Field type that let you select one or more user groups
This plugin requires Craft CMS 3.0.0 or later.
To install the plugin, follow these instructions.
Open your terminal and go to your Craft project:
cd /path/to/project
Then tell Composer to load the plugin:
composer require superbig/craft-usergroupfield
In the Control Panel, go to Settings → Plugins and click the “Install” button for User Group Field.
This plugin provides an Field Type where you can select one or more user groups.
There is 3 display modes:
- As a dropdown, where you can select only 1 group
- As a group of checkboxes, where you can select 1 or more groups
- As a group of radio buttons, where you can select only 1 group
To list the group(s) selected:
{% set groups = entry.userGroupFieldHandle.getGroups() %}
{% for group in groups %}
{{ }}
{% endfor %}
To get only the first group
{% set groups = entry.userGroupFieldHandle.getGroups()|first %}
{{ }}
To check if the current user is in any of the groups selected
{% if entry.userGroupFieldHandle.inGroup(currentUser) %}
<h1>User can access</h1>
{% endif %}
To check if the current user can access something based on the group selection
{% if entry.userGroupFieldHandle.canAccess(currentUser) %}
<h1>User can access</h1>
{% endif %}
Note: This check is always true for admins.
Brought to you by Superbig