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452 lines (289 loc) · 17.2 KB

Ike Arquillian Website Source

This repository contains the source of the Arquillian website (hosted using github pages), to which the hostname resolves.

The website is built using Awestruct. The develop branch contains the unprocessed website source. From that content, Awestruct generates a static website under the _site directory. The website is published to the public site by pushing the contents of the _site directory to the master branch.

Setting Up

First and foremost clone this repository :) In order to be able to generate the whole site you will also need to create a GitHub token for command-line use. Follow this guide and put it in .github-auth file in thre root of the cloned directory (it’s already ignored by Git so you shouldn’t be worried about compromising it). Subsequent sections explain how to run Awesturct in Dockerized setup or Local setup.

Dockerized setup

The following instructions allow you to work on in the isolated Docker container while still being able to edit the content locally using your favorite editor. If you don’t have Docker installed please follow this guide first.

First step is to build the image based on Dockerfile included in the root folder of this repository. Simply execute following command.

docker build -t arquillian/blog .

This will create a Docker image tagged as arquillian/blog.

Once you have the image built you can start Docker container to generate Awestruct stire from within it. You can preview the site under http://localhost:4242 on Linux or http://<docker-ip>:4242 with boot2docker, where docker-ip can be retrieved via boot2docker ip.

docker run -it --rm --net=host -v $PWD:/home/dev/${PWD##*/} -p 4242:4242 arquillian/blog

This command will work from the root of your directory (as we mount the repository folder using -v $PWD:/home/dev/${PWD##*/}).

--net=host flag might not be needed, but in case when your website is not accessible from the host, according to this issue in Docker GitHub repo, this might be the solution.

Before you start Previewing the Site Locally there is one last command you need to execute from within running Docker container. You have to install the gems required for the whole machinery to kick in. From the root of your directory (which is now accessible from within the container) execute following command:

bundle install -j 10  // (1)
  1. In addition you can add --path ./.gems (or just use an alias install-gems) to install gems inside the folder where your git repository is. This will speed up subsequent runs of the container.

And you are ready to start writing!

Or…​ if you are brave enough, continue reading next section to learn how to set it up locally.


If you run the container on a SELinux-enabled host (for example on Fedora) you need to change the SELinux label of the directory that contains the source code of your website to be able to modify it from inside of the container:

chcon -t svirt_sandbox_file_t -R $PWD

Local setup

You need to have Awestruct installed on your machine to preview the website locally. Awestruct is a available as Ruby gem in the GemCutter repository. You can install it into either a native Ruby or a JRuby installation. The instructions here will cover setting up Awestruct in both native Ruby and JRuby installation for Linux environment.

Begin by installing the package for Ruby and RubyGems.

Installing Ruby and RubyGems on Ubuntu

If you have Ubuntu, use this command to install Ruby and RubyGems:

$ sudo apt-get install rubygems

Ubuntu does not currently add the RubyGems bin directory to your path. Put the following files in your shell configuration file (.bashrc) and restart the shell.

$ export GEM_HOME=/var/lib/gems/1.8 \
export PATH=$PATH:$GEM_HOME/bin

Now the executables for any gem you install will be available on your path.

Installing JRuby on Ubuntu

It might happen that you will face similar problem while trying to install awestruct using Ruby on Ubuntu. In that case using JRuby as an alternative might solve it.

First, download and unpack latest stable version of JRuby: (The one available in Ubuntu repositories is too old and does not support Awestruct)

$ wget \
tar -xzvf jruby-bin-1.6.7.tar.gz

Optionally, you can copy it to /usr/lib/jvm and create symbolic link for convenience:

$ sudo mv jruby-1.6.7/ /usr/lib/jvm \
cd /usr/lib/jvm/ \
sudo ln -s jruby-1.6.7/ jruby

Last step is adding JRuby to path (for instance in .bashrc)

$ export JRUBY_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/jruby \
export PATH=``$JRUBY_HOME/bin:$PATH''

Also, make sure to unset GEM_HOME for your session or else JRuby will try to install gems into your system installation.

$ unset GEM_HOME

That’s it. Just install all required gems described in subsequent sections and you are ready to run awestruct backed by JRuby!

