It is easy to configure and activate tasks in GrumPHP. Tasks live under their own namespace in the parameters part. To activate a task, it is sufficient to add an empty task configuration:
# grumphp.yml
ant: ~
atoum: ~
behat: ~
brunch: ~
clover_coverage: ~
codeception: ~
composer: ~
composer_normalize: ~
composer_require_checker: ~
composer_script: ~
deptrac: ~
doctrine_orm: ~
ecs: ~
eslint: ~
file_size: ~
gherkin: ~
git_blacklist: ~
git_branch_name: ~
git_commit_message: ~
grunt: ~
gulp: ~
infection: ~
jsonlint: ~
kahlan: ~
make: ~
npm_script: ~
paratest: ~
phan: ~
phing: ~
php7cc: ~
phpcpd: ~
phpcs: ~
phpcsfixer: ~
phplint: ~
phpmd: ~
phpmnd: ~
phpparser: ~
phpspec: ~
phpstan: ~
phpunit: ~
phpunitbridge: ~
phpversion: ~
progpilot: ~
psalm: ~
robo: ~
securitychecker: ~
shell: ~
twigcs: ~
xmllint: ~
yamllint: ~
Every task has it's own default configuration. It is possible to overwrite the parameters per task.
- Ant
- Atoum
- Behat
- Brunch
- Clover Coverage
- Codeception
- Composer
- Composer Normalize
- Composer Require Checker
- Composer Script
- Doctrine ORM
- Ecs EasyCodingStandard
- ESLint
- File size
- Deptrac
- Gherkin
- Git blacklist
- Git branch name
- Git commit message
- Grunt
- Gulp
- Infection
- JsonLint
- Kahlan
- Make
- NPM script
- Paratest
- Phan
- Phing
- Php7cc
- PhpCpd
- Phpcs
- PHP-CS-Fixer
- PHPLint
- PhpMd
- PhpMnd
- PhpParser
- Phpspec
- PHPStan
- Phpunit
- Phpunit bridge
- PhpVersion
- Progpilot
- Psalm
- Robo
- Security Checker
- Shell
- TwigCs
- XmlLint
- YamlLint
Every task has a pre-defined metadata
key on which application specific options can be configured.
For example:
# grumphp.yml
blocking: true
label: null
priority: 0
task: null
Default: true
This option can be used to make a failing task non-blocking. By default all tasks will be marked as blocking. When a task is non-blocking, the errors will be displayed but the tests will pass.
Default: null
This option can be used to display a label instead of the task name whilst running GrumPHP. By default the task name will be displayed.
Default: 0
This option can be used to specify the order in which the tasks will be executed. The higher the priority, the sooner the task will be executed. All tasks with the same priority will run in parallel if parallel execution is enabled.
Default: null
This option can be used to specify which task you want to run. This way you can configure the same task twice by using an alias with different options. (For more information see below.)
Creating a custom task is a matter of implementing the provided GrumPHP\Task\TaskInterface
When your task is written, you have to register it to the service manager and add your task configuration to grumphp.yaml
interface TaskInterface
public static function getConfigurableOptions(): OptionsResolver;
public function canRunInContext(ContextInterface $context): bool;
public function run(ContextInterface $context): TaskResultInterface;
public function getConfig(): TaskConfigInterface;
public function withConfig(TaskConfigInterface $config): TaskInterface;
: This method has to return all configurable options for the task.canRunInContext
: Tells GrumPHP if it can run inpre-commit
: Executes the task and returns a resultgetConfig
: Provides the resolved configuration for the task or an empty config for newly instantiated tasks.withConfig
: Is used by GrumPHP to inject configuration during runtime. It should be immutable by default.
# grumphp.yml
config1: config-value
- '@some.required.dependency'
- {name: grumphp.task, task: defaultTaskName, priority: 0}
You now registered your custom task! Pretty cool right?!
We provided some base phpunit classes which you can use to test your tasks. For a more detailed view on how to use these classes, you can scroll through our own unit tests section.
: For testing basic tasks that don't trigger an external command.GrumPHP\Test\Task\AbstractExternalTaskTestCase
: For testing tasks that trigger external commands.
In some cases you might want to run the same task but with different configuration. Good news: This is perfectly possible! You can use any name you want for the task, as long as you configure an existing task in the metadata section. Configuration of the additional task will look like this:
# grumphp.yml
allow_risky: true
path_mode: intersection
allow_risky: true
config: .typo3.php_cs
path_mode: intersection
task: phpcsfixer2