Example usage. It creates a QR code given text, quality, size, and color parameters. It also demonstrates how to parse and validate the generated QR code as soon as it's generated.
func makeQRCode() {
let text = "https://github.com/atchoo78/QRCodesMacOS"
let backgroundColorStart = .black
// Uncomment for Gradient background:
// let backgroundColorEnd = .gray
let pointColorStart = .red
// Uncomment for Gradient foreground color:
// let pointColorEnd = .purple
let generatedQR = generateQrCode(text: text!, pointColorStart: pointColorStart, pointColorEnd: nil, backgroundColorStart: backgroundColorStart, backgroundColorEnd: nil)
// update UI
<Some ImageView>.image = generatedQR
if(parseQR(QR: generatedQR!.ciImage())[0] != nil) {
qrURLString = parseQR(QR: generatedQR!.ciImage())[0]
<Some Textfield>.stringValue = qrURLString!
func generateQrCode(text: String, pointColorStart: NSColor, pointColorEnd: NSColor?, backgroundColorStart: NSColor, backgroundColorEnd: NSColor?) -> NSImage? {
let correction = QRCode.Quality.high
let size: CGFloat = 600
let pointColor = QRCode.PointColor(<img width="153" alt="qr5" src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/20549049/220308914-bed96b3f-b221-44b6-8a9d-67ae8bd34c32.png">
start: pointColorStart,
end: pointColorEnd
let backgroundColor = QRCode.BackgroundColor(
start: backgroundColorStart,
end: backgroundColorEnd
return QRGenerator.create(
text: text,
background: backgroundColor,
color: pointColor,
size: size,
correction: correction