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Windows 10 IoT Core Command Line Utilities
Learn the command line utilities to use with PowreShell after connecting to your device.
windows iot, command line, command line utilities, PowerShell

Windows 10 IoT Core Command Line Utils

Looking to configure some of the settings on your device? The below tools all come pre-installed on your device to help you with that. Use PowerShell to run these commands after connecting to your device.

IoT Core-specific Command Line Utils

Setting startup app:

Use the startup editor to configure startup apps on your Windows IoT Core device. Run IotStartup with any of the following options:

  • IotStartup list lists installed applications

  • IotStartup list headed lists installed headed applications

  • IotStartup list headless lists installed headless applications

  • IotStartup list [MyApp] list installed applications that match pattern MyApp

  • IotStartup add adds headed and headless applications

  • IotStartup add headed [MyApp] adds headed applications that match pattern MyApp. Pattern must match only one application.

  • IotStartup add headless [Task1] adds headless applications that match pattern Task1

  • IotStartup remove removes headed and headless applications

  • IotStartup remove headed [MyApp] removes headed applications that match pattern MyApp

  • IotStartup remove headless [Task1] removes headless applications that match pattern Task1

  • IotStartup startup lists headed and headless applications registered for startup

  • IotStartup startup [MyApp] lists headed and headless applications registered for startup that match pattern MyApp

  • IotStartup startup headed [MyApp] lists headed applications registered for startup that match MyApp

  • IotStartup startup headless [Task1] lists headless applications registered for startup that match Task1

    • For further help, try IotStartup help

Change settings for region and user or speech language:

The IoTSettings tool changes region, user language or speech language. This is a command line tool that can be invoked from an application using the ProcessLauncher API. These commands must be run as default account, not administrator.

  • list uilanguage lists all UI languages
  • list speechlanguage lists all speech languages
  • get uilanguage displays current UI language
  • get speechlanguage displays current speech language
  • get region displays current region
  • set uilanguage language\_tag - (e.g. fr-CA) sets default UI language French Canadian)
  • set speechlanguage language\_tag - (e.g. fr-CA) sets speech language French Canadian)
  • set region region\_code - (e.g. CA) sets default region to Canada)


IoTSettings -list uiLanguage will give back the list of supported UI language (in the version of Windows IoT core image it has been executed against)

Change default audio device and volume:

The IoTCoreAudioControlTool tool controls audio related options, such as setting default capture and playback devices and changing the volume. For a full list of parameters, run IoTCoreAudioControlTool h.

General Command Line Utils

Update account password:

It is highly recommended that you update the default password for the Administrator account. To do this, you can issue the following command: net user Administrator [new password] where [new password] represents a strong password of your choice.

Create local user accounts:

If you wish to give others access to your Windows IoT Core device, you can create additional local user accounts using PS by typing in net user [username] [password] /add. If you wish to add this user to other groups, such as the Administrator group, use net localgroup Administrators [username] /add.

Set password:

To change the password on an account on your device, run net user [account-username] [new-password] to change the account password.

Query and set device name:

To identify your current device name, simply type hostname. To change the name of your Windows IoT Core device, type SetComputerName [new machinename]. You may need to restart your device for the name change to take effect.

Basic network configuration:

Many of the basic network configuration utilities you may already be familiar with are available in Windows IoT Core, including commands such as ping.exe, netstat.exe, netsh.exe, ipconfig.exe, nslookup.exe, tracert.exe, and arp.exe.

Copy utilities:

Microsoft is providing familiar tools, including sfpcopy.exe as well as xcopy.exe.

Process Management:

To view currently running processes, you can try either get-process or alternatively tlist.exe. To stop a running process, type kill.exe [pid or process name].

Set Boot Option (Headless vs. headed boot):

Windows IoT Core devices can be set to headed (when display capabilities are required) or headless (when a display is not required or available) device mode. To change this setting, use setbootoption.exe [headed | headless].


Changing this setting will require a reboot in order for the change to take effect.

Task scheduler:

To view the current list of scheduled tasks, use the schtasks.exe command. You can create new tasks with the /create switch or run on-demand tasks with the /run switch. For a full list of supported parameters, use schtasks.exe /?

Device drivers:

The device console utility is useful in identifying and managing installed devices and drivers. For a full list of parameters, use devcon.exe /?

Registry Access:

If you need to access the registry to view or modify settings, use the reg.exe /? Command for the full list of supported parameters.


Managing Windows services can be accomplished via the net.exe command. To see a list of running services, type net start. To start or stop a specific service, type net [start | stop] [service name]. Alternatively, you can also use the service control manager via sc.exe command.

Boot configuration:

You can make changes to the boot configuration of your Windows IoT Core device by using bcdedit.exe. For instance, you can enable testsigning with bcdedit –set testsigning on command.

Shutdown/restart device:

To shut down your device, type shutdown /s /t 0. To restart the device, use the /r switch instead with the command shutdown /r /t 0.

Set display resolution

To adjust the resolution of a display connected to your Windows 10 IoT Core device, run SetDisplayResolution [width] [height]. To query the resolution, exclude the [width] and [height] parameters.

Take screenshot:

You can take the screenshot of your Windows IoTCore device by using ScreenCapture.exe. For example, run ScreenCapture c:\folder\screencap.jpg will take the screenshot and save it in screencap.jpg file.

Get information about Network Adapters:

To view the list of all the available network adapters, run GetAdapterInfo tool.

Set folder permissions for UWP apps:

Not all folders on your device are accesible by Universal Windows Apps. To make a folder accesible to a UWP app, you can use FolderPermissions tool. For example run FolderPermissions c:\test -e to give UWP apps access to c:\test folder. Note this will work only with native Win32 apis for eg. CreateFile2 and not with WinRT apis like StorageFolder, StorageFile etc.