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385 lines (241 loc) · 18.6 KB



Guidelines for contributing.

How can I get involved?

The Slack community is the best place to keep up to date with the project and to get help contributing. Here we exchange ideas, ask questions and chat about OpenFaaS. There are also channels for Raspberry Pi/ARM, Kubernetes and other cloud-native topics. (See below for how to join)

There are a number of areas where contributions can be accepted:

  • Write Golang code for the CLI, Gateway or other providers
  • Write features for the front-end UI (JS, HTML, CSS)
  • Write sample functions in any language
  • Review pull requests
  • Test out new features or work-in-progress
  • Get involved in design reviews and technical proof-of-concepts (PoCs)
  • Help release and package OpenFaaS including the helm chart, compose files, kubectl YAML, marketplaces and stores
  • Manage, triage and research Issues and Pull Requests
  • Engage with the growing community by providing technical support on Slack/GitHub
  • Create docs, guides and write blogs
  • Speak at meet-ups, conferences or by helping folks with OpenFaaS on Slack

This is just a short list of ideas, if you have other ideas for contributing please make a suggestion.

I want to contribute on GitHub

I've found a typo

  • A Pull Request is not necessary. Raise an Issue and we'll fix it as soon as we can.

I have a (great) idea

The OpenFaaS maintainers would like to make OpenFaaS the best it can be and welcome new contributions that align with the project's goals. Our time is limited so we'd like to make sure we agree on the proposed work before you spend time doing it. Saying "no" is hard which is why we'd rather say "yes" ahead of time. You need to raise a proposal.

Every feature carries a cost - a cost if developed wrong, a cost to carry and maintain it and if it wasn't needed in the first place then this is an unnecessary burden. See Yagni from Martin Fowler. The best proposals are defensible with real data and are more than a hypothesis.

Please do not raise a proposal after doing the work - this is counter to the spirit of the project. It is hard to be objective about something which has already been done

What makes a good proposal?

  • Brief summary including motivation/context
  • Any design changes
  • Pros + Cons
  • Effort required up front
  • Effort required for CI/CD, release, ongoing maintenance
  • Migration strategy / backwards-compatibility
  • Mock-up screenshots or examples of how the CLI would work
  • Clear examples of how to reproduce any issue the proposal is addressing

Once your proposal receives a design/approved label you may go ahead and start work on your Pull Request.

If you are proposing a new tool or service please do due diligence. Does this tool already exist in a 3rd party project or library? Can we reuse it? For example: a timer / CRON-type scheduler for invoking functions is a well-solved problem, do we need to reinvent the wheel?

Every effort will be made to work with contributors who do not follow the process. Your PR may be closed or marked as invalid if it is left inactive, or the proposal cannot move into a design/approved status.

Paperwork for Pull Requests

Please read this whole guide and make sure you agree to the Developer Certificate of Origin (DCO) agreement (included below):

  • See guidelines on commit messages (below)
  • Sign-off your commits (git commit --signoff or -s)
  • Complete the whole template for issues and pull requests
  • Reference addressed issues in the PR description & commit messages - use 'Fixes #IssueNo'
  • Always give instructions for testing
  • Provide us CLI commands and output or screenshots where you can
Commit messages

The first line of the commit message is the subject, this should be followed by a blank line and then a message describing the intent and purpose of the commit. These guidelines are based upon a post by Chris Beams.

  • When you run git commit make sure you sign-off the commit by typing git commit --signoff or git commit -s
  • The commit subject-line should start with an uppercase letter
  • The commit subject-line should not exceed 72 characters in length
  • The commit subject-line should not end with punctuation (., etc)

Note: please do not use the GitHub suggestions feature, since it will not allow your commits to be signed-off.

When giving a commit body:

  • Leave a blank line after the subject-line
  • Make sure all lines are wrapped to 72 characters

Here's an example that would be accepted:

Add alexellis to the .DEREK.yml file

We need to add alexellis to the .DEREK.yml file for project maintainer

Signed-off-by: Alex Ellis <[email protected]>

Some invalid examples:

(feat) Add page about X to documentation

This example does not follow the convention by adding a custom scheme of (feat)

Update the documentation for page X so including fixing A, B, C and D and F.

This example will be truncated in the GitHub UI and via git log --oneline

If you would like to ammend your commit follow this guide: Git: Rewriting History

Unit testing with Golang

Please follow style guide on this blog post from The Go Programming Language

If you are making changes to code that use goroutines, consider adding goleak to your test to help ensure that we are not leaking any goroutines. Simply add

defer goleak.VerifyNoLeaks(t)

at the very beginning of the test, and it will fail the test if it detects goroutines that were opened but never cleaned up at the end of the test.

