Templater written in Golang based on sprig functions
Inspiriration from https://github.com/tsg/gotpl
Given there is a file input.yaml
of the form,
title: "bread_preferences.md"
- name: rye
prefer: eat
- name: wheat
prefer: bake
title: "coffee_tasting.md"
- name: ethiopian
taste: berries
- name: columbian
taste: chocolate
and a template in path mytemplates/{{ .bread.title }}
of the form,
# My Sourdough Bread Preferences
{{ range $bread := .bread.sourdough }}
{{- if eq $bread.prefer "eat" }}
- I like to eat {{ $bread.name }} bread.
{{- end }}
{{- if eq $bread.prefer "bake" }}
- I prefer to bake {{ $bread.name }} bread.
{{- end }}
{{- end }}
and a template in path mytemplates/{{ .coffee.title }}
of the form,
# My Impressions of Various Coffee
{{ range $coffee := .coffee.beans }}
{{- if eq $coffee.taste "berries" }}
- The {{ $coffee.name | title }} coffee tastes of berries.
{{- end }}
{{- if eq $coffee.taste "chocolate" }}
- The {{ $coffee.name | title }} coffee tastes of chocolate.
{{- end }}
{{- end }}
execution of scribe,
scribe -in=input.yaml -templates=mytemplates -out=myoutput
produces a file at path myoutput/bread_preferences.md
with the content
# My Sourdough Bread Preferences
- I like to eat rye bread.
- I prefer to bake wheat bread.
and produces a file at path myoutput/coffee_tasting.md
with the content
# My Impressions of Various Coffee
- The Ethiopian coffee tastes of berries.
- The Columbian coffee tastes of chocolate.