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Authentication and authorisation

TESK API integrates with Elixir AAI via OpenID Connect protocol to authenticate and authorise requests. Authentication and authorisation are optional and can be switched off completely. When authentication is on, in order to perform any TES operation (get and/or create tasks) TESK API user will have to include a valid access token issued by Elixir AAI in the request header. To obtain such a token, a user will have to:

  • have a valid account in Elixir AAI
  • belong to a specific Elixir group
  • have access to a registered Elixir client application, that was assigned - among others - groupNames scope.

Switching on/off authentication and authorisation

Authentication and authorisation can be globally switched on and off for TESK API using Spring Profiles. When the default noauth profile is active, all endpoints are unauthenticated and all (also previously) created TES tasks are visible to any user. New tasks are labelled as created by anonymousUser and no team ownership is assigned to new tasks. With auth profile activated, all the rules described below apply. The way to activate each of the profiles is described here.


The TESK API acts as a Resource Server in the OIDC contract, whereas Elixir AAI plays the role of Authorization Server. All of TESK API endpoints are secured, which means that in order to reach any of the endpoints, the request has to contain a valid access_token issued by Elixir AAI, placed in authorization: Bearer header.

Obtaining a token

At the moment (subject to change) TESK API does not require the access token to be obtained using any specific client (application). Also the token audience is not currently checked (it is not clear, if Elixir AAI supports defining a token audience). Therefore, a valid token has the following properties:

  • Access token
  • Not expired
  • Obtained by a user using any registered Elixir AAI client
  • Obtained by a user using any OIDC Flow
  • Obtained by a user using a client, that was granted groupNames scope (see Authorisation)
  • Containing any audience
  • If Elixir AAI introduces groups-clients binding (presenting only those group names to clients, that where mentioned during client registration - currently each client receives all groups, as long as it has the scope groupNames), the token will have to be obtained using a client, which can receive those groups that are needed during Authorisation (see below)

Built-in client

A valid token can be obtained using an OIDC client built in Swagger UI at the TESK API homepage. In order to use the client, it has to be configured, by placing Client ID - registered at Elixir AAI with Implicit Grant - in the API environment variable TESK_API_SWAGGER_OAUTH_CLIENT_ID (authorisation code grant also possible, but discouraged). Unless groups-clients relationship is introduced, token obtained using Swagger UI from one environment can be used to make calls to API installed elsewhere.

Token validation

TESK API validates the token by hitting Elixir AAI user_info endpoint on each request and extracting information returned from that endpoint. If user info is returned without error, token is considered valid. Invalid token or lack of thereof in authorisation: Bearer header will result in HTTP 401 Unauthorized error.

Integrating with a different OIDC provider

We have not tested TESK API integration with a different OIDC provider than Elixir AAI, but since standard Spring OAuth library is used, it should be possible (just point security.oauth2.resource.user-info-uri to a proper URL), provided that the other Authorization Server provides information about the user in the same format that Elixir does. Otherwise changes to GroupNamesSecurityExtractor and ElixirPrincipalExtractor will be necessary.


TESK API uses Elixir AAI group membership to authorise users. Elixir recognises group managers and members, but only includes information about the latter in user_info endpoint response. Therefore a nested structure of groups is used by us to reflect different roles of users.

Group structure

Group level Example (from our own environments) Meaning Multiplicity
Base Group GA4GH:GA4GH-CAP Base group, representing all TESK environments. All other groups are subgroups of this groups. Does not have meaning on its own. There can be only one per TESK installation.
Environment Group GA4GH:GA4GH-CAP:EBI Direct subgroup of base group, representing TESK environment/installation (EBI or CSC for environments managed by us) There can be only one per TESK installation.
Super Admin Group GA4GH:GA4GH-CAP:EBI:ADMIN Direct subgroup - named ADMIN - of environment group, representing admins of the whole TESK installation (in our case Admins of TESK installed in EBI) There can be only one per TESK installation.
Team Group GA4GH:GA4GH-CAP:EBI:SDO Direct subgroup - named anything else than ADMIN - of environment group. Represents a group of co-workers. There can be many for each TESK installation with any names other than ADMIN.
Team Admin Group GA4GH:GA4GH-CAP:EBI:SDO:ADMIN Direct subgroup - named ADMIN - of team group. Represents a group of users, being admins of a team group. One per team group; many per TESK installation.

