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#go-metronome A go wrapper for metronome's API that includes a metronome-cli


The Metronome V1 interface is fully implemented.

Getting started

You don't need golang installed if you have docker installed.

  • If you want to install the cli locally
go get
  • If you want to install the API (sans cli) locally
go get
  • If you want to build a docker image
# git clone
# cd go-metronome
# make build-container
  • Run the docker image just made
$(eval make run) job ls
  • If you want a dev container (golang, deps)
make run-dev
  • If you want to build a Linux and Darwin cli binary
make compile

Yielding go-metronome/metronome-cli-linux-amd64 and go-metronome/metronome-cli-darwin-amd64

V1 Interface

type Metronome interface {
	// POST /v1/jobs
	CreateJob(*Job) (*Job, error)
	// DELETE /v1/jobs/$jobId
	DeleteJob(jobId string) (interface{}, error)
	// GET /v1/jobs/$jobId
	GetJob(jobId string) (*Job, error)
	// GET /v1/jobs
	Jobs() (*[]Job, error)
	// PUT /v1/jobs/$jobId
	JobUpdate(jobId string, job *Job) (interface{}, error)
	// schedules
	// GET /v1/jobs/$jobId/runs
	RunLs(jobId string) (*[]JobStatus, error)
	// POST /v1/jobs/$jobId/runs
	RunStartJob(jobId string) (interface{}, error)
	// GET /v1/jobs/$jobId/runs/$runId
	RunStatusJob(jobId string, runId string) (*JobStatus, error)
	// POST /v1/jobs/$jobId/runs/$runId/action/stop
	RunStopJob(jobId string, runId string) (interface{}, error)

	// Schedules
	// POST /v1/jobs/$jobId/schedules
	JobScheduleCreate(jobId string, new *Schedule) (interface{}, error)
	// GET /v1/jobs/$jobId/schedules/$scheduleId
	JobScheduleGet(jobId string, schedId string) (*Schedule, error)
	// GET /v1/jobs/$jobId/schedules
	JobScheduleList(jobId string) (*[]Schedule, error)
	// DELETE /v1/jobs/$jobId/schedules/$scheduleId
	JobScheduleDelete(jobId string, schedId string) (interface{}, error)
	// PUT /v1/jobs/$jobId/schedules/$scheduleId
	JobScheduleUpdate(jobId string, schedId string, sched *Schedule) (interface{}, error)

	//  GET  /v1/metrics
	Metrics() (interface{}, error)
	//  GET /v1/ping
	Ping() (*string, error)

Reference Metronome V1 API

Simple client

   import met ""
   config := met.NewDefaultConfig()
   config.URL = "http://localhost:9000"
   if client, err := met.NewClient(config); err != nil {
   } else {
      jobs := client.JobLs()


The following examples assume you've started metronome infrastructure as:

DOCKER_IP= docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml up

DOCKER_IP should be the ip address of your eth0 network interface

Using the docker-compose.yml file, you should see the following instances runnings.

f4c7f8ac85df        f4tq/metronome:   "/bin/sh -c '$APP_DIR"   13 hours ago        Up 13 hours                             mesoscompose_metronome_1
47548cc24717        mesosphere/mesos-master:1.0.1-2.0.93.ubuntu1404   "mesos-master --regis"   13 hours ago        Up 13 hours                             mesoscompose_master_1
a50c32104523        mesosphere/marathon:v1.3.0                        "./bin/start"            13 hours ago        Up 13 hours                             mesoscompose_marathon_1
9783a5e883f3        mesosphere/mesos-slave:1.0.1-2.0.93.ubuntu1404    "mesos-slave"            13 hours ago        Up 13 hours                             mesoscompose_slave-one_1
1bf0a4f476e0        bobrik/zookeeper                                  "/"                13 hours ago        Up 13 hours                             mesoscompose_zk_1

Create a job

# metronome-cli/metronome-cli job create -docker-image f4tq/dcos-tests:v0.31 -cmd '/usr/local/bin/dcos-tests --debug --term-wait 20 --http-addr :8095' -job-id "dcos.locust" --env "MON=test" --env "CONNECT=direct"

