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A Loopback Microservice primarily used for in-mail implementation to compose and view in-mails for any client application.


   npm i @sourceloop/in-mail-service



The project ships with generated migrations for PostgreSQL in the migrations folder. For generating migrations and implementing other data sources, please refer to refer to Database Migrations | LoopBack Documentation for more information.


Create a new Application using Loopback CLI and add the Component for InMailService in application.ts

import {BootMixin} from '@loopback/boot';
import {ApplicationConfig} from '@loopback/core';
import {RepositoryMixin} from '@loopback/repository';
import {RestApplication} from '@loopback/rest';
import {
} from '@loopback/rest-explorer';
import {ServiceMixin} from '@loopback/service-proxy';
import { InMailServiceComponent } from '@sourceloop/in-mail-service';
import * as dotenv from 'dotenv';
import * as dotenvExt from 'dotenv-extended';
import path from 'path';

export {ApplicationConfig};

const port = 3000;
export class Client extends BootMixin(
) {
  constructor(options: ApplicationConfig = {}) {
      schema: '.env.example',
      errorOnMissing: true,
      includeProcessEnv: true,
    }); = || {}; = +(process.env.PORT || port); = process.env.HOST;
    // Set up default home page
    this.static('/', path.join(__dirname, '../public'));

    // Customize @loopback/rest-explorer configuration here
      path: '/explorer',
    // add Component for InMailService

    this.projectRoot = __dirname;
    // Customize @loopback/boot Booter Conventions here
    this.bootOptions = {
      controllers: {
        // Customize ControllerBooter Conventions here
        dirs: ['controllers'],
        extensions: ['.controller.js'],
        nested: true,

Setting Environment Variables

Do not forget to set Environment variables. The examples below show a common configuration for a PostgreSQL Database running locally.

Name Required Default Value Description
NODE_ENV Y Node environment value, i.e. dev, test, prod
LOG_LEVEL Y Log level value, i.e. error, warn, info, verbose, debug
HOST Y Host for the service to run under, i.e.
PORT Y 3000 Port for the service to listen on.
DB_HOST Y Hostname for the database server.
DB_PORT Y Port for the database server.
DB_USER Y User for the database.
DB_PASSWORD Y Password for the database user.
DB_DATABASE Y Database to connect to on the database server.
DB_SCHEMA Y public Database schema used for the data source. In PostgreSQL, this will be public unless a schema is made explicitly for the service.
JWT_SECRET Y Symmetric signing key of the JWT token.
JWT_ISSUER Y Issuer of the JWT token.

Setting up a DataSource

Here is a Sample Implementation DataSource implementation using environment variables.

import {inject, lifeCycleObserver, LifeCycleObserver} from '@loopback/core';
import {juggler} from '@loopback/repository';

const config = {
  name: 'inmailDb',
  connector: 'postgresql',
  url: '',
  host: process.env.DB_HOST,
  port: process.env.DB_PORT,
  user: process.env.DB_USER,
  password: process.env.DB_PASSWORD,
  database: process.env.DB_DATABASE,
  schema: process.env.DB_SCHEMA,

export class InMailDbDataSource extends juggler.DataSource
  implements LifeCycleObserver {
  static dataSourceName = 'inmail';
  static readonly defaultConfig = config;

    // You need to set datasource configuration name as 'datasources.config.inmail' otherwise you might get Errors
    @inject('datasources.config.inmail', {optional: true})
    dsConfig: object = config,
  ) {

API Documentation

Common Headers

Authorization: Bearer where is a JWT token signed using JWT issuer and secret. Content-Type: application/json in the response and in request if the API method is NOT GET

Common Request path Parameters

{version}: Defines the API Version

Common Responses

200: Successful Response. Response body varies w.r.t API
401: Unauthorized: The JWT token is missing or invalid
403: Forbidden : Not allowed to execute the concerned API
404: Entity Not Found
400: Bad Request (Error message varies w.r.t API)
201: No content: Empty Response

API Details

POST /mails

Description: Compose or draft a Mail to various Recipients

Request Body:

  "threadId": "string", // Optional, add if you want the messages in a same thread
  "groups": [ // You can define one or more receipients in a group array.
      "party": "string", // email of the recipient
      "type": "to", // type can be to | cc | bcc
  "attachments": [ // Optional
      "name": "string", // name of the attachment file
      "path": "string", // It can be url like s3 url
      "thumbnail": "string", // Smaller/Compressed version of attachment path. can be s3 url
      "mime": "string", // Content Type of a file (example: image/jpg)
  "meta": [ // Optional
      "key": "string", // Key Name like Content-Type
      "value": "string", // Value like application/json, text/html etc.
  "body": "string", // The Message Body
  "subject": "string", // The title  of the Message
  "status": "string", // Draft if you don't want to send message Now
  "extId": "string", // External Id from the Client (Optional)
  "extMetadata": {} // External Metadata from the Client (Optional)

Successful Response:

  "id": "string", // id of the message
  "version": "string" // API vewrsion
PUT /mails/{messageId}

Description: Update Drafted Messages such as modifying attachment, receipients, message body, subject etc.

