I designed a breakout board for the XC9572XL-10VQ64 ICs that I have. Ref: https://github.com/algofoogle/sandpit/tree/master/pcb/kicad/XC9572XL-breakout
I did the following:
- Used KiCAD.
- Learned about drag/shove routing (using D key in PCB layout editor): Great way to get tight and neat designs. Some other great official doco here.
- Included the "bridge" board breakaway part (seen in the bottom half of the image above). I tried to make it a bit like a prototyping/veroboard too, by including 0.1″ holes.
- Added mounting holes: The idea is that the main board and bridge board could be joined together at the top, and then I could use right-angle SIL header pins on either board (facing outward) to create something that can be plugged into a breadboard vertically. Otherwise, the main board can have vertical header pins pointing down, and straddle two breadboards.
- Designed for some parts I know I already have: 0.1″ headers; AMS1117-3.3 LDO; XC9572XL-10VG64 (if my China order from eBay can be trusted); 6mm SMD pushbuttons.
- Separated the XC9572XL "Function Blocks" (FB1..4) into different headers, and silkscreen-labelled their pins both with the chip pin number and chip pin function.
- Guessed sizes for other passive SMD parts, picking ones that sounded easy enough to solder.
- Ordered some parts from Element14; I probably already have several C, R, and LEDs I could already use, but they're cheap so I figured I would get some while ordering other stuff, too. Parts in the order were all SMD: various LED colours; ceramic caps (nF range); tantalum caps (µF range); some 7x5mm XOs (crystal oscillators) of various frequences in the range 20MHz..50MHz; and a couple of spare XC9572XL-7VQG64C and XC9536XL-10VQ44C (handy maybe someday for 5V level shifting logic).
- Learned that "in stock" doesn't necessarily mean it will actually be in stock and ready for shipping. There's some variability in this with Element14 at least.
- Ordered the boards via JLC.
- They charged an extra engineering fee of US$4, then emailed later to say I would be charged another US$4 because I had 2 designs. Apparently that is determined by having the layouts obviously separated (electrically).
- I took the initiative to email them after I'd paid the extra, because it looked like the order was stalled until I did that. I used their [email protected] address (even though they didn't specifically show that this was necessary), but they got back to me promptly and confirmed that the order was now in progress.
- Total cost ended up being about AU$45 for 5 boards. Actual material cost is AU$15.70, and shipping is AU$28.64.
- The order is in production now.
- I used their new instructions for exporting Gerbers from KiCAD; no mucking around with renaming files, now.
- XC9572XL has a 3.3V core, but has 5V-tolerant pins. Its IOs can sink and source 8mA each.
is the input voltage; 5V nominal, but maybe up to 12V is OK? It goes directly into the AMS1117-3.3 LDO voltage regulator.J6
can be jumpered to connect the CPLD's VCCIO supply directly to the main 3.3V supply. Otherwise, supply a different VCCIO voltage via theVCCIO
pin onJ6
is the core supply voltage, regulated by the LDO, or otherwise just driven directly by an external supply.- There is a power LED, 2 logic LEDs (IO2-17 and IO1-2; active high as described here), and 2 pushbuttons (IO3-16 and IO4-3; pulled high when open and grounded when pressed).
Changes I would make if I did it again:
- Make the board a bit smaller.
- Put the main IC's decoupling caps closer; easier now that I know how to do drag/shove routing.
- Maybe use smaller parts overall, based on parts researched first from Element14 or whatever.
- Maybe include footprints for USB and coax power sockets?
- Avoid JLCPCB extra charges: Either be more clever, or just don't worry about the bridge board.
- Read JLC panelization info. Also read this. Also read about all the instructions for ordering.
- I might try PCBWay instead of JLCPCB.
- Bigger power traces, and bigger heat pad for LDO.
- Be more careful about where the XO is so the CLK line induces less noise.
- Use ground pour to handle ground lines, instead of doing vias first.
- Maybe put in footprints for more interfaces to stuff, e.g. 7-seg displays.
- Version: 14.7, released as a Linux VM, released in Feb 2020, intended to be used via VirtualBox in Windows 10.
- Release notes: https://www.xilinx.com/support/documentation/sw_manuals/xilinx14_7/ug1227-ise-vm-windows10.pdf -- It also explains how it now supports all devices, not just Spartan-6. There is a copy of the guide here, in case it goes missing.
- Download from here under "14.7 Windows 10". Note that it's a 15.5GB (!) VM.
- This brings up a login page. I had to reset my password, as per their notification.
- Not sure if these are needed, but there are BSDL models available for download including for the XC9500XL. I've attached copies, in case they go missing: for CoolRunner-II and XC9500XL.
- Info if there are errors when trying to use ISE Webpack: https://www.xilinx.com/support/answers/68433.html
- This might be helpful for later figuring out how to program the XC9572XL: https://www.xilinx.com/support/answers/7585.html
- Flux
- Solder
- SMD resistor networks?
- Good tweezers
- Level shifter packages
- https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1000006622145.html
- https://www.seeedstudio.com/catalogsearch/result/?q=fpga
- https://www.scarabhardware.com/minispartan6/
- https://www.seeedstudio.com/Sipeed-TANG-PriMER-FPGA-Development-Board-p-2881.html
- https://www.seeedstudio.com/Sipeed-Tang-Nano-FPGA-board-powered-by-GW1N-1-FPGA-p-4304.html
- STM32 shield?
- ESP8266 or ESP32 boards
- Breakouts for various weird connectors/components that I have
- Learn how to make a USB-Blaster