I have a question, a suggestion or need help

If you have a simple question you can join the Slack community and ask there, but please bear in mind that contributors may live in a different timezone or be working to a different timeline to you. If you have an urgent request then let them know about this.

If you have a deeply technical request or need help debugging your application then you should prepare a simple, public GitHub repository with the minimum amount of code required to reproduce the issue.

If you feel there is an issue with OpenFaaS or were unable to get the help you needed from the Slack channels then raise an issue on one of the GitHub repositories.

I need to add a dependency

The concept of vendoring is used in projects written in Go. This means that a copy of the source-code of dependencies is stored within each repository in the vendor folder. It allows for a repeatable build and isolates change.

The chosen tool for vendoring code in the project is dep.

Note: despite the availability of Go modules in Go 1.11, they are not being used in the project at this time. If and when the decision is made to move, a complete overhaul of all repositories will need to be made in a coordinated fashion, including regression and integration testing. This is not a trivial task.

How are releases made?

Releases are made by the Project Lead on a regular basis and when deemed necessary. If you want to request a new release then mention this on your PR or Issue.

Releases are cut with git tags and a successful Travis build results in new binary artifacts and Docker images being published to the Docker Hub and See the "Build" badge on each GitHub README file for more.

How are credentials managed for and the Docker Hub? These credentials are maintained by the Project Lead.


OpenFaaS is an independent open-source project which was created by the Project Lead Alex Ellis in 2016. OpenFaaS is now being built by Alex, a number of volunteer teams, and a wider community of open-source developers.

OpenFaaS Ltd (company no. 11076587) sponsors the development and maintenance of OpenFaaS. OpenFaaS Ltd provides professional services, consultation and support. Email: [email protected] to make a query.

OpenFaaS ® is a registered trademark in England and Wales.

Project Lead

Responsibility for the project starts with the Project Lead, who delegates specific responsibilities and the corresponding authority to the Core and Members team.

Some duties include:

  • Setting overall technical & community leadership
  • Engaging end-user community to advocate needs of end-users and to capture case-studies
  • Defining and curating roadmap for OpenFaaS & OpenFaaS Cloud
  • Building a community and team of contributors
  • Community & media briefings, out-bound communications, partnerships, relationship management and events

How do I become a maintainer?

In the OpenFaaS community there are four levels of structure or maintainership:

  • Core Team (GitHub org)
  • Members Team (GitHub org)
  • Those with Derek access
  • The rest of the community.

Core Team

The Core Team includes:

  • Alex Ellis (@alexellis)
  • Richard Gee (@rgee0)
  • Stefan Prodan (@stefanprodan)
  • Lucas Roesler (@LucasRoesler)
  • Burton Rheutan (@burtonr)
  • Ed Wilde (@ewilde)

The Core Team have the ear of the Project Lead. They help with strategy, project maintenance, community management, and make a regular commitment of time to the project on a weekly basis. The Core Team will usually be responsible for, or be a subject-matter-expert (SME) for a sub-system of OpenFaaS. Core Team may be granted write (push) access to one or more sub-systems.

The Core Team gain access to a private core channel and are required to participate on a regular basis.

The Core Team have the same expectations and perks of the Membership Team, in addition will need to keep in close contact with the rest of the Core Team and the Project Lead.

  • Core Team are expected to attend 1:1 Zoom calls with the Project Lead up to once per month
  • Core Team members will notify the Project Lead and Core Team of any leave of a week or more and set a status in Slack of "away".

Core Team attend all project meetings and calls. Allowances will be made for timezones and other commitments.

Members Team

The Members Team are contributors who are well-known to the community with a track record of:

  • fixing, testing and triaging issues and PRs
  • offering support to the project
  • providing feedback and being available to help where needed
  • testing and reviewing pull requests
  • joining contributor meetings and supporting new contributors

Note: An essential skill for being in a team is communication. If you cannot communicate with your team on a regular basis, then membership may not be for you and you are welcome to contribute as community.

Varying levels of write access are made available via the project bot Derek to help regular contributors transition to the Members Team.

Members Team Perks:

  • access to a private Slack channel
  • profile posted on the Team page of the OpenFaaS website
  • membership of the GitHub organisations openfaas/openfaas-incubator

Upon request and subject to availability:

  • 1:1 coaching & mentorship
  • help with speaking opportunities and CfP submissions
  • help with CV, resume and LinkedIn profile
  • review, and promotion of blogs and tutorials on social media

The Members Team are expected to:

  • participate in the members channel and engage with the topics
  • participate in community Zoom calls (when possible within your timezone)
  • make regular contributions to the project codebase
  • take an active role in the public channels: #contributors and #openfaas
  • comment on and engage with project proposals
  • attend occasional 1:1 meetings with members of the Core Team or the Project Lead

This group is intended to be an active team that shares the load and collaborates together. This means engaging in topics on Slack, encouraging other teammates, sharing ideas, helping the users and raising issues with the Core Team.

