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This is a small but functional Python3 wrapper for the u-blox M8 UBX protocol, as defined in UBX-13003221 - R13, §31. The focus is on getting the basics right, which first of all means correctly creating and parsing UBX messages with usable error messages on failure. The key features are:

  • parse, generate and manipulate UBX messages
  • message definitions are simple, uncluttered Python code (class definitions)
  • decorators keep the boilerplate code at a minimum
  • interact with a device using a REPL
  • use as a parser generator for other languages or definition files for other parser generators, implemented are:

Note: Currently only a subset of all UBX messages is implemented. See the progress status below.


The C++ parser/generator depends on googletest. If you want to run the C++ tests then check out the repo using the —recursive option and build googletest:

# clone into ./pyUBX
git clone --recursive 
cd pyUBX
# build googletest
pushd lang/cpp/test/googletest
cmake .
make -j
# run tests
pushd lang/cpp
make test

The UBX protocol

UBX is a "u-blox proprietary protocol to communicate with a host computer". There are

  • 9 message classes UPD MON AID TIM ESF MGA LOG SEC HNR , and
  • 155 individual messages, many of which have multiple versions
  • there are different types of messages: Command Get Set Input Output Periodic Poll Request Polled

UBX Message Hierarchy

Messages are grouped in so-called classes. Each class is identified by a class ID. Within each class each message is identified by a message ID. In the message definitions in Section 39 of the documentation class IDs are titled Class and message IDs are, confusingly, titled ID. Here we stick to class ID and message ID.

Message definitions

For example, the ACK-ACK and ACK-NAK message format is defined in Python like this.

class ACK:
    """Message class ACK."""
    _class = 0x05
    class ACK:
        _id = 0x01
        class Fields:
            clsID = U1(1)   # Class ID of the Acknowledged Message
            msgID = U1(2)   # Message ID of the Acknowledged Message

    class NAK:
        _id = 0x00
        class Fields:
            clsID = U1(1)   # Class ID of the Not-Acknowledged Message
            msgID = U1(2)   # Message ID of the Not-Acknowledged Message

The class structure mirrors the UBX message hierarchy. Python classes UBX.ACK, UBX.CGF, UBX.MON correspond to the respective messages classes. Python classes UBX.ACK.ACK, UBX.ACK.NAK, etc., correspond to the respective messages.

This design introduces some syntactic noise such as the frequent class keyword and abundant use of decorators. It is an acceptable tradeoff: As it is correct Python it can be used to parse and manipulate messages. For example, by introspection it becomes possible to use these UBX message definitions to generate parsers and generators for other languages, such as C/C++ (see below). The decorators add the boilerplate and keep the syntax as simple as possible.

Python class structure

Class ID and message ID

UBX class ID and message ID are defined by using member variables _class and _id.


Note that the Fields class variables have to be numbered, otherwise the exact order of the variables cannot be recovered (Python stores the various `things' belonging to a class in a dict). So the first argument of a type is always an ordering number. The actual numbers don't matter as long as the resulting ordering is correct.

Repeated blocks

UBX often uses repeated blocks. An example is the MON-VER message:

class MON:
    """Message class MON."""
    _class = 0x0A

    class VER:
        _id = 0x04

        class Fields:
            swVersion = CH(1, 30, nullTerminatedString=True)
            hwVersion = CH(2, 10, nullTerminatedString=True)
            class Repeated:
                extension = CH(1, 10, nullTerminatedString=True)

Here, swVersion and hwVersion are fixed-length bytestrings that contain a null-terminated ASCII string. The repeated extension fields carry additional information.

When UBXManager receives a message from the GNSS receiver it tries to parse it. UBX messages are handled by the onUBX and onUBXError member functions. Here are the signatures of these two functions:

def onUBX(self, obj)						 # handle good UBX message
def onUBXError(self, msgClass, msgId, errMsg)  # handle faulty UBX message

The argument obj contains a UBXMessage object with populated fields. A UBXMessage can be pretty-printed with the __str__ function. A repeated block is unrolled by appending _n to the variable names of the fields inside the repeated block. For example, the pretty-printed answer to UBX.MON.VER.Get is:

  swVersion="ROM CORE 3.01 (107888)"
  extension_1="FWVER=SPG 3.01"

(This is from a CAM-M8Q module.)

Progress status

  • class ACK:
    • ACK NAK
  • class CFG:
    • GNSS : GNSS system channel sharing configuration
    • PSM : Power mode setup
    • PM2: Extended power management configuration
    • PRT: Port configuration
    • RATE: Navigation/Measurement rate settings
    • RXM: RXM configuration
    • TP5: Time Pulse Parameters
  • class MON:
    • VER: Receiver/Software Version
    • HW: Hardware Status


The two main classes are UBXManager and UBXMessage. They are defined in files with the same name.


UBXManager runs a thread that reads and writes to/from a pyserial device. It is assumed that a u-blox M8 GNSS module is connected to the serial port.

import serial
from UBXManager import UBXManager
ser = serial.Serial('/dev/ttyAMA0', 9600, timeout=None)
manager = UBXManager(ser, debug=True)

The manager can be instantiated with any serial object that has a read(n) function that reads n bytes from the stream. Nothing more is required (in fact all it needs is read(1)).

The manager thread is then started like this:


By default UBXManager dumps all NMEA and UBX messages to stdout. By deriving and overriding the member functions onNMEA, onNMEAError, onUBX, onUBXError this behaviour can be changed.


UBXMessage parses and generates UBX messages. The UBXMessage classes are organized in a hierarchy so that they can be accessed with a syntax that resembles u-blox' convention. For example, message CFG-PSM corresponds to Python class UBX.CFG.PSM and its subclasses.

