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241 lines (181 loc) · 11.1 KB

File metadata and controls

executable file
241 lines (181 loc) · 11.1 KB

Grav Theme Boilerplate "Chassis"

This is a WIP starting point for custom themes for grav CMS.

We are using some node magic to help with boring and repetitive tasks. Please learn first about the file structure and the way assets are organized and processed in this project.


Chassis provides templates, styles or functionality for the following plugins (if you install and enable them…)

File Structure

├── /.tasks             node scripts (see package.json)
├── /admin              Admin modifications and enhancements
│   └── /buttons            Editor buttons
├── /assets             "raw" assets
│   ├── /css                CSS files
│   │   ├── /base               settings, normalization, helper
│   │   ├── /form               form components
│   │   ├── /molecule           simple modules
│   │   ├── /oranism            complex modules
│   │   ├── /template           template/page specifics (e.g. spacing)
│   │   ├── /vendor             3rd party / plugin styles
│   │   ├── admin.css           admin style modifications
│   │   ├── fonts.css           dedicated web font style sheet
│   │   └── main.css            main style sheet
│   ├── /favicon            favicons/app icons
│   ├── /fonts              font files in WOFF2 format
│   ├── /icons              SVG icons
│   │   └── _icons.html         template for icons sprite cheat sheet
│   ├── /img                static images
│   │   ├── marker.svg          map marker template
│   │   └── social.jpg          default open graph image
│   └── /js                 JS files
│       ├── /src                JS (bundle) source files
│       ├── dev.json            JS helper bundle for local enviroment
│       ├── main.json           JS base bundle.
│       └── summary.js          JS standalone component
├── /blueprints         grav blueprints for page types
├── /classes            custom PHP Classes
│   └── Utils.php           utilty class with helper functions
├── /dist               build files
│   ├── /css                minified CSS files
│   ├── /fonts              duplicates of assets/fonts
│   ├── /icons              optimized and minified icons
│   ├── /img                optimized images
│   └── /js                 minified JS files and bundles
├── /langages           translation files
├── /shortcodes         custom shortcodes
├── /templates          grav templates
│   ├── /email              email templates
│   ├── /forms              custom form elements for better styling
│   ├── /macros             macros to use with twig
│   ├── /modular            templates for modular page elements
│   ├── /partials           template parts
│   └── *.html.twig         page templates
├── .eslintrc           eslint config
├── .styleintrc         styleint config
├── chassis.php         theme functions
├── chassis.yaml        theme config file
└── package.json

CSS Processing

We are using PostCSS for convenience. It will inline @import, resolve nesting and autoprefix.

/assets/css/main.css is the main CSS file and hub. You'll find only imports inside, which will be inlined in processing. If you need to, you can add other CSS files in parallel to main.css to provide other subsets or differently scoped styles. Every CSS file stored directly in /assets/css/ will be processed and the result stored in /dist/css/.

Additionally this will also happen to CSS files in /assets/css/page. So you can create per page additions or overwrites which can be referenced by templates. Make sure there are no equal file names in css and css/pages.

JS Files und Bundles

In /assets/js you will find .js and .json files, as well as a src folder. In this setup (no webpack or other advanced magic) the JS files are independent functional components. JSON files are the base for bundles. With these, you can concatenate multiple components from the src folder as well as libraries from /node_modules which you installed via npm (see example below). In bundles, the order is important. The libs will appear before the code from src.

Every JS file in /assets/js will be copied in /dist/js. Bundles will run through a combination of their parts and the result will be saved as js in /dist/js. Please be aware that there will be conflicts if the filenames of a bundle and a standalone component are the same (foobar.js and foobar.json for example).

    "lib": [
    "src": [


All image files in /assets/img will be optimized on build (or called manually) using imagemin (svgo, pngQuant, mozJpeg, gifsicle, Zopfli) and stored in /dist/img. When using the watch task, images will simply be copied to avoid waiting times in development.


It's good practice to use only WOFF2 format fonts now. Browser support is good and we provide a fallback to system fonts. Also make sure to subset (use Font Squirrels Generator or Font Mangler) to reduce the file sizes. At build or with the dedicated command, the fonts will be put in /dist.