The Members Team will notify their team in the members channel about any planned leave of a week or more and set a status in Slack of "away".

Changing teams

Every contributor to OpenFaaS is a volunteer, including the Project Lead and nobody is paid to work on OpenFaaS.

Motivations and life-circumstances can change over time. If this is expected to be a short-term change, then speak to the Project Lead about a sabbatical arrangement with perks and membership retained for that time.

You may move from the Core Team to the Members Team. Please notify the Project Lead.

If you can no-longer commit to being part of a team, then you may move to Community Contributor status and retain your access to Derek for as long as it is useful to you.

Stepping-down and emeritus status

After stepping-down, you will have an emeritus status and will be listed in the file and will have a place on the team page.

emeritus: (of the former holder of an office, especially a university professor) having retired but allowed to retain their title as an honour.

Some guidelines on stepping down:

When somebody leaves or disengages from the project, we ask that they do so in a way that minimises disruption to the project. They should tell [The Project Lead, that] they are leaving and take the proper steps to ensure that others can pick up where they left off.

Quoted from the Ubuntu community guidelines.

It's reasonable to expect that some people may no longer be able to continue their Open Source contributions actively, but would like to remain a part of the project and to continue to be recognised.

Access to Derek

If you have been added to the .DEREK.yml file in the root of an OpenFaaS repository then you can help us manage the community and contributions by issuing comments on Issues and Pull Requests. See Derek for available commands.

If you are a contributor then you are welcome to request access.

Community/project meetings and calls

The community calls are held on Zoom on a regular basis with invitations sent out via email ahead of time.

General format:

  • Project updates/briefing
  • Round-table intros/updates
  • Demos of features/new work from community
  • Q&A

If you would like invites, sign-up to Slack and pick "Yes" to Community Events and Updates.

Branding guidelines

For press, branding, logos and marks see the OpenFaaS media repository.


This project is written in Golang but many of the community contributions so far have been through blogging, speaking engagements, helping to test and drive the backlog of OpenFaaS. If you'd like to help in any way then that would be more than welcome whatever your level of experience.

Community file

The file highlights blogs, talks and code repos with example FaaS functions and usages. Please send a Pull Request if you are doing something cool with OpenFaaS.


There is an Slack community which you are welcome to join to discuss OpenFaaS, OpenFaaS Cloud, Kubernetes, Serverless, FaaS, IoT, and ARM / Raspberry Pi.

Join Slack here



This project is licensed under the MIT License.

Copyright notice

It is important to state that you retain copyright for your contributions, but agree to license them for usage by the project and author(s) under the MIT license. Git retains history of authorship, but we use a catch-all statement rather than individual names.

Please add a Copyright notice to new files you add where this is not already present.

// Copyright (c) OpenFaaS Author(s) 2018. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE file in the project root for full license information.

Sign your work

Note: every commit in your PR or Patch must be signed-off.

The sign-off is a simple line at the end of the explanation for a patch. Your signature certifies that you wrote the patch or otherwise have the right to pass it on as an open-source patch. The rules are pretty simple: if you can certify the below (from

Developer Certificate of Origin
Version 1.1

Copyright (C) 2004, 2006 The Linux Foundation and its contributors.
1 Letterman Drive
Suite D4700
San Francisco, CA, 94129

Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies of this
license document, but changing it is not allowed.

Developer's Certificate of Origin 1.1

By making a contribution to this project, I certify that:

(a) The contribution was created in whole or in part by me and I
    have the right to submit it under the open source license
    indicated in the file; or

(b) The contribution is based upon previous work that, to the best
    of my knowledge, is covered under an appropriate open source
    license and I have the right under that license to submit that
    work with modifications, whether created in whole or in part
    by me, under the same open source license (unless I am
    permitted to submit under a different license), as indicated
    in the file; or

(c) The contribution was provided directly to me by some other
    person who certified (a), (b) or (c) and I have not modified

(d) I understand and agree that this project and the contribution
    are public and that a record of the contribution (including all
    personal information I submit with it, including my sign-off) is
    maintained indefinitely and may be redistributed consistent with
    this project or the open source license(s) involved.

Then you just add a line to every git commit message:

Signed-off-by: Joe Smith <[email protected]>

Use your real name (sorry, no pseudonyms or anonymous contributions.)

If you set your and git configs, you can sign your commit automatically with git commit -s.

Please sign your commits with git commit -s so that commits are traceable.

This is different from digital signing using GPG, GPG is not required for making contributions to the project.

If you forgot to sign your work and want to fix that, see the following guide: Git: Rewriting History