS 84 EPSG:4326 ####Supported Types
.shp ####Usage
$1 # source CRS of target data

./ <EPSG code> ####Sample Output

Modifies all filenames in a directory to be GIS / database friendly by
replacing white spaces with underscores and making all characters lowercase. ####Supported Types
any ####Usage
./ ####Sample Output

Takes a generic OpenStreetMap roads.shp file extracted from a Planet OSM source such as and parses into multiple shapefiles based on the aggregating values from the type field.
Will reproject all files to a desired CRS and append EPSG code to the end of the file name.
####Supported Types
.shp ####Usage

ROADS # the name of your OSM roads layer file, must have a type field name and be named roads.shp
TSRS # target CRS
PRJ # extracts EPSG code from T_SRS to append to filename
DIR_OUT # set absolute path for output .shp files here

cd to folder containing roads.shp and do: ./ ####Sample Output


Converts all shapefiles in a directory $DIR1 into geoJSON files in $DIR2 and reprojects to EPSG:4326.

If $DIR1 is not specified, the script looks in the present working directory. If $DIR2 is not specificied, the script will place the new geoJSON files in a new subdirectory called geojson.

Note: if on Mac OSX you must specify input and output directories or script will fail due to stupid unix differences between Linux and OSX.
####Supported Types
.shp ####Usage
./ $DIR1 $DIR2 ####Sample Output

91764 bytes
converting file: ./roads_2277.shp into roads_2277.geojson...