Use jgem instead of sudo gem for this purpose.

Installing Ruby and RubyGems on Fedora

If you have Fedora, use this command to install Ruby and RubyGems:

$ sudo yum install ruby ruby-devel ruby-irb rubygems

Optionally, you can install RubyGems manually to use a newer version (was once a requirement for installing Awestruct, but has since been fixed):

$ wget -q \
tar xzf rubygems-1.8.15.tgz \
cd rubygems-1.8.15 \
sudo ruby setup.rb

In Fedora, RubyGems properly links applications such as awestruct to /usr/bin when the corresponding gem is installed, so no need for messing with the PATH.

Installing the Awestruct Gem

Now you are ready to install awestruct. The remainder of the commands work on any Ruby installation. If you’re using JRuby, remember to use jgem instead of sudo gem.

Use this command to install the awestruct gem and its dependencies:

$ sudo gem install awestruct

If you get a compiler error when RedCloth is installing, use this command instead:

$ sudo gem install awestruct -- --with-cflags=\``-O2 -pipe -march=native -Wno-unused-but-set-variable\''

You’re all set!

If you’ve previously installed awestruct, make sure you have Awestruct >= 0.2.15. You can update it update it using this command:

$ sudo gem update awestruct

If you’re using JRuby, you’ll need to update your RedCloth gem to support international characters. Follow these steps:

Additional Required Gems

As the website matures, more gems will be required. This section documents the required third-party gems not already installed by Awestruct.

Install these Gems using the sudo gem install command (or jgem install command for JRuby) as you did above.

  • rest-client

  • git

  • vpim

  • jruby-openssl (if using jruby)

  • rb-inotify (if using linux)

  • ri_cal

  • tzinfo

  • hpricot

  • RedCloth

Installing Awestruct and Required Gems using Bundler

Now there’s an even easier way to get setuFirst, make sure you have the Bundler gem installed:

$ sudo gem install bundler

Now Bundler can handle the rest of the setup automatically:

$ sudo bundle install

At this point, you are ready to pull down the site and run it.

Previewing the Site Locally

Now that you have awestruct installed, you can preview the website locally by running it in development mode. Development mode uses a file monitor to automatically update the site when you make a change to the source files.

To run the site, you first need the source code. Begin by cloning the website source code from git:

git clone git://

Then, switch to the develop branch (the master branch holds the published site only):

git checkout develop

Run the following command to launch the preview server:

awestruct -d
Currently when running awestruct in the preview mode some of the auto-generated pages (e.g. modules) are not generated. If you want to see them too please run full generation of _site folder first, as described below.

Visit the following page in your browser:

You’re now awestruct!

If you only want to generate once when you start the server, use this command:

awestruct --server -P development

Add the --force flag to either command to regenerate the site from scratch. You can also remove the _tmp and _site directories to clean the generated files.


Haml is the preferred abstract HTML markup language.

Sass and Compass are the preferred CSS frameworks.

Source files are indented using 2 spaces. Haml files require the same indentation size throughout. Ruby hashes should have no leading or trailing spaces and options such be seperated by a comma followed by a space (e.g., {:href⇒'', title⇒'Arquillian Project Site'}).

Note: In a HAML document, if you use the equals seperator (=) rather than a greater than equals () in a hash key-value assignment, Awestruct will crash.

Page structure

  • #banner

    • h2#logo

    • #navigation

  • #main

    • #intro

      • .hgroup

        • h1

      • .aside

    • #content

      • .post

        • .header

          • h2.title

          • .byline

        • .body

        • .footer

    • #sidebar

  • #footer

  • #intro

  • #content

    • section#primary

    • aside

Writing a Blog Entry

Writing a blog entry is very easy. All you have to do is fill in a brief prolog at the top of the file, then just type your content. The rest is handled for you.


To write a blog entry, create a new textile document with the file extension .textile in the blog/ folder. The name of the file is important. It determines the date of the blog entry and the URL. The syntax is:


You cannot use dots or spaces in the URL segment.

