Make sure ports 27017 and 3307 are publicly accessible
Follow this tutorial to add access control for MongoDB: Access control tutorial, example below
- If access control is enabled, replace username and password for MongoDB in the following steps accordingly. If its not enabled, then remove username and password fields
Example from the tutorial:
# /etc/mongod.conf
authorization: enabled
user: "admin",
pwd: "CHANGE_ME",
roles: [{ role: "userAdminAnyDatabase", db: "aggie" }, "readWriteAnyDatabase"]
db.adminCommand({ shutdown: 1 })
Then set up Tableau access:
# create temporary bin folder
mkdir ~/bin && cd ~/bin
# download mongoDB BI connector
wget https://info-mongodb-com.s3.amazonaws.com/mongodb-bi/v2/mongodb-bi-linux-x86_64-ubuntu1604-v2.12.0.tgz
# extract downloaded file
tar -xvzf mongodb-bi-linux-x86_64-ubuntu1604-v2.12.0.tgz
# go into the extracted folder
cd mongodb-bi-linux-x86_64-ubuntu1604-v2.12.0/
# install mongosqld connector
sudo install -m755 bin/mongo* /usr/local/bin/
# check mongosqld has been installed. It should successfully start mongosqld
# create a config file for mongosqld
sudo vi /etc/mongosqld.conf
# copy and paste the following template:
path: '/var/log/mongosqld.log'
path: /var/aggie-schema.drdl #contains mongodb schema
bindIp: #add private ip here. Use ifconfig -a to find private IP
port: 3307 #port where mongosqld will be available
uri: "mongodb://localhost:27017/"
username: admin
password: CHANGE_ME
mechanism: "SCRAM-SHA-1"
source: aggie
enabled: true
name: mongosqld
displayName: mongosqld
description: "BI Connector SQL proxy server"
# Generate MongoDB schema [add -u and -p flags if authentication is enabled on MongoDB]
sudo mongodrdl -o /var/aggie-schema.drdl -d aggie --authenticationDatabase aggie -u admin -p CHANGE_ME
# Check that schema has been generated
head /var/aggie-schema.drdl
# Install mongosqld as a service
sudo mongosqld install --config /etc/mongosqld.conf
sudo systemctl start mongosqld.service
sudo systemctl enable mongosqld.service
# Check that the service is running
sudo systemctl status mongosqld.service
# If there are any errors, then check the logs
tail -f /var/log/mongosqld.log
# Configuring TLS for BI Connector
sudo mkdir /opt/certs
cd /opt/certs
# generate private key mdbprivate.key
sudo openssl genrsa -out /opt/certs/mdbprivate.key -aes256 -passout pass:password
# The output of the following command will be used as Common Name for later prompts
hostname -f
# Generate certification authority file. For Common Name prompt, enter the output of previous command
sudo openssl req -x509 -new -key /opt/certs/mdbprivate.key -days 1000 -out /opt/certs/mdbca.crt -passin pass:password
# At this point, there should be 2 files mdbca.cert and mdbprivate.key in the /opt/certs/ directory.
ls /opt/certs/
# Generate key and CSR for BI connector
sudo openssl req -new -nodes -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout /opt/certs/bi.key -out /opt/certs/bi.csr
# Sign the certificate
sudo openssl x509 -CA /opt/certs/mdbca.crt -CAkey /opt/certs/mdbprivate.key -CAcreateserial -req -days 1000 -in /opt/certs/bi.csr -out /opt/certs/bi.crt -passin pass:password
# Generate PEM file by combining bi.key and bi.crt
sudo bash -c 'cat /opt/certs/bi.key /opt/certs/bi.crt > /opt/certs/bi.pem'
# At this point, you should have the following file in /opt/certs/ directory
bi.crt bi.csr bi.key bi.pem mdbca.crt mdbca.srl mdbprivate.key
# Update the mongosqd.conf
sudo vi /etc/mongosqld.conf
# Add the following ssl lines under net block in the conf file.
# Note: This should NOT be added in the net block in mongodb:
port: 3307
mode: 'requireSSL'
PEMKeyFile: '/opt/certs/bi.pem'
CAFile: '/opt/certs/mdbca.crt'
# Restart mongosqld
sudo systemctl restart mongosqld
# Check mongosqld is running
sudo systemctl status mongosqld
Verify that you can connect remotely, using the admin password when it prompts you:
mongo "mongodb://aggie.example.org" --authenticationDatabase aggie -u admin
Now Tableau can connect to the MongoDB on the server using the server IP, authentication information, and database name.
To change your password later:
db.changeUserPassword("admin", passwordPrompt())
Make sure you remember to update /etc/mongosqld.conf
and aggie/config/secrets.json
to use the new password.