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A Ruby client for Dafiti/Seller Center's HTTP API.


require 'dafiti'

dafiti = Dafiti.session(
  api_key: 'dedededefrfedwdw',
  user_id: '[email protected]'

products =, Search: "some query")
resp.head # Hash
resp.body # Hash

Actions you can run are the lower-cased, underscored version of available actions on Seller Center's API.

Action parameters are the Hash version of XML inputs described in the API docs. For example, to upload a product image:

image =, {
  ProductImage: {
    SellerSku: "b2378adf",
    Images: {
      Image: [

puts image.request_id # "4d9c69e1-a581-4114-8ef1-210541b7c070"

Custom server URL

You can point the client to a custom server URL (for example a staging environment, a different Seller Center instance, a proxy, etc).

dafiti = Dafiti.session(
  api_key: 'dedededefrfedwdw',
  user_id: '[email protected]',
  base_url: 'https://user:[email protected]',

Async actions

Some actions such as ProductCreate do not return inmediate confirmation, and instead create a "feed" which may or may not succeed in the future. The user is expected to poll the feed status endpoint to check for progress.

This gem encapsulates the process of running an action and polling its feed until it returns a successful of failed status.

feed = dafiti.run_and_wait(:product_create, params)
feed.status # "Finished" or "Error"
feed.errors # Array of errors if status == "Error"

By default, this #run_and_wait polls up to 10 times in 1 second intervals, then gives up with a Dafiti::Session::PollLimitReachedError exception.

Note that this method will block your Ruby thread while it waits for data.

Direct client usage

Dafiti::Session is just a wrapper for a client and action objects. This happens under the hood:

require 'dafiti'

# instantiate the client with your credentials
client =
  api_key: 'dedededefrfedwdw',
  user_id: '[email protected]'

# Actions respond to :verb, :body, :params. params['Action'] maps to Dafiti's available actions.

# an action
# POST actions will build XML #body
feed_list =

resp = client.request(feed_list)
resp.head # Hash
resp.body # Hash

This means that you can write your own action classes.


  • Implement all actions needed


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'dafiti'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install dafiti


After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. Then, run rake spec to run the tests. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb, and then run bundle exec rake release, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the .gem file to

Dev console

bin/console puts you in an IRB session with all classes loaded.

If you add a .config.yml file with your credentials to the root of this project, bin/console includes a configured Dafiti::Client to play with.

Example .config.yml:

api_key: exampleapikey
user_id: [email protected]
base_url: https://user:[email protected]

Script runner

Put your credentials in .config.yml (see "Dev console" above). Now run arbitrary scripts with

bin/run my_script.rb

A session object will be available in your scripts. Example:

# my_script.rb
resp =

puts resp.body


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.