- Install the stack-deployment-tool binary.
Create a stacks.yml ( sample ) This configuration will allow you to capture the parameters to be provided to your CloudFormation templates.
The YAML configruation file supports templating using Handlebars and the following built-in expressions:
Supported Template Parameters:
Stack Output - use the output value from one stack; values must be double-quoted
output stack="<stack name>" key="<output key to pull value from>"
LogGroupName: '{{output stack="SC-00000000-0000000000000000" key="NagiosLogGroupName"}}'
env variables - use a environment value as a parameter
env key="key_name" default="optional default value" env.<KEY> - this version does not offer a default value
InstanceType: '{{env key="INSTANCE_TYPE" default="t2.large"}}' - or - KeyName: '{{env.KEY_NAME}}'
timestamp - provide the number of seconds elapsed since January 1, 1970 UTC.
Name: mystack-{{ timestamp }}
yaml values - reference a value in the YAML configuration using a json pointer
{{ from_yaml <json pointer to value> }}
General YAML rules:
All of these should be enclosed in a mustache style template within single-quotes for yaml
version: '{{env.ARTIFACT_VERSION}}'
and parenthesis for subexpression
{{sum 1 (sum 1 1)}}
Create a CloudFormation Template
stack-deployment-tool allows CloudFormation templates to be in json (default), hjson, or the new yaml syntax
The CloudFormation stack file look up example:
stack_name: scytale-es-dev-{{env.STACK_VERSION}}
template: nagios-infrastructure.yaml
elastic-search would look for: elastic-search.[json | yml | yaml]
nagios stack would use the template value for the Cloudformation template file: nagios-infrastructure.yaml
- Include user data from separate file
For example, a basic bash script can be stored separately and then included, as show below:
YAML include:
"Fn::Base64": !Sub |
#!/usr/bin/env bash
apt-get update -y
${Local::IncludeFile userdata.sh}
sleep 10
JSON include:
"UserData": { "Fn::Base64": { "Fn::Join": [ "", [
"#!/usr/bin/env bash\n",
"apt-get update -y\n",
{"Fn::Local::IncludeFileLines" : "userdata.sh" },
"sleep 10\n",
- Version you application
stack-deployment-tool versions init # sets version to 0.0.0
# you can bump it to: 0.1.0 when you're ready
stack-deployment-tool versions bump --minor
- Scenarios
- Deploying stack
# create the build version (optionally) information
stack-deployment-tool versions build
# publish the artifact archive created above to the "sandbox" repo
stack-deployment-tool artifacts upload <the file> -s resources/stacks.yml -b mybucket
# deploy the stacks!
stack-deployment-tool stacks deploy resources/bluegreen/stack_blue.yaml -s dev-techops.blue
- Promotion
The promotion path for artifacts is: sandbox -> snapshot -> staging -> release
stack-deployment-tool artifacts promote count.out sandbox -s resources/stacks.yml -b mybucket
Deploying all defined stacks (for dev)
stack-deployment-tool versions build stack-deployment-tool stacks deploy resources/bluegreen/stack_blue.yaml -s dev
Deploying one application stack
stack-deployment-tool versions build stack-deployment-tool stacks deploy resources/bluegreen/stack_blue.yaml -s dev-techops.blue
This command deploys stack(s) specified via the --stacks parameter. This parameter can specify one or more environment/stack combination, for example:
The deployment updates the stack if one already exists with the same name, or creates a new one otherwise.
export AWS_ROLE_ARN=arn:aws:iam::01234:role/Developer # optional
export AWS_PROFILE=Developer
sdt stacks deploy stacks.yml --stacks dev.drone-ecs
This command deletes the specified stack(s). Typically this is useful for build/dev environments, where stack only needs to be live for the duration of a test.
export AWS_ROLE_ARN=arn:aws:iam::01234:role/Developer # optional
export AWS_PROFILE=Developer
sdt stacks destroy stacks.yml --stacks dev.drone-ecs
stack-deployment-tool respects the following environment variables:
HTTP_PROXY=http://something AWS_PROFILE=Developer AWS_ROLE_ARN="arn:aws:iam::xxx" ./sdt <stuff>