INFO[0000] result {"description":"","id":"dcos.locust","labels":{"location":"","owner":""},"run":{"cmd":"/usr/local/bin/dcos-tests --debug --term-wait 20 --http-addr :8095","cpus":0.2,"mem":128,"disk":128,"docker":{"image":"f4tq/dcos-tests:v0.31"},"env":{"CONNECT":"direct","MON":"test"},"maxLaunchDelay":900,"placement":{"constraints":[]},"restart":{"activeDeadlineSeconds":0,"policy":"NEVER"},"volumes":[]}}

Update a job

Job Update looks like Create.

# metronome-cli/metronome-cli job update -docker-image f4tq/dcos-tests:v0.31 -cmd '/usr/local/bin/dcos-tests --debug --term-wait 20 --http-addr :8095' -job-id "dcos.locust" --env "MON=test" --env "CONNECT=direct"

INFO[0000] result {"id":"dcos.locust","description":"","labels":{},"run":{"cpus":0.2,"mem":128,"disk":128,"cmd":"/usr/local/bin/dcos-tests --debug --term-wait 20 --http-addr :8095","env":{"CONNECT":"direct","MON":"test4"},"placement":{"constraints":[]},"artifacts":[],"maxLaunchDelay":900,"docker":{"image":"f4tq/dcos-tests:v0.31"},"volumes":[],"restart":{"policy":"NEVER"}}}

Get a defined job

# metronome-cli/metronome-cli job get  -job-id "dcos.locust"

INFO[0000] result {"description":"","id":"dcos.locust","labels":{"location":"","owner":""},"run":{"cmd":"/usr/local/bin/dcos-tests --debug --term-wait 20 --http-addr :8095","cpus":0.2,"mem":128,"disk":128,"docker":{"image":"f4tq/dcos-tests:v0.31"},"env":{"CONNECT":"direct","MON":"test4"},"maxLaunchDelay":900,"placement":{"constraints":[]},"restart":{"activeDeadlineSeconds":0,"policy":"NEVER"},"volumes":[]}}

Get all job definitions

Not to be confused with running jobs

# metronome-cli/metronome-cli job ls
INFO[0000] result [{"description":"","id":"dcos.locust","labels":{"location":"","owner":""},"run":{"cmd":"/usr/local/bin/dcos-tests --debug --term-wait 20 --http-addr :8095","cpus":0.2,"mem":128,"disk":128,"docker":{"image":"f4tq/dcos-tests:v0.31"},"env":{"CONNECT":"direct","MON":"test4"},"maxLaunchDelay":900,"placement":{"constraints":[]},"restart":{"activeDeadlineSeconds":0,"policy":"NEVER"},"volumes":[]}}]

Start a job now

# metronome-cli/metronome-cli run start -job-id dcos.locust
INFO[0000] result {"completedAt":null,"createdAt":"2016-12-05T19:33:20.586+0000","id":"20161205193320NR9q1","jobId":"dcos.locust","status":"INITIAL","tasks":[]}

docker-compose users

If you're using docker-compose.yml to present the metronome/mesos environment, then docker ps will show your running container.

# docker ps

42202f7cba7a        f4tq/dcos-tests:v0.31                             "/bin/sh -c '/usr/loc"   22 minutes ago      Up 22 minutes                           mesos-22357193-cfdd-48e6-b3ed-288c2a906bb0-S0.66f17489-615b-4b52-8a8c-395b3c6ccaa2
f4c7f8ac85df        f4tq/metronome:   "/bin/sh -c '$APP_DIR"   3 hours ago         Up 3 hours                              mesoscompose_metronome_1
47548cc24717        mesosphere/mesos-master:1.0.1-2.0.93.ubuntu1404   "mesos-master --regis"   3 hours ago         Up 3 hours                              mesoscompose_master_1
a50c32104523        mesosphere/marathon:v1.3.0                        "./bin/start"            3 hours ago         Up 3 hours                              mesoscompose_marathon_1
9783a5e883f3        mesosphere/mesos-slave:1.0.1-2.0.93.ubuntu1404    "mesos-slave"            3 hours ago         Up 3 hours                              mesoscompose_slave-one_1
1bf0a4f476e0        bobrik/zookeeper                                  "/"                3 hours ago         Up 3 hours                              mesoscompose_zk_1