Endpoint permissions

Endpoint Objective Condition
Create a task A task must be created by a specific user and for up to one specific team (no team or one team). User must be a member of any Team Group or a Super Admin to create a task. If a user is a member of more than one Team Group, a user can specify, for which team to create a task (by putting team name in tags['GROUP_NAME']. If no team is specified, task will still be created for a randomly chosen team. If a user does not belong to any team (is a Super Admin only), task is still created, but does not belong to any team (only other Super Admins will be able to see it).
Get a task A team member can only see tasks, that were created by him/her. A team admin can see all tasks created for his/her team. A super admin can see all tasks. User must be a member of the Team Group, that the task was created for AND be the task creator OR user must be an admin of the Team Group, that the task was created for OR user must be a Super Admin.
Cancel a task User can cancel those tasks that are visible to him/her (as for Get a task). User must be a member of the Team Group, that the task was created for AND be the task creator OR user must be an admin of the Team Group, that the task was created for OR user must be a Super Admin.
List tasks User can list those task that are visible to him (as for Get a task). User must be a member of any Team Group OR user must be an admin of any Team Group OR user must be a super admin to access List tasks enpoint. The response contains those tasks, that are visible to the user (rules from Get a task apply).


  • User '123' with group GA4GH:G4GH-CAP:EBI:SDO creates a task at TESK installed in EBI. Task created by user 123, for team SDO.
  • User '123' with groups GA4GH:G4GH-CAP:EBI:SDO, GA4GH:G4GH-CAP:EBI:TEST creates in EBI a task without tags. Task created by user 123, for - randomly chosen - team SDO.
  • User '123' with groups GA4GH:G4GH-CAP:EBI:SDO, GA4GH:G4GH-CAP:EBI:TEST creates a task with tags: {"tags" : {"GROUP_NAME" : "TEST"}} Task created by user 123, for team TEST.
  • User '123' with group GA4GH:G4GH-CAP:EBI creates a task at TESK installed in EBI. Forbidden, no task created --> no team membership
  • User '123' with group GA4GH:G4GH-CAP:EBI:ADMIN creates a task at TESK installed in EBI. Task created by user 123, without group assignment.
  • User '123' with group GA4GH:G4GH-CAP:EBI:SDO:ADMIN creates a task at TESK installed in EBI. Elixir additionally treats such a user as a member of all parent groups, so the user also belongs to a group GA4GH:G4GH-CAP:EBI:SDO - so task will be created for group SDO (otherwise - if not Elixir special handling of nested membership and only taken TESK API rules into account - would be Forbidden).
  • User '123' with group GA4GH:G4GH-CAP:CSC:SDO creates a task at TESK installed in EBI. Forbidden - no permissions to create tasks in EBI.
  • User '123' with group GA4GH:G4GH-CAP:EBI:SDO gets a task created by user 123, for team SDO via TESK installed in EBI. Success.
  • User '124' with group GA4GH:G4GH-CAP:EBI:SDO gets a task created by user 123, for team SDO via TESK installed in EBI. Forbidden (not his/her task).
  • User '123' with group GA4GH:G4GH-CAP:EBI only, gets a task created by user 123, for team SDO via TESK installed in EBI. Forbidden (not SDO group member anymore).
  • User '123' with group GA4GH:G4GH-CAP:EBI:SDO:ADMIN, gets a task created by user 123, for team SDO via TESK installed in EBI. Success.
  • User '124' with group GA4GH:G4GH-CAP:EBI:SDO:ADMIN, gets a task created by user 123, for team SDO via TESK installed in EBI. Success (team group admin sees all team tasks).
  • User '124' with group GA4GH:G4GH-CAP:EBI:ADMIN, gets a task created by user 123, for team SDO via TESK installed in EBI. Success (super admin sees everything).
  • User '123' with group GA4GH:G4GH-CAP:EBI:SDO gets a task list. Success. List contains all tasks created for SDO by user 123.
  • User '123' with group GA4GH:G4GH-CAP:EBI only, gets a task list. Forbidden (not a team member, