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i understand it's not the core of kamal maybe, it still is strongly related to having a full alternative for heroku, i.e. the ability to easily pull and push databases from environments for debugging reasons for example.
below is a script that provides us with the same convenience for our setup. it reads the database credentials for the kamal secrets but for the rest it's kind of kamal agnostics. it provides pull, push, copy, backup, rename functionality for your kamal environments.
there's also a 'console' command that opens a psql straight to the remote db, which is actually faster then launching the rails db console on the host and it's also more convenient for the case where you want to save/load e.g. from local CSV files.
first of all, feel free to use it as is or as inspiration, to anyone interested.
i'm curious where @dhh thinks this kind of functionality would ideally be made shareable? for us, these scripts where kind of one of the key missing parts to comfortably migrate away from heroku to hetzner, and i'm assuming that many others would be making the jump more easily if they have these available.
currently it's PG specific, but conceptually at least, pulling and/or pushing a database from local to a destination is useful for independent.
# Function to calculate the backup database name
backup_db_name() {
local target_db_name="$1"
local current_date=$(date +%Y%m%d)
local timestamp=$(date +%H%M%S)
echo "${target_db_name}_${current_date}_${timestamp}"
# Function to rename a PostgreSQL database
# Usage: db_rename <db_url> <old_db_name> <new_db_name>
db_rename() {
local db_url="$1"
local old_db_name="$2"
local new_db_name="$3"
if [[ -z "$old_db_name" || -z "$new_db_name" || -z "$db_url" ]]; then
echo "Usage: rename <db_url> <old_db_name> <new_db_name>"
exit 1
echo "Renaming database from $old_db_name to $new_db_name on $db_url"
# Run the ALTER DATABASE command to rename the database
psql "$db_url" -c "ALTER DATABASE \"$old_db_name\" RENAME TO \"$new_db_name\";"
# Function to create a PostgreSQL database
# Usage: db_create <db_url> <new_db_name>
db_create() {
local db_url="$1"
local new_db_name="$2"
if [[ -z "$new_db_name" || -z "$db_url" ]]; then
echo "Usage: create <db_url> <new_db_name>"
exit 1
echo "Creating database $new_db_name on $db_url"
# Run the CREATE DATABASE command to rename the database
psql "$db_url" -c "CREATE DATABASE \"$new_db_name\";"
# Function for pulling a database from a remote server to the local machine
# Usage: db_pull <db_url> <db_name>
db_pull() {
local db_url="$1"
local db_name="$2"
local dump_file="${db_name}.dump"
# Step 1: Dump the remote database
echo "Dumping database from $db_url to $dump_file..."
pg_dump --no-owner --exclude-table-data=versions -v -Fc -f "$dump_file" "$db_url"
# Step 2: Check if local database exists, prompt for confirmation, and drop if confirmed
if psql -lqt | cut -d \| -f 1 | grep -qw "$db_name"; then
read -p "Database $db_name already exists. Do you want to drop it and recreate? (y/n): " confirm
if [[ "$confirm" != "y" ]]; then
echo "Aborting..."
exit 1
echo "Dropping existing database..."
dropdb "$db_name"
# Step 3: Create a new local database
echo "Creating local database..."
createdb "$db_name"
# Step 4: Restore the dump to the new local database
echo "Restoring database..."
pg_restore --no-owner --no-comments -v -d "postgres://localhost/$db_name" "$dump_file"
echo "Database pull completed: $db_name"
# Function for "push" subcommand
# Usage: db_push <local_db_name> <remote_db_url>
db_push() {
local local_db_name="$1"
local remote_db_url="$2"
local dump_file="$(backup_db_name "$local_db_name").dump"
# Dump the local database
echo "Dumping local database..."