The new, metronome created job is mesos-22357193-cfdd-48e6-b3ed-288c2a906bb0-S0.66f17489-615b-4b52-8a8c-395b3c6ccaa2

f4tq/dcos-test:v0.3 listens on port 8095 as we defined in the job definitions --cmd option

http GET http://localhost:8095/sleep/1
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Connection: keep-alive
Content-Length: 110
Content-Type: text/plain
Date: Mon, 05 Dec 2016 19:57:52 GMT
Keep-Alive: timeout=60
Server: gophr

[2016-12-05 19:57:52.254281597 +0000 UTC] slept for 1 seconds starting @2016-12-05 19:57:51.24923488 +0000 UTC

Status a job run

# metronome-cli/metronome-cli  run ls --job-id dcos.locust
INFO[0000] result [{"completedAt":null,"createdAt":"2016-12-05T18:27:45.287+0000","id":"20161205182745FuBxU","jobId":"dcos.locust","status":"ACTIVE","tasks":[{"id":"dcos_locust_20161205182745FuBxU.84419b42-bb18-11e6-a0f2-024273f73426","startedAt":"2016-12-05T18:27:46.399+0000","status":"TASK_RUNNING"}]}]

A periodic job

This job is defined to echo a date

Create the job definition

# metronome-cli/metronome-cli job create -docker-image alpine:3.4 -cmd 'echo "testing $(date)' -job-id "" -volume `cd test/;pwd`:/app
INFO[0000] result {"description":"","id":"","labels":{"location":"","owner":""},"run":{"cmd":"echo \"testing $(date)\"","cpus":0.2,"mem":128,"disk":128,"docker":{"image":"alpine:3.4"},"maxLaunchDelay":900,"placement":{"constraints":[]},"restart":{"activeDeadlineSeconds":0,"policy":"NEVER"},"volumes":[{"containerPath":"/go/src/","hostPath":"/app","mode":"RO"}]}}

Schedule the periodic job definition to run every 2 minutes

Note: This doesn't start the job yet!

# metronome-cli/metronome-cli schedule create -job-id -sched-id ever2 -cron "*/2 * * * *" --start-deadline 60
INFO[0000] result {"id":"ever2","cron":"*/2 * * * *","concurrencyPolicy":"ALLOW","enabled":false,"startingDeadlineSeconds":60,"timezone":"Etc/GMT"}

Update the schedule

Oops, I need the job to start with 45 seconds or we will wait until the next cycle

metronome-cli/metronome-cli schedule update -job-id -sched-id ever2 -cron "*/2 * * * *" --start-deadline 45 --tz GMT
PUT {"id":"ever2","cron":"*/2 * * * *","concurrencyPolicy":"ALLOW","enabled":false,"startingDeadlineSeconds":45,"timezone":"GMT"}
INFO[0000] result {"id":"ever2","cron":"*/2 * * * *","concurrencyPolicy":"ALLOW","enabled":false,"startingDeadlineSeconds":45,"timezone":"GMT"}

Delete the schedule

On 3rd thought, I don't like the schedule name so I'll delete the schedule

metronome-cli/metronome-cli schedule delete -job-id --sched-id ever2
INFO[0000] result "OK"

You can't delete a schedule if the job is already running. Stop it first.

Run the job with the schedule

# metronome-cli/metronome-cli job update -docker-image alpine:3.4 -cmd 'echo "testing $(date)"' -job-id "" -volume `cd test/;pwd`:/app
INFO[0000] result {"id":"","description":"","labels":{},"run":{"cpus":0.2,"mem":128,"disk":128,"cmd":"echo \"testing $(date)\"","env":{},"placement":{"constraints":[]},"artifacts":[],"maxLaunchDelay":900,"docker":{"image":"alpine:3.4"},"volumes":[{"containerPath":"/go/src/","hostPath":"/app","mode":"RO"}],"restart":{"policy":"NEVER"}}}

Using with dc/os

This guide assumes you work at Adobe and you need to access a bastion host to reach via your dcos cluster. It also assumes that you are accessing the DC/OS universe, mesos master, marathon and metronome via the tunnel.

Set up an ssh tunnel

  • Get ssh out permission from Juniper

  • ssh to you bastion like

ssh -o DynamicForward=localhost:1200 -N ec2-user@$your_bastion_host &
  • Set up an http proxy that knows how
    • Install polipo
  vagrant@osx $ apt-get install polipo
  • Run the proxy so that all requests use the ssh-base SOCKS proxy
sudo polipo socksParentProxy=localhost:1200 diskCacheRoot=/dev/null

By default, polipo listens on port 8123 for proxy connections

  • Install dcos cli

Left to the reader

  • Make dc/os cli use the proxy and login.

For example:

# http_proxy=localhost:8123  dcos auth login

Please go to the following link in your browser:

Enter authentication token: eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImtpZCI6Ik9UQkVOakZFTWtWQ09VRTRPRVpGTlRNMFJrWXlRa015Tnprd1JrSkVRemRCTWpBM1FqYzVOZyJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ImY0dHFAeWFob28uY29tIiwiZW1haWxfdmVyaWZpZWQiOnRydWUsImlzcyI6Imh0dHBzOi8vZGNvcy5hdXRoMC5jb20vIiwic3ViIjoiZ2l0aHVifDgyNjEzMCIsImF1ZCI6IjN5RjVUT1N6ZGxJNDVRMXhzcHh6ZW9HQmU5Zk54bTltIiwiZXhwIjoxNDgxNDMwNjU2LCJpYXQiOjE0ODA5OTg2NTZ9.R6NvhVAYfSEl2MB0yhtSn-j9Lf8eMMrAxZrJ0dN-QoR3qRwoRKVyBAWRSLej5iY7e-hN3t3v5Ra24vteouowvbcDVNbDLCoXLxRCbLSHoHeIietl3bK8xZRlwRYCBcPJmdp3uQ46gZVayL4jTZ8DhdeRYkvhmG-XG4eaSB9WtUQUgiGO4lHFvnF0J8979_4-LTtB-EVu6FED6aOG0D5koj4wb7zgNV2orQlzAjY5u5wlIMHQ626aFI1nWoeUb1GTZAxe6GCSGtJCa1HfHIUD0XGV6QmculdwM4i6wwRZDlP9N1UJnIPZPZLa5SffrbaZsrov3Qdms_I04rngYVhs_A
Login successful!

Use firefox to get your token - which must also use the SOCKS 5 proxy. Launch /Applications/ -profilemanager. Navigate to Preferences->Advanced->Network->Settings. Click Manual proxy; SOCKS Host: localhost:1200; Click SOCKS v5; click Remote DNS

  • Now the token with metronome-cli

    • To ping
HTTP_PROXY=localhost:8123  ./metronome-cli-linux-amd64 --debug --metronome-url "$( dcos config show core.dcos_url)/service/metronome" --authorization "$( dcos config show core.dcos_acs_token)" ping

INFO[0000] result "pong"
  • To get metrics
HTTP_PROXY=localhost:8123 ~/go/src/  --metronome-url "$( dcos config show core.dcos_url)/service/metronome" --authorization "$( dcos config show core.dcos_acs_token)" metrics
INFO[0000] result {"version":"3.0.0","gauges":{"":{"value":185715},"":{"value":15},"":{"value":185716},"jvm.buffers.mapped.capacity":{"value":0},"jvm.buffers.mapped.count":{"value":0},"jvm.buffers.mapped.used":{"value":0},"jvm.gc.PS-MarkSweep.count":{"value":3},"jvm.gc.PS-MarkSweep.time":{"value":427},"jvm.gc.PS-Scavenge.count":{"value":475},"jvm.gc.PS-Scavenge.time":{"value":1189},"jvm.memory.heap.committed":{"value":174063616},"jvm.memory.heap.init":{"value":123731968},"jvm.memory.heap.max":{"value":1744830464},"jvm.memory.heap.usage":{"value":0.032752701869377725},"jvm.memory.heap.used":{"value":57147912},"jvm.memory.non-heap.committed":{"value":101007360},"jvm.memory.non-heap.init":{"value":2555904},"jvm.memory.non-heap.max":{"value":-1},"jvm.memory.non-heap.usage":{"value":-9.9773352E7},"jvm.memory.non-heap.used":{"value":99773352},"jvm.memory.pools.Code-Cache.committed":{"value":22282240},"jvm.memory.pools.Code-Cache.init":{"value":2555904},"jvm.memory.pools.Code-Cache.max":{"value":251658240},"jvm.memory.pools.Code-Cache.usage":{"value":0.08743769327799479},"jvm.memory.pools.Code-Cache.used":{"value":22004416},"jvm.memory.pools.Compressed-Class-Space.committed":{"value":9871360},
--snip -- 
  • To get job list
HTTP_PROXY=localhost:8123 ~/go/src/  --metronome-url "$( dcos config show core.dcos_url)/service/metronome" --authorization "$( dcos config show core.dcos_acs_token)" job ls

INFO[0000] result [{"description":"Installs VAMP and dependencies","id":"install-vamp","labels":{"location":"","owner":""},"run":{"artifacts":[{"uri":"","executable":true,"extract":false,"cache":true},{"uri":"","executable":true,"extract":false,"cache":false},{"uri":"","executable":false,"extract":false,"cache":false},{"uri":"","executable":true,"extract":false,"cache":true},{"uri":"","executable":false,"extract":false,"cache":false}],"cmd":"mv jq-linux64 jq \u0026\u0026 ./","cpus":0.5,"mem":100,"disk":0,"maxLaunchDelay":3600,"placement":{"constraints":[]},"restart":{"activeDeadlineSeconds":0,"policy":"NEVER"},"volumes":[]}}]

Install VAMP

  • On docker-compose.yml (make sure you have 2 slaves )
./metronome-cli-linux-amd64 job create -job-id "install-vamp" -description "Install Vamp"  -restart-policy NEVER -restart-active-deadline-seconds 0 -artifact 'uri= executable=true' --artifact 'uri=' --artifact 'uri= executable=true extract=false cache=true' --artifact 'uri= executable=false extract=false cache=false' -cmd 'mv jq-linux64 jq && ./'

  • On ethos cluster

Make sure you login to dcos dcos login and get a token. You don't need this if you turn off dcos' oauth.

HTTP_PROXY=localhost:8123 ./metronome-cli-linux-amd64 --metronome-url "$( dcos config show core.dcos_url)/service/metronome" --authorization "$( dcos config show core.dcos_acs_token)" job create -job-id "install-vamp" -description "Install Vamp" -restart-policy NEVER -restart-active-deadline-seconds 0 -artifact 'uri= executable=true' --artifact 'uri=' --artifact 'uri= executable=true extract=false cache=true' --artifact 'uri= executable=false extract=false cache=false' -cmd 'mv jq-linux64 jq && ./'

Detailed CLI Usage

No options


         ./metronome-cli-linux-amd64 <global-options>  {job|run|schedule|metrics|ping|help} [<action options>|help]


job {create|delete|update|ls|get|schedules|schedule|help}

          create  <options>   | creates a Job
          delete  <options>   | deletes a Job
          update  <options>   | update a Job
          get     <options>   | get a Job by job-id
          schedules <options> | get all schedules [] for a Job
          schedule  <options> | get a particular Schedule for Job
          ls                  | get all Jobs []
          Call job <action> help for more on a sub-command

run {start|stop|ls|get} <options>:

          start <options>  | Start a Job that has a schedule.
          stop  <options>  | Stop a Job
          ls               | Status a Job -- currently only returns 'ACTIVE' jobs
          get <options>    | Get a Job run status.

          Call run <action> help for more on a sub-command

schedule {create|delete|update|get|ls}

          create  <options>  | Create a Schedule for a Job
          delete  <options>  | Delete a Schedule for a Job
          update  <options>  | Update a Schedule for a Job
          get     <options>  | Get a single Schedule for a Job
          ls                 | Get all Schedules for a Job

metrics  -  dumps metronome metrics

ping  - pings metronome


  -authorization string
        Authorization token
        Turn on debug
  -metronome-url string
        Set the Metronome address (default "http://localhost:9000")
  -password string
  -user string

job sub menu

docker run -i --rm --net host -t adobe-platform/go-metronome:029ef7418691d812dacc4a01ded16598cfbe7ccb /usr/local/bin/metronome-cli-linux-amd64 job       
FATA[0000] job failed because job subcommand required

job  usage:
job {create|delete|update|ls|get|schedules|schedule|help}

job create

docker run -i --rm --net host -t adobe-platform/go-metronome:029ef7418691d812dacc4a01ded16598cfbe7ccb /usr/local/bin/metronome-cli-linux-amd64 job create

job create usage:
  -arg value
        Adds Arg metrononome->Job->Run->Args. You can call more than once
  -cmd string
        Command to run
  -constraint value
        Add Constraint used to construct Job->Run->[]Constraint
  -cpus float
        cpus (default 0.2)
  -description string
        Job Description - optional
  -disk int
        disk (default 128)
  -docker-image string
        Docker Image (default "alpine:3.4")
  -env value
        VAR=VAL . Adds Volume passed to metrononome->Job->Run->Volumes.  You can call more than once
  -job-id string
        Job Id
  -label value
        Location=xxx; Owner=yyy
  -max-launch-delay int
        Max Launch delay.  minimum 1 (default 900)
  -memory int
        memory (default 128)
  -restart-active-deadline-seconds int
        If the job fails, how long should we try to restart the job. If no value is set, this means forever.
  -restart-policy string
        Restart policy on job failure: NEVER or ALWAYS (default "NEVER")
        Run this job now, otherwise it is created as unscheduled
  -user string
        user to run as (default "root")
  -volume value
        /host:/container:{RO|RW} . Adds Volume passed to metrononome->Job->Run->Volumes. You can call more than once

schedule submenu

docker run -i --rm --net host -t adobe-platform/go-metronome:029ef7418691d812dacc4a01ded16598cfbe7ccb /usr/local/bin/metronome-cli-linux-amd64 schedule 
FATA[0000] schedule failed because sub command required

schedule  usage:
schedule {create|delete|update|get|ls}  

          create  <options>
          delete  <options>
          update  <options>
          get     <options>

schedule create

docker run -i --rm --net host -t adobe-platform/go-metronome:029ef7418691d812dacc4a01ded16598cfbe7ccb /usr/local/bin/metronome-cli-linux-amd64 schedule create
FATA[0000] schedule failed because Missing JobId in JobScheduleCreate

schedule create usage:
  -concurrency-policy string
        Schedule concurrency.  One of ALLOW,FORBID,REPLACE (default "ALLOW")
  -cron string
        Schedule Cron
        Enable the schedule (default true)
  -job-id string
        Job Id
  -sched-id string
        Schedule Id
  -start-deadline int
        Schedule deadline
  -tz string
        Schedule time zone (default "GMT")

run submenu

docker run -i --rm --net host -t adobe-platform/go-metronome:029ef7418691d812dacc4a01ded16598cfbe7ccb /usr/local/bin/metronome-cli-linux-amd64 run            
FATA[0000] run failed because sub command required

run <action> [options]:

          start [options]
          stop  [options]
          get [options]

          Call run <action> help for more on a sub-command

run create

docker run -i --rm --net host -t adobe-platform/go-metronome:029ef7418691d812dacc4a01ded16598cfbe7ccb /usr/local/bin/metronome-cli-linux-amd64 run start 
FATA[0000] run failed because job-id required

 start usage:
  -job-id string
        Job Id