Calculates distance or direction fields from an image. GPU accelerated, 2D. Results are provided as an image.
Original jump flooding algorithm
focusses on finding 2d distance and directional distance fields.
calculates distances to bitmap contours it stores
the distance in red and the original bitmap in green.
import org.openrndr.application
import org.openrndr.draw.*
import org.openrndr.extra.fx.blur.ApproximateGaussianBlur
import org.openrndr.extra.jumpfill.DistanceField
import org.openrndr.extra.jumpfill.Threshold
import org.openrndr.ffmpeg.VideoPlayerFFMPEG
fun main() = application {
configure {
width = 1280
height = 720
program {
val blurFilter = ApproximateGaussianBlur()
val blurred = colorBuffer(width, height)
val thresholdFilter = Threshold()
val thresholded = colorBuffer(width, height)
val distanceField = DistanceField()
val distanceFieldBuffer = colorBuffer(width, height, type = ColorType.FLOAT32)
val videoCopy = renderTarget(width, height) {
val videoPlayer = VideoPlayerFFMPEG.fromDevice(imageWidth = width, imageHeight = height)
extend {
// -- copy videoplayer output
drawer.isolatedWithTarget(videoCopy) {
// -- blur the input a bit, this produces less noisy bitmap images
blurFilter.sigma = 9.0
blurFilter.window = 18
blurFilter.apply(videoCopy.colorBuffer(0), blurred)
// -- threshold the blurred image
thresholdFilter.threshold = 0.5
thresholdFilter.apply(blurred, thresholded)
distanceField.apply(thresholded, distanceFieldBuffer)
drawer.isolated {
// -- use a shadestyle to visualize the distance field
drawer.shadeStyle = shadeStyle {
fragmentTransform = """
float d = x_fill.r;
if (x_fill.g > 0.5) {
x_fill.rgb = vec3(cos(d) * 0.5 + 0.5);
} else {
x_fill.rgb = 0.25 * vec3(1.0 - (cos(d) * 0.5 + 0.5));
calculates directions to bitmap contours it stores
x-direction in red, y-direction in green, and the original bitmap in blue.
import org.openrndr.application
import org.openrndr.draw.*
import org.openrndr.extra.fx.blur.ApproximateGaussianBlur
import org.openrndr.extra.jumpfill.DirectionalField
import org.openrndr.extra.jumpfill.Threshold
import org.openrndr.ffmpeg.VideoPlayerFFMPEG
fun main() = application {
configure {
width = 1280
height = 720
program {
val blurFilter = ApproximateGaussianBlur()
val blurred = colorBuffer(width, height)
val thresholdFilter = Threshold()
val thresholded = colorBuffer(width, height)
val directionField = DirectionalField()
val directionalFieldBuffer = colorBuffer(width, height, type = ColorType.FLOAT32)
val videoPlayer = VideoPlayerFFMPEG.fromDevice(imageWidth = width, imageHeight = height)
val videoCopy = renderTarget(width, height) {
extend {
// -- copy videoplayer output
drawer.isolatedWithTarget(videoCopy) {
// -- blur the input a bit, this produces less noisy bitmap images
blurFilter.sigma = 9.0
blurFilter.window = 18
blurFilter.apply(videoCopy.colorBuffer(0), blurred)
// -- threshold the blurred image
thresholdFilter.threshold = 0.5
thresholdFilter.apply(blurred, thresholded)
directionField.apply(thresholded, directionalFieldBuffer)
drawer.isolated {
// -- use a shadestyle to visualize the direction field
drawer.shadeStyle = shadeStyle {
fragmentTransform = """
float a = atan(x_fill.r, x_fill.g);
if (x_fill.b > 0.5) {
x_fill.rgb = vec3(cos(a)*0.5+0.5, 1.0, sin(a)*0.5+0.5);
} else {
x_fill.rgb = vec3(cos(a)*0.5+0.5, 0.0, sin(a)*0.5+0.5);