About /dist

If you are using a CI server, you can add the /dist folder to .gitignore. Otherwise, you should make a build before every merge with your main branch, so the main branch includes the minified and most optimized assets in /dist.


In package.json you will find an onject called config. Here are paths stored that are used by the node scripts.

Browsersync / LiveReload

To use this feature, make sure you set up the correct URL of your project in config.bsProxy in package.json.

When the watch task is running, you can access http://localhost:3000. Depending on your network or firewall configuration, you could also access this port with other devices to do even more cross-device/browser testing. Browsersync will keep scroll position (proportional) in sync.

The watch task will force refreshes on CSS and JS files via Browsersync so you can see instantly the impact of your changes.

On port 3001 you can access the Browsersync control panel.

Task Runner

Wir use node scripts as a task runner.

command function
npm run css processes the CSS files and saves them with source maps to /dist/css
npm run cssmin same as css but with minifying
npm run js creates JS bundles and copies JS files to /dist/js
npm run jsmin same as js but with minifying
npm run lint checks CSS and JS assets for bad coding styles and errors
npm run fonts copies font files to /dist/fonts
npm run img simply copies images from /assets/img to /dist/img
npm run imgmin optimizes images and saves results to /dist/img
npm run icons optimizes icons and saves results to /dist/icons
npm run sprite creates an icon sprite from /dist/icons in /dist/sprite
npm run favicons creates favicon files from /dist/favicons/favicon.svg and saves them in /dist/ - move them from here
npm run watch watch for changes and process changed or new files
npm run todo find all occurances of todo
npm run clean clear /dist
npm run dev runs css, js, img and icons in parallel once
npm run build runs lint, clean, cssmin, jsmin, imgmin, icons and fonts

Renaming the theme

This is a bit trickey since grav has more than one place to set the name. In order to rename the theme, you will need to follow these steps (let's take picasso for example):

  • Rename the theme folder chassis -> picasso
  • Rename /chassis.yaml and /chassis.php in picasso.*
  • Change the name in /blueprints.yaml
  • In the file formerly known as /chassis.php rename the class name, mind the capital first letter class Chassis extends Theme -> class Picasso extends Theme
  • There are occurrences regarding the utility class in the same file, rename and follow the capitalization
  • In /classes/Utils.php rename the namespace definition, mind the capitalization
  • Make sure all occurrences of utility functions in the template folder are renamed (search for chassis in files)
  • Set new theme in user/config/system.yaml

When using a dash in the theme name, you will have to CamelCase (upper camel case) the namespaces and class names.



[caption class="image" caption="Quelle:"]

Adds a caption (via HTML figure + figcaption) to your media (image, video, embed, audio).


[email link=1][email protected][/email]

Mask e-mails with HTML entities to give some spam protection. link parameter is optional and makes the address a mailto link.


[icon=mail title="E-Mail"]

Shortcode to use in text icons utilizing the svg-extension plugin.

As seen in the example, the first word is the icon name, optional parameters follow after that.

Parameter Effect
id Set an ID for the SVG element
class Set the CSS classes for the SVG element
title Set a title (accessibility)


[lang=fr inline=1]Bonjour[/lang]

Wrap text in a different language semantically, so screenreader can interpret and pronounce it correctly. By default, it wraps the text in a div, adding the optional inline parameter wraps it in a span.


[video id=Uuad8V5f_QA]
[video id=""]
[video id=141358 type=vimeo]

Embed a video from YouTube or Vimeo with a privacy alert. The video will only load (and request external resources) if the user confirms (once or for the whole site).

! The CSS and JS of this component needs to be added to processing. They are not enabled by default.

Some interpretations of the following options depend on the video platform.

Parameter Effect Values Default
id Video ID or URL string or URL
type Which video platform youtube or vimdeo youtube
showinfo Include information overlays 0 or 1 0
controls Show video player controls 0 or 1 1
color Controls color red, white, hexcode white
class Additional CSS classes for the embed wrapper string


[raw][email link=1][email protected][/email][/raw]

This is a helper to show shortcodes on pages without getting them processed.