Request path Parameters:

{messageId}: Unique Id of the message which needs to be updated

Request Body:

  "groups": [ // You can define one or more receipients in a group array.
      "party": "string", // email of the recipient
      "type": "to", // type can be to | cc | bcc
  "attachments": [ // Optional
      "name": "string", // name of the attachment file
      "path": "string", // It can be url like s3 url
      "thumbnail": "string", // Smaller/Compressed version of attachment path. can be s3 url
      "mime": "string", // Content Type of a file (example: image/jpg)
  "meta": [ // Optional
      "key": "string", // Key Name like Content-Type
      "value": "string", // Value like application/json, text/html etc.
  "body": "string", // The Message Body (Optional)
  "subject": "string", // The title  of the Message (Optional)
  "status": "string", // Draft if you don't want to send message Now, otherwise, send
  "extId": "string", // External Id from the Client (Optional)
  "extMetadata": "object" // External Metadata from the Client (Optional)

Success Response:

  "id": "string", // id of the message
  "version": "string" // API vewrsion
POST /mails/{messageId}/attachments

Description: add an attachment to an existing drafted mail

Request path Parameters:

{messageId}: The unique id of a mail

Request Body:

  "attachments": [
      "name": "string", // name of the attachment file
      "path": "string", // It can be url like s3 url
      "thumbnail": "string", // Smaller/Compressed version of attachment path. can be s3 url
      "mime": "string" // Content Type of a file (example: image/jpg)

Successful Response:

  "items": "array", // array containing attachments,
  "version": "string", // an API version
DELETE /mails/bulk/{storage}/{action}

Description: Move inbox/sent items to trash or delete the trashed item

Request path parameters:

{storage}: inbox/send/trash (to trash the inbox/sent message or to delete the trashed message)

{action}: trash/delete

Request body parameters

  "messageIds": "Array<string>"

Successful Response:

  "version" : "string", // the API version
  "item": "Array<object>" // recipient/sender details which was marked for deletion/trash
PATCH /mails/bulk/restore

Description: Restore the trashed Mail

Request body parameters

  "messageIds": "Array<string>"

Successful Response:

  "version": "string", // the API version
  "items": "Array<object>" // receipient/sender details which was restored from trash
PATCH /mails/{messageId}/forward

Description: Forward the mail to another receipient

Request path Parameter:

{messageId}: Unique message Id

Request Body:

  "groups": [ // you can specify more recipients in groups array for forwarding the mail to multiple recipients
      "party": "string", // email of the recipient
      "type": "to" | "bcc" | "cc", // receipient type

Successful Response:

  "version": "string", // the API version
  "id": "string" // the message Id
PATCH /mails/{messageId}/send

Description: Send the drafted mail to the receipent

Request path Parameter:

{messageId}: Unique Message Id

Successful response

  "id": "string",
  "version": "string"
PATCH /mails/marking/{markType}

Description: mark the mails as read/unread/important/not-important

Request path Parameter:

{markType}: read/unread/important/not-important

Successful response

  success : true,
GET /threads/{threadId}

Request path Parameters:

{threadId}: Unique id of thread

Request query Parameter(Optional):

filter: Object which contains attribute(s) key value pairs of thread model which is used to filter data.

Successful Response:

  "version": "string", // the API version
  "item": "object" // item containg the thread and the related message, attachment and/or meta-data details
GET /threads

Request query parameter(s):

groupFilter: Object which contains attribute(s) key value pairs of group model which is used to filter items. threadFilter: Object which contains attribute(s) key value pairs of thread model which is used to filter items.

Successful Response:

   "version": "string", // the API version
   "items": "array"  // array containing thread details and the corresponding messages, attachments etc.
GET /mails

Request query parameter(s):

groupFilter: Object which contains attribute(s) key value pairs of group model which is used to filter items. threadFilter: Object which contains attribute(s) key value pairs of thread model which is used to filter items.