The subclasses capture the message format variations that are used for requesting and receiving. So, the Get message of CFG-GNSS is

> UBX.CFG.PMS.Get().serialize()


A typical usage pattern is get-modify-set:

rxm = UBX.CFG.RXM(b'\x48\x00') # create a message
rxm.lpMode = 1                 # power save mode (see §31.11.27)
msg = rxm.serialize()          # make new message
# send(msg)


Types are defined in Types.h. Currently there are the following:

U1, I1, X1, U2, I2, X2, U4, I4, X4, R4, R8, CH, U

and they correspond exactly to the ones defined by u-blox in §31.3.5.

Simple types are defined like this:

class I4:
    """UBX Signed Int."""
    fmt = "i"		# used by the decorator _InitType
    def ctype(): return "int32_t"	# for future use

The decorator @_InitType does most of the work: It implements the __init__, __parse__and toString functions and adds the _size variable. The _InitType decorator needs the fmt class variable to be defined, the letter corresponds to the code used in the Python struct module.

CH and U are variable-length types and they are hand-coded. U is used for the many reserved fields. is a utlilty that allows to send UBX commands to the device. For example, to switch into power save mode and then start umping NMEA messages, run

./ --RXM 1 --NMEA

The content of the CFG-RATE register can queried like so:

> ./ --RATE-GET

Note that always all UBX messages are printed, including the ACK-ACK.

usage: [-h] [--VER-GET] [--GNSS-GET] [--PMS-GET] [--PM2-GET]
              [--RATE-GET] [--RXM RXM] [--NMEA] [-d]

Send UBX commands to u-blox M8 device.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help   show this help message and exit
  --VER-GET    Get the version string
  --PMS-GET    Get CFG-PMS
  --PM2-GET    Get CFG-PM2
  --RXM RXM    Set the power mode (0=cont, 1=save)
  --NMEA       Dump NMEA messages.
  -d, --debug  Turn on debug mode uses finite state machines defined in The Manager class derives from UBXManager and overrides the onUBX, etc., callbacks.

Generate Language Bindinds with pyUBX


See Lang C++, also separately published as

Protoyping with Python

It is unusual to interface with a chip using Python. Usually this is done in C/C++ using a microcontroller, maybe an Arduino.

However, it is desirable to use a high-level language in the early stages of a project where it is key to quickly

  • learn the interface/protocol,
  • test new products (chips, modules, antenna configurations),
  • cobble together prototypes or some mobile test-kit


The standard serial interfaces, such as UART, I2C, SPI, are easy to use with the appropriate USB-to-XYZ adapters.


The Python shell (or even better: IPython) provides a REPL that allows to interactively explore the protocol and the behaviour of the chip.


For field tests single board computers (SBCs) can be used. Some draw less than 200mA, so a 5Ah USB power bank is more than enough for a day's work. A default choice is the ubiquitous Rasperry Pi. The community is huge and libraries are plentiful. But with only one each of UART, SPI, I2C it's not necessarliy the best choice for prototyping. Some alternatives are

  • C.H.I.P: Very cheap, with on-board flash, and with slightly more I/O than the Raspberry
  • Beaglebone Black: Well equipped with on-board flash, 2 x SPI, 2 x I2C, 4 x UART, etc., but not so cheap (around 50$).
  • Pine64: Rather large and power hungry (300-800mA current draw), but cheap yet powerful with an Allwinner R18 quad-core A64 processor and generous I/O.
  • UDOO Neo: i.MX 6SoloX-based with 3 x UART, 3 x I2C, but only 1 x SPI. The basic version is about 50$.

Typical setup

For testing we used:

  • SBC: Raspberry Pi
  • GNSS: CAM-M8Q module on carrier board (80x40mm ground plane), connected via UART
  • Power consumption measurement: INA219 module, connected via I2C



  • Manipulators/accessors

Also have a look at the logged enhancement requests on github.


The UBX protocol takes up about 220 pages of the Receiver Description, so is rather extensive and it would have been nice to rely on prior work. Almost all libraries we could find are hand-crafted C libraries. It's hard to imagine that this manual approach resulted in bug-free code.


Kaitai is a parser generator for binary structures. It looks very promising and would have been a great fit. Unfortunately, Kaitai can only create parsers but not generators (serializers). We'll look again at Kaitai when this limitation is lifted. Since the pyUBX message definitions are written in Python it shouldn't be difficult to quickly generate the necessay .ksy yaml at a later stage.


This quite comprehensive C++11 library is available on github. It relies on the Qt framework - not an option for most microcontrollers.


U-blox own library called libMGA can be obtained, according to the forum, by contacting u-blox.

Legal stuff


The pyUBX software is GPL 3.0 licensed. The software is provided "as-is". Use it carefully or you might brick your device!!!


U-blox' documentation has a very peculiar copyright note that strictly prohibits the use of the documents without the express permission of u-blox. U-blox reacted quickly when confronted with it on the forum. It's probably safe to dismiss parts of this disclaimer as unreasonably broad.

This is the full text of the disclaimer:

u-blox reserves all rights to this document and the information contained herein. Products, names, logos and designs described herein mayin whole or in part be subject to intellectual property rights. Reproduction, use, modification or disclosure to third parties of this document or any part thereof without the express permission of u-blox is strictly prohibited.

The information contained herein is provided “as is” and u-blox assumes no liability for the use of the information. No warranty, either express or implied, is given, including but not limited, with respect to the accuracy, correctness, reliability and fitness for a particularpurpose of the information. This document may be revised by u-blox at any time. For most recent documents, please visit

Copyright © 2017, u-blox AG.

u-blox® is a registered trademark of u-blox Holding AG in the EU and other countries. ARM® is the registered trademark of ARM Limitedin the EU and other countries.