For example:



The prolog is a set of name/value pairs defined at the top of the file in between two lines containing three dashes. In this section you define the following metadata:

  • layout (always "blog")

  • title (use sentence capitalization)

  • author (use github id)

  • tags (array structure, limit to 5, use singular forms as in "release")

Here’s an example (refer to HTML output):

layout: blog
title: Ike is our hero
author: aslakknutsen
tags: [ announcements, ike ]
--- << only copy the hyphens and the lines of text between them

If you want the post to appear in the JBoss Central view in JBoss Tools, add jbosscentral to the list of tags.


Below the prolog, you just type in textile format.


Please follow the JBoss Community syntax conventions when formatting the code (to ensure all posts look consistent).

To insert syntax highlighted code, followed by paragraph text, use the following syntax (refer to HTML output of this guide):

public class Alien {
    public String getName() {
        return "Ike";

This sentence will appear below the code. The language is detected automatically.

You don’t normally need to use the prefix to enter a paragrah. However, it’s required after a code block to indicate to the parser that the code snippet has ended. If the content following the code is not paragraph text (for instance, a list item), use notextile. instead of p., but include one space at the end of the line.

If you are running awestruct in preview mode, you need to touch the blog/index.html.haml file to see the blog show up in the index (likely a bug).


Images should be put in the images/blog/ folder. An image should be no more than 600px wide.

Writing a Release Note

Writing a release note is even easier than blog post. There is a template file created for this purpose blog/_github-release-template.textile.

Simply name your file using following convention [repository-name]-[versionId].textile (eg. arquillian-core-1.0.0.CR6.textile). Fill in the most important features which are part of this particular release.

Other things like JIRA tasks are picked up automatically.

If for some reason you are not able to see your release notes on blog/ aggregator page, perform following steps:

Delete where tag/release information is read from:

rm -rf _tmp/repos/[repo-that-contain-release]

Delete the overview from JIRA that contains all released versions:

rm -rf _tmp/jira/jira-ARQ.json

Then restart awestruct and everything should work nicely.

Writing a Guide

Writing a guide is much like writing a blog entry (and, as such, just as easy). You need to supply some prolog information, a header stating what the guide covers and content partitioned using level 3 (h3) headings. The rest is handled for you, including the table of contents and listing in the index.

When committing a guide, put it in a commit by itself and use a commit message that describes to a reader what changed. Commit messages are used as the guide’s changelog.


To write a blog entry, create a new textile document with the file extension .textile in the guides/ folder. The name of the file will become the last path in the guide’s URL and thus should closely match the guide’s title. Since it’s part of the URL, the filename should not contain spaces.


The prolog is a set of name/value pairs defined at the top of the file in between two lines containing three dashes. In this section you define the following metadata:

  • layout (always "guide")

  • title (use title capitalization)

  • authors (comma seperated list of original authors of the guide)

  • translators (comma seperated list, for translations only)

  • tags (comma seperated list)

  • guide_summary (summary text to be used in the guide index)

  • guide_group (numeric; 1 = beginner, 2 = intermediate, 3 = advanced)

  • guide_order (numeric weight; less is more)

Here’s an example (refer to HTML output):

layout: guide
title: Getting Started
authors: [Dan Allen]
tags: [cdi, weld, maven, forge, eclipse]
guide_summary: Learn how to add Arquillian to the test suite of your project and write your first Arquillian test.
guide_group: 1
guide_order: 10
--- << only copy the hyphens and the lines of text between them


Below the prolog, you type in textile format. (Don’t use an h2. heading for the title, it will be inserted automatically.)

You should begin each guide with a summary that lays out what the guide covers. It should be regular paragraph text surrounding a list of topics.

The remainder of the content should be divided into level 3 (h3) headings. The heading title should be no more than 20 characters and use title capitalization.

Currently, you cannot use acronyms in the heading of a guide section.


Refer to the instruction for writing a blog entry to learn how to enter code.


Images should be put in the images/guides/ folder.

Textile Extensions

You can add emoticons by immediately preceding any of the following smile symbols with tilde (~):





Here’s an example ~;)

Style Classes

   Defines the last column, used to remove the margin & padding to the right

   Defines the first of something, used to remove the margin & padding from the top

   Defines the last paragraph, used to remove the margin & padding from the bottom
