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Quickstart Guide

This guide helps to config and run the common case of overlaybd image service.


There are two components to be installed, overlaybd-snapshotter and overlaybd-tcmu. They are located in two separate repositries.


Users can compile the latest code to install or download the release.

Compile from source

Install dependencies:

  • golang 1.22+

Run the following commands to build:

git clone
cd accelerated-container-image
sudo make install

Download release

After download, install the rpm/deb package.


The config file is /etc/overlaybd-snapshotter/config.json. Please create the file if not exists. We suggest the root path of snapshotter is a subpath of containerd's root

    "root": "/var/lib/containerd/io.containerd.snapshotter.v1.overlaybd",
    "address": "/run/overlaybd-snapshotter/overlaybd.sock",
    "verbose": "info",
    "rwMode": "overlayfs",
    "logReportCaller": false,
    "autoRemoveDev": false,
    "exporterConfig": {
        "enable": false,
        "uriPrefix": "/metrics",
        "port": 9863
    "mirrorRegistry": [
            "host": "localhost:5000",
            "insecure": true
            "host": "",
            "insecure": false
Field Description
root the root directory to store snapshots. Suggestion: This path should be a subpath of containerd's root
address the socket address used to connect withcontainerd.
verbose log level, info or debug
rwMode rootfs mode about wether to use native writable layer. See Native Support for Writable for detail.
logReportCaller enable/disable the calling method
autoRemoveDev enable/disable auto clean-up overlaybd device after container removed
exporterConfig.enable whether or not create a server to show Prometheus metrics
exporterConfig.uriPrefix URI prefix for export metrics, default /metrics
exporterConfig.port port for http server to show metrics, default 9863
mirrorRegistry an arrary of mirror registries host address, eg. ```
mirrorRegistry.insecure true or false

Start service

Run the /opt/overlaybd/snapshotter/overlaybd-snapshotter binary or start it as a service by enable and start overlaybd-snapshotter.service.

If installed from source, please run the following to start service.

sudo systemctl enable /opt/overlaybd/snapshotter/overlaybd-snapshotter.service
sudo systemctl start overlaybd-snapshotter


Users can compile the latest code to install or download the release.

There is no strong dependency between the overlaybd-snapshotter and overlaybd-tcmu versions. However, overlaybd-snapshotter v1.0.1+ requires overlaybd-tcmu v1.0.4+ because there have been adjustments made to the parameters for image conversion.

Compile from source

Install dependencies:

  • cmake 3.15+
  • gcc/g++ 7+
  • development dependencies:
    • CentOS 7/Fedora: sudo yum install libaio-devel libcurl-devel openssl-devel libnl3-devel libzstd-static e2fsprogs-devel
    • CentOS 8: sudo yum install libaio-devel libcurl-devel openssl-devel libnl3-devel libzstd-devel e2fsprogs-devel
    • Debian/Ubuntu: sudo apt install libcurl4-openssl-dev libssl-dev libaio-dev libnl-3-dev libnl-genl-3-dev libgflags-dev libzstd-dev libext2fs-dev

Run the following commands to build:

git clone
cd overlaybd
git submodule update --init
mkdir build
cd build
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ..
make -j
sudo make install

Download release

After download, install the rpm/deb package.


The config file is /etc/overlaybd/overlaybd.json. The default if installed automatically and can be used directly without change.

For more details please refer to configuration.

Start service

sudo systemctl enable /opt/overlaybd/overlaybd-tcmu.service
sudo systemctl start overlaybd-tcmu



Containerd 1.4+ is required.

Add snapshotter config to containerd config file (default /etc/containerd/config.toml).

    type = "snapshot"
    address = "/run/overlaybd-snapshotter/overlaybd.sock"

If k8s/cri is used, add the following config.

        snapshotter = "overlaybd"
        disable_snapshot_annotations = false

Make sure cri is not listed in disabled_plugins in containerd config file.

At last do not forget to restart containerd.


Since Authentication cannot share between containerd and overlaybd-tcmu, authentication has to be configured to overlaybd-tcmu individually.

The auth config file path for ovelaybd-tcmu can be specified in /etc/overlaybd/overlaybd.json. (default /opt/overlaybd/cred.json).

This is an example, and the format is the same as docker auth file (/root/.docker/config.json)

  "auths": {
    "": {
      "username": "username",
      "password": "password"
    "": {
      "auth": "dXNlcm5hbWU6cGFzc3dvcmQK"

Run overlaybd images

Now users can run overlaybd images. There are several methods.

  • use nerdctl

    sudo nerdctl run --net host -it --rm --snapshotter=overlaybd
  • use rpull

    # use rpull to pull image without layer downloading
    sudo /opt/overlaybd/snapshotter/ctr rpull -u {user}:{pass}
    # run by ctr run
    sudo ctr run --net-host --snapshotter=overlaybd --rm -t demo
  • use k8s/cri

    Run with k8s or crictl, refer to EXAMPLES_CRI.

Image conversion

There are 2 ways to convert images from oci format to overlaybd format, by using embedded image-convertor or using standalone userspace image-convertor respectively.

  • use embedded image-convertor
# pull the source image (nerdctl or ctr)
sudo nerdctl pull

# convert
sudo /opt/overlaybd/snapshotter/ctr obdconv

# push the overlaybd image to registry, then the new converted image can be used as a remote image
sudo nerdctl push

# remove the local overlaybd image
sudo nerdctl rmi
  • use standalone userspace image-convertor
# userspace-image-convertor will automatically pull and push images from and to the registry
sudo /opt/overlaybd/snapshotter/convertor -r -i 6.2.1 -o 6.2.1_obd_new

Image build

Overlaybd images can be efficiently built from overlaybd images by using the customized buildkit.

# 202210 is the latest branch
git checkout 202210
sudo make install

Run buildkitd

First, make sure the overlaybd-snapshotter and overlaybd-tcmu running.

# use containerd worker with overlaybd snapshotter
buildkitd --containerd-worker-snapshotter=overlaybd --oci-worker=false --containerd-worker=true

Then, write your Dockerfile and run buildctl to build images. The FROM if Dockerfile must be an overlaybd image.

buildctl build \
    --frontend dockerfile.v0 \
    --local context=. \
    --local dockerfile=.  \
    --output type=image,name={new image},push=true,oci-mediatypes=true,compression=uncompressed

oci-mediatypes=true and compression=uncompressed are required.

