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Deep Q-Learning (DQN)

1. Motivation

  • In Q-Learning, we discretize the state spaces, and use a table to record and update the Q-function.
  • However, most of interesting problems are too large to learn all action values in all states separately. Instead, we can learn a value function $Q_{\theta_t}(a|s)$ parameterized with $\theta$, to predict the value of (discrete) action $a$ at the state $s$.

2. Deep Q-Learning

Deep Q-learning uses a Deep Neural Network to approximate Q-function.

  • For an $n-$dimentional state space $s\in R^n$ and an action space containing $m$ discrete actions, $Q_{\theta_t}(s): R^n \rightarrow R^m$.
  • So, the value of action $a_i$ is $Q_{\theta_t}(s)[i]$, where $i$ is the row index $i=1:m$. For convenience, we use the notation $Q_{\theta_t}(a|s)$

Similar to the original Q-Learning, DQN updates the parameters after taking action $a_t$ in the state $s_t$, and observing the immediate reward $r_{t}$ and resulting state $s_{t+1}$. Concretely:

$$\theta_{t+1} = \theta_t + \alpha \frac{1}{2}\nabla {\theta}(Q{target} - Q_{\theta}(a_t|s_t))^2 $$, $$\text{where:} \hspace{1cm} Q_{target}=r_t + \gamma \max_a Q_{\theta}(a|s_{t+1}) $$

  • In theory, $Q_{target}$ should be the collected rewards in the furture after we finish this expisode by following this policy. However, "true" $Q_{target}$ is unknown during learning because we haven't finished the episode yet.
  • Therefore, we boostrap (anticipate) it. Here, only $r_t$ is the new (real) reward, while $\max_a Q_{\theta}(a|s_{t+1})$ is the "pseudo new" rewards, that we extrapolate from old experiences learn in the past. That is why it is called "Boostrap learning".

Exploitation v.s. Exploration: Similar to Q-Learning, we use $\epsilon$-greedy policy, for a probability $1-\epsilon$, we select the action that maximizes $Q$, while for a probability $\epsilon$, we randomly sample an action. An additional trick is that, we can use softmax probability of Q-values to sample the action, instead of uniform sampling.

3. What makes DQN work?

Two important ingredients of DQN algorithm as proposed by Mnih et. al. (2015) are the use of:

  • Target Network, with parameters $\bar{\theta}$, is the same as the online network except that its parameters are copied every $\tau$ steps from the online network, so that $\bar{\theta} \leftarrow \theta$ if $t % \tau==0$, and keep fixed on all other steps. The target used by DQN is then: $$Q_{target}=r_t + \gamma \max_a Q_{\bar{\theta}}(a|s_{t+1}) $$ In other words, we freeze the target network for $\tau$ steps.
  • Experience Replay: observed transitions $(s_t,a_t,r_t,s_{t+1})$ are stored for some time and sampled uniformly from this memory bank to update the network. This is because, DNN needs to be trained with mini-batch and SDG-like optimizer. If we use only a single sample, e.g the most current one, the network will be easily overfitted, and it cann't generalizes to all the states it saw in the past.

4. DQN Pseudo Code

5. Double DQN:

  • The idea of Double Q-Learning is to reduce the overestimation by decomposing the $\max_a$ operation in the target into: action selection and action evaluation.
  • Although not fully decoupled, the target network in the DQN architecture provides a natural candidate for the second value function, without having to introduce additional networks.
  • Double DQN's update is the same as for DQN, but replace the target $$Q_{target}=r_t + \gamma Q_{\bar{\theta}}(a_{opt}|s_{t+1}), \hspace{1cm} \text{where} \hspace{1cm} a_{opt} = \argmax_a Q_{\theta}(a|s_{t+1}) $$
  • Here, the optimal action is selected by the main network $Q_{\theta}(a|s_{t+1})$, and the action value is evaluated by the target-network $Q_{\bar{\theta}}(a_{opt}|s_{t+1})$. This leaves the DQN intach, and only modify the way to compute target.


  1. Mnih, Volodymyr, et al. "Human-level control through deep reinforcement learning." nature 518.7540 (2015): 529-533.
  2. Van Hasselt, Hado, Arthur Guez, and David Silver. "Deep reinforcement learning with double q-learning." Proceedings of the AAAI conference on artificial intelligence. Vol. 30. No. 1. 2016.