echo pg_dump --no-owner --exclude-table-data=versions -v -Fc -f $dump_file postgres://localhost/$local_db_name
pg_dump --no-owner --exclude-table-data=versions -v -Fc -f $dump_file postgres://localhost/$local_db_name
# Restore the dump to the new remote database
echo pg_restore --no-owner --no-comments -v -d $remote_db_url $dump_file
pg_restore --no-owner --no-comments -v -d $remote_db_url $dump_file
echo "Database push completed: $local_db_name"
# Function for copying a database from one server to another
# Usage: db_copy <source_db_url> <target_db_url>
db_copy() {
local source_db_url="$1"
local target_db_url="$2"
local current_date=$(date +%Y%m%d)
local timestamp=$(date +%H%M%S)
local source_db_name="${source_db_url##*/}"
local target_db_name="${target_db_url##*/}"
local dump_file="${source_db_name}_${target_db_name}_${current_date}_${timestamp}.dump"
# Step 1: Dump the source database
echo "Dumping source database..."
pg_dump --no-owner --exclude-table-data=versions -v -Fc -f "$dump_file" "$source_db_url"
# stop if the dump failed
if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then
echo "Dump failed. Aborting..."
exit 1
# Step 2: Create the target database (and backup if needed)
local backup_db_name=$(backup_db_name "$target_db_name")
local source_base_url="${source_db_url%/*}"
local target_base_url="${target_db_url%/*}"
db_rename "$target_base_url" "$target_db_name" "$backup_db_name"
echo "Creating new target database: $target_db_name..."
psql "$target_base_url" -c "CREATE DATABASE \"$target_db_name\";"
# Step 3: Restore the dump to the target database
echo "Restoring dump to target database..."
pg_restore --no-owner --no-comments -v -d "$target_db_url" "$dump_file"
echo "Database copy completed: $source_db_name to $target_db_name"
# function to rename a database
# Usage: db_rename <base_url> <old_name> <new_name>
db_rename() {
local base_url="$1"
local old_name="$2"
local new_name="$3"
# Run the ALTER DATABASE command to rename the database
psql "$base_url" -c "ALTER DATABASE \"$old_name\" RENAME TO \"$new_name\";"
# function to clone a database on the server
# Usage: db_clone_on_server <base_url> <db_name> <clone_db_name:optional>
db_clone_on_server() {
local base_url="$1"
local db_name="$2"
# if the third param is available, use it as the backup db name
# else append current_date to db_name
if [[ -n "$3" ]]; then
local clone_db_name="$3"
local backup_db_name=$(backup_db_name "$db_name")
psql "$base_url" -c "CREATE DATABASE \"$clone_db_name\" WITH TEMPLATE \"$db_name\";"
# check if the clone db was created
if psql "$base_url" -lqt | cut -d \| -f 1 | grep -qw "$clone_db_name"; then
echo "Database $db_name clones as $clone_db_name"
# Function to extract DATABASE_URL from the secrets file
fetch_db_url() {
local env="$1"
local secrets_file=".kamal/secrets.${env}"
if [[ ! -f "$secrets_file" ]]; then
echo "Secrets file not found: $secrets_file"
exit 1
# Extract DATABASE_URL from the secrets file
local db_url=$(awk -F '=' '/^DATABASE_URL=/{print $2}' "$secrets_file")
if [[ -z "$db_url" ]]; then
echo "DATABASE_URL not found in $secrets_file"
exit 1
echo "$db_url"
current_date=$(date +%Y%m%d)
timestamp=$(date +%H%M%S)
# Fetch the DATABASE_URL from the secrets file
db_url=$(fetch_db_url "$env")
# Extract everything before the last '/'
# Extract the database name after the last '/'
case "$command" in
psql "$db_url"
if [[ $# -lt 3 ]]; then
echo "Usage: kdb copy <source_environment> <target_environment>"
exit 1
local source_environment="$2"
local target_environment="$3"
kamal app stop -d "$source_environment"
kamal app stop -d "$target_environment"
# Fetch the source and target DATABASE_URLs
target_db_url=$(fetch_db_url "$3")
# if source and target base are the same, copy on the server
# else copy between servers using pg_dump and pg_restore
if [[ "$source_base_url" == "$target_base_url" ]]; then
echo "Renaming current target database from $3 to $3_${current_date}_${timestamp}"
