Bump the version in setup.py
Make changes, commit and push.
On GitHub go to the repo's "Actions" tab and manually trigger the "build" workflow. The build workflow builds the Docker image and wheels. The Docker image is automatically pushed to Dockerhub. The wheels need to be manually uploaded to PyPI as explained below.
Now, create a tag with the same version just entered in the setup.py
and push that tag to the remote.
git tag vx.x.x
git push origin vx.x.x
Then create a release on GitHub using this tag.
First, make sure you have the most recent version of twine installed on the host
python3 -m pip install --upgrade twine
Then, download and extract the wheels from the (successfully completed) workflow run. Place them inside the "dist" folder (create if it does not exist). Then, upload to PyPI with
python3 -m twine upload dist/*
When pushing changes, a Docker image lubo1994/mv-extractor:dev
is being build and pushed to DockerHub. Upon a release, this image should be tagged with the correct release version and the latest
tag. To this end, first pull the dev
sudo docker pull lubo1994/mv-extractor:dev
and then tag and push it as follows
sudo docker tag lubo1994/mv-extractor:dev lubo1994/mv-extractor:vx.x.x
sudo docker push lubo1994/mv-extractor:vx.x.x
sudo docker tag lubo1994/mv-extractor:vx.x.x lubo1994/mv-extractor:latest
sudo docker push lubo1994/mv-extractor:latest
where vx.x.x
is replaced with the version of the release.