This plugin will calculate the product tax based upon the vendor’s location. Basically, plugin will interact with woocommerce and third party plugin (Dokan). The plugin’s functionality will works as per settings defined in “Custom Avatax” page menu under Admin panel.
- Wordpress version 4.0
- PHP version 5.6 or Higher
- Woocomerce
- Avalara account’s “Account number” and “License key”
- Upload "test-plugin.php" to the "/wp-content/plugins/" directory
- Activate the plugin through the "Plugins" menu in WordPress.
- Click on “settings” under woocommerce tab in LSB.
- Click on Tax tab and then click on “Custom Avatax”.
Enable\Disable: if this checkbox is checked then plugin will get all vendor from system and it will create company for each vendor(IF not already created). After creating company, plugin will hit transaction API(“/api/v2/transactions/create”) . This API will calculate the tax based upon vendor’s location and update tax rate for all products corresponding to each vendor’s into database.
It will hit Transaction create API when order status will be completed.
It will hit transaction commit API after “Recorded Calculation”.
List of supported countries.
Company code set in Avalara Account will be display here.
Here we’ll show the address saved in Avalara account.
If any product doesn’t have tax code, then this tax code will be applied in API’s.
If any product doesn’t have shipping tax code, then this tax code will be applied in API’s.
Let people know how they can dive into the project, include important links to things like issue trackers, irc, twitter accounts if applicable.