backup_db_name=$(backup_db_name "$3")
db_rename "$base_url" "$3" "$backup_db_name"
# echo "Cloning database from $2 to $3"
db_clone_on_server "$base_url" "$2" "$3"
# Copy the source DB to the target DB
db_copy "$source_db_url" "${target_db_url}"
kamal app boot -d "$source_environment"
kamal app boot -d "$target_environment"
if (( $# < 2 || $# > 3 )); then
echo "Usage: kdb pull <environment> <local_db_name:optional>"
exit 1
if [[ -n "$3" ]]; then
local_db_name=$(backup_db_name "$env")
db_pull "$db_url" "$local_db_name"
if [[ $# -lt 3 ]]; then
echo "Usage: kdb push <environment> <local_db_name>"
exit 1
backup_db_name=$(backup_db_name "$db_name")
kamal app stop -d "$env"
db_rename "$base_url" "$db_name" "$backup_db_name"
db_create "$base_url" "${env}"
db_push "$local_db_name" "${base_url}/${env}"
kamal app boot -d "$env"
if (( $# < 2 || $# > 3 )); then
echo "Usage: kdb rename <environment> <new_db_name:optional>"
exit 1
# if $3 present, use it as new_db_name else append current_date to db_name
if [[ -n "$3" ]]; then
db_rename "$base_url" "$db_name" "$new_db_name"
echo "Listing databases for $base_url"
psql "$base_url" -c "\l" | grep "$db_name"
echo "Dropping database $db_name"
# ask for confirmation
read -p "Are you sure you want to drop the database $db_name? (y/n): " -n 1 -r
# abort if not confirmed
if [[ ! $REPLY =~ ^[Yy]$ ]]; then
echo "Aborted!"
exit 1
psql "$base_url" -c "DROP DATABASE \"$db_name\";"
echo "Backing up database $db_name on the remote to a local dump"
backup_db_name=$(backup_db_name "$db_name")
db_pull "$db_url" "$backup_db_name"
echo "Backing up database $db_name on the remote"
kamal app stop -d "$env"
db_clone_on_server "$base_url" "$db_name"
kamal app boot -d "$env"
echo "Reverting database $db_name from $3"
# ask for confirmation
read -p "Are you sure you want to revert the database $db_name to $3? (y/n): " -n 1 -r
# abort if not confirmed
if [[ ! $REPLY =~ ^[Yy]$ ]]; then
echo "Aborted!"
exit 1
# check if the chosen db exists
if ! psql "$base_url" -lqt | cut -d \| -f 1 | grep -qw "$3"; then
echo "Database $3 does not exist, aborting the revert!"
exit 1
kamal app stop -d "$env"
# clone to the default backup name
db_clone_on_server "$base_url" "$db_name"
# drop the current db
psql "$base_url" -c "DROP DATABASE \"$db_name\";"
# rename the chosen db to the original db name
db_rename "$base_url" "$db_name" "$3"
kamal app boot -d "$env"
db_create "$base_url" "$env"
echo "Unknown command: $command"
echo "Usage: kdb <pull|push|rename|copy|list> <environment>"
exit 1
The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered:
i understand it's not the core of kamal maybe, it still is strongly related to having a full alternative for heroku, i.e. the ability to easily pull and push databases from environments for debugging reasons for example.
below is a script that provides us with the same convenience for our setup. it reads the database credentials for the kamal secrets but for the rest it's kind of kamal agnostics. it provides pull, push, copy, backup, rename functionality for your kamal environments.
there's also a 'console' command that opens a psql straight to the remote db, which is actually faster then launching the rails db console on the host and it's also more convenient for the case where you want to save/load e.g. from local CSV files.
first of all, feel free to use it as is or as inspiration, to anyone interested.
i'm curious where @dhh thinks this kind of functionality would ideally be made shareable? for us, these scripts where kind of one of the key missing parts to comfortably migrate away from heroku to hetzner, and i'm assuming that many others would be making the jump more easily if they have these available.
currently it's PG specific, but conceptually at least, pulling and/or pushing a database from local to a destination is useful for independent.
The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered: