Releases: Xilinx/RapidWright
RapidWright 2018.3.2-beta Release
- API Additions:
- "public boolean updateName(String newCellName)"
- "public boolean isPlaced()"
- "public Cell addCell(Cell c)"
- "public void addSiteInst(SiteInst inst)";
- "public Net addNet(Net net)";
- "public boolean updateName(String newName)"
- Fixes an issue related to creating a module instance if the cell instance isn't already present in the netlist
- Adds return value for
-*), returns the net that was removed or null if unsuccessful
- Changed behavior of -- now only unroutes portions of nets connected to SiteInst rather than the entire net.
- Fixed potential NPE case in
- Changed to accept List.
- Fixed an issue when unrouting partial nets in
RapidWright 2018.3.1-beta Release
- API Additions:
- "public SiteInst createSiteInst(Site site)"
- "public SiteInst createSiteInst(String siteName)"
- "public SiteInst createSiteInst(String name, SiteTypeEnum type, Site placement)"
- "public Cell getCell(BEL bel)"
- "public Map<EDIFName, EDIFPropertyValue> getProperties()"
- "public void setProperties(Map<EDIFName, EDIFPropertyValue> properties)"
- API Removals (deprecated):
- "public void addSitePIP(String belName, String inputPin, String outputPin)"
- "public SitePIP getSitePIP(String belName, String inputPin, String outputPin)"
- com.xilinx.rapidwright.device.Site "public BELPin[] getConnectedBELPins(int siteWireIndex)"
- com.xilinx.rapidwright.device.Site "public SitePIP getSitePIP(BELPin input, BELPin output)"
- Changed the toString() method on SiteInst class to help address issue #23
- Improved the error message when trying to create and place a transformed prim (issue #22)
- Removed the Hessian library, no longer used
- Fixes issue with SLRCrossingGenerator DCPs not always working with Vivado's clock router
- Adds preliminary support for SAT routing
- Pblock support for PerformanceExplorer
RapidWright 2018.3.0-beta Release
- Compatibility with Vivado 2018.3.0 and its devices
- Adds support for RapidWright Jupyter Notebook kernels
- Reduces device file size to improve download times and load times
- Removes Hessian implementation dependency for PartNameTools resource file and
ModuleCache files. This was done to resolve Java >=9 issues with
obsolete reflection usage. - Removed com.xilinx.rapidwright.edif.InstPair class and replaced functionality
with com.xilinx.rapidwright.edif.EDIFHierCellInst. - API Additions:
- "public void addSitePIP(String belName, String inputPin)"
- "public SitePIP getSitePIP(String belName, String inputPin)"
- "public Set getSiteWiresFromNet(Net net)"
- com.xilinx.rapidwright.device.Device "public Node getNode(String name)"
- com.xilinx.rapidwright.device.Device "public Wire getWire(String name)"
- com.xilinx.rapidwright.device.Device "public PIP getPIP(String name)"
- com.xilinx.rapidwright.device.Device "public SitePin getSitePin(String name)"
- com.xilinx.rapidwright.device.Site "public Integer getSiteWireIndex(String siteWireName)"
- com.xilinx.rapidwright.device.Site "public BELPin[] getBELPins(int siteWireIndex)"
- com.xilinx.rapidwright.device.Site "public BELPin[] getBELPins(String siteWireName)"
- com.xilinx.rapidwright.device.Site "public SitePIP getSitePIP(BELPin input)"
- com.xilinx.rapidwright.device.Wire "public Node getNode()"
- Deprecated APIs:
- "public void addSitePIP(String belName, String inputPin, String outputPin)"
- "public SitePIP getSitePIP(String belName, String inputPin, String outputPin)"
- com.xilinx.rapidwright.device.Site "public BELPin[] getConnectedBELPins(int siteWireIndex)"
- com.xilinx.rapidwright.device.Site "public SitePIP getSitePIP(BELPin input, BELPin output)"
Known Issues:
- Netlists that have two ports by same name where one is a single bit
bus and another is multi-bit are not currently supported (for
example, a module has an input 'my_signal' and 'my_signal[2:0]' is
currently not allowed in the EDIF parser. - Clock router in Router class is disabled (under development).
- PolynomialGenerator is a toy demonstration and does not produce a
functionally valid circuit.
RapidWright v2018.2.5-beta Release
- Fixes an issue in
com.xilinx.rapidwright.device.Tile.getWireConnections(int wire) that was
causing an issue when routing clocking routes. This was manifesting
in the SLRCrosserGenerator demo.
Known Issues: - Netlists that have two ports by same name where one is a single bit
bus and another is multi-bit are not currently supported (for
example, a module has an input 'my_signal' and 'my_signal[2:0]' is
currently not allowed in the EDIF parser. - Clock router in Router class is disabled (under development).
- PolynomialGenerator is a toy demonstration and does not produce a
functionally valid circuit.
NOTE: has not changed since 2018.2.0 and is not required to be re-downloaded to update.
RapidWright v2018.2.4-beta Release
- API Additions:
- "public boolean unrouteIntraSiteNet(BELPin src, BELPin snk)"
- "public void setSiteInst(SiteInst instance, boolean keepRouting"
- com.xilinx.rapidwright.device.Wire "public ArrayList getBackwardPIPs()"
- com.xilinx.rapidwright.device.Wire "public ArrayList getForwardPIPs()"
- API Removals:
- com.xilinx.rapidwright.device.Wire "public ? getBackwardPIPs()"
- com.xilinx.rapidwright.device.Wire "public ? getForwardPIPs()"
- Resolves issues: #14, #15
Known Issues: - Netlists that have two ports by same name where one is a single bit
bus and another is multi-bit are not currently supported (for
example, a module has an input 'my_signal' and 'my_signal[2:0]' is
currently not allowed in the EDIF parser. - Clock router in Router class is disabled (under development).
- PolynomialGenerator is a toy demonstration and does not produce a
functionally valid circuit.
NOTE: has not changed since 2018.2.0 and is not required to be re-downloaded to update.
RapidWright 2018.2.3-beta Release
API Additions:
- "public Cell createAndPlaceIOB(String name, PinType dir, String pkgPin, String ioStandard, Net portNet, EDIFNet logNet)"
- "public Cell placeIOB(EDIFCellInst bufInst, String pkgPin, String ioStandard)"
API Removals:
- "public EDIFCellInst createIBUF(String portName, Site site, Net portNet, EDIFNet logNet, String ioStandard)"
- "public Cell createOBUF(String portName, Site site, Net portNet, EDIFNet logNet, String ioStandard)"
Enables fix to run HandPlacer in both modes of BlockStitcher (rapid_compile_ipi)
Fixes routing issue when loading two different devices
Fixes some issues related to creating top-level ports
Removes artificial anchor for Modules that do not have internal logic (anchor is allowed to be null)
Resolves issue: #8
Known Issues: -
Netlists that have two ports by same name where one is a single bit
bus and another is multi-bit are not currently supported (for
example, a module has an input 'my_signal' and 'my_signal[2:0]' is
currently not allowed in the EDIF parser. -
Clock router in Router class is disabled (under development).
PolynomialGenerator is a toy demonstration and does not produce a
functionally valid circuit.
NOTE: has not changed since 2018.2.0 and is not required to be re-downloaded to update.
RapidWright 2018.2.2-beta Release
API Additions:
- com.xilinx.rapidwright.device.PIP "public boolean isRouteThru()"
- com.xilinx.rapidwright.device.Site "public BEL[] getBELs()"
- "public BEL[] getBELs()"
- "public String getPrimarySitePinName(String alternateSitePinName)"
- "public String getAlternateSitePinName(String primarySitePinName)"
- "public PBlock getPBlock()"
- "public void setPBlock(PBlock pblock)"
- "public Map<String, String> getMetaDataMap()"
- "public void setMetaDataMap(HashMap<String, String> metaDataMap)"
API Removals:
- "public String[] getExternalInputNames()"
- "public void setExternalInputNames(String[] externalInputNames)"
- "public String[] getExternalOutputNames()"
- "public void setExternalOutputNames(String[] externalOutputNames)"
- "public HashMap<String, ArrayList> getMetaDataMap()"
- "public void setMetaDataMap(HashMap<String, ArrayList> metaDataMap)"
API Renames:
- "public String getPBlock()" --> "public String getPBlockString()"
Changes Implementation Guide File extension from '' to '.igf'
Fixed an issue in the HandPlacer where it would fail to start because of some missing saveDesign() methods.
Modules now store PBlocks when using the rapid_compile_ipi flow
If no impl guide file is supplied, rapid_compile_ipi will create an example file
enables non-LUT routethrus in Router
Resolves issue: #7
Known Issues:
- Netlists that have two ports by same name where one is a single bit
bus and another is multi-bit are not currently supported (for
example, a module has an input 'my_signal' and 'my_signal[2:0]' is
currently not allowed in the EDIF parser. - Clock router in Router class is disabled (under development).
- PolynomialGenerator is a toy demonstration and does not produce a
functionally valid circuit.
NOTE: has not changed since 2018.2.0 and is not required to be re-downloaded to update.
RapidWright 2018.2.1-beta Release
- API Additions:
- com.xilinx.rapidwright.device.Site "public SiteTypeEnum[] getAlternateSiteTypeEnums()"
- "public SiteTypeEnum getPrimarySiteTypeEnum()"
- "public SiteTypeEnum[] getAlternateSiteTypeEnums()"
- API Removals:
- com.xilinx.rapidwright.device.Site "public SiteType getPrimarySiteType()"
- Resolves issues: #5, #6
- Preliminary tutorial for running IP Integrator flow (rapid_compile_ipi)
Known Issues: - Netlists that have two ports by same name where one is a single bit
bus and another is multi-bit are not currently supported (for
example, a module has an input 'my_signal' and 'my_signal[2:0]' is
currently not allowed in the EDIF parser. - Clock router in Router class is disabled (under development).
- PolynomialGenerator is a toy demonstration and does not produce a
functionally valid circuit. - Issue #4 - JDK9 Compliance for some 3rd party libraries prints out warnings
NOTE: has not changed since 2018.2.0 and is not required to be re-downloaded to update.
RapidWright 2018.2.0-beta Release
- Initial release with new RapidWright API Library
Known Issues: - Netlists that have two ports by same name where one is a single bit
bus and another is multi-bit are not currently supported (for
example, a module has an input 'my_signal' and 'my_signal[2:0]' is
currently not allowed in the EDIF parser. - Clock router in Router class is disabled (under development).
- PolynomialGenerator is a toy demonstration and does not produce a
functionally valid circuit. - Issue #4 - JDK9 Compliance for some 3rd party libraries prints out warnings