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Troubleshooting & FAQ

adityapk00 edited this page Nov 18, 2018 · 4 revisions

1. "Could not start embedded zcashd"

This means zec-qt-wallet couldn't start its embedded zcashd for some reason. zec-qt-wallet will show you another dialog box with the error reported from zcashd for debugging purposes as well. You might be able to solve this by simply restarting zec-qt-wallet, but if you repeatedly see this error, it might be one of the following reasons:

  • If you compiled zec-qt-wallet yourself and are running it: zcashd doesn't come with the github repository, so you'll have to compile zcashd separately and copy if over into your zec-qt-wallet directory.
  • You might have corrupt zcash params: In this case, you may try deleting your params and letting zec-qt-wallet download them again.

If all else fails, you can run an external zcashd and zec-qt-wallet will connect to it.

2. "Authentication error"

Normally, zec-qt-wallet can pick up the rpcuser/rpcpassword from zcash.conf. If it doesn't for some reason, you can set the username/password in the File->Settings menu. If you are connecting to a remote node, make sure that zcashd on the remote machine is accepting connections from your machine. The target machine's firewall needs to allow connections from your host and also zcashd is set to be configured to accept connections from this host.

3. "Not enough balance" when sending transactions

The most likely cause for this is that you are trying to spend unconfirmed funds. Unlike Bitcoin, the Zcash protocol doesn't let you spent unconfirmed funds yet. Please wait for 1-2 blocks for the funds to confirm and retry the transaction.

4. Connecting to a remote zcashd

If you want to connect to a remote zcashd, follow the following steps:

  • start zec-qt-wallet with -no-embedded to prevent the embedded zcashd from starting
  • Go to Edit->Settings and set the remote node's host/post and rpc username/password
  • Make sure the zcashd on remote node is listening on all interfaces, and not just the localhost interface

Note that the easiest way to connect to a remote node is probably to ssh to it with port forwarding (ssh -L8232: user@remotehost) and set zec-qt-wallet to connect to localhost:8232

Support or other questions

Please tweet at @zecqtwallet for help.