> docker container run --name web -p 5000:80 alpine:3.9
Run a container from the Alpine version 3.9 image, name the running container “web” and expose port 5000 externally, mapped to port 80 inside the container.
> docker container start web
Start a stopped container named web
> docker container ls
List all running containers
> docker container ls -a
List all containers (running and stopped)
> docker container run -it --name webserver nginx
Run docker container nginx in interactive mode (-it). This allows to see the image output directly in the shell.
To have the complete control of the image (accessing it shell), we need to pass an argument (bash) to the image:
> docker container run -it --name webserver nginx bash
To access an already running docker image, we need to use exec
> docker container exec -it webserver bash
-p source:dest
makes a port forwarding from the image to localhost, so we can expose a port inside docker image (the port where the app/db/whatever is running inside the image) to a local port, and access to it.
> docker container port webserver
shows the port mapping of that container.
> docker container inspect webserver
Returns a json formatted list of informations about selected container (config, newtwork, etc)it.
To filter only some needed informations, we can use --format
docker container inspect --format '{{ .NetworkSettings.IPAddress}}' webhost
Return only the container's ip addres (see the json structure to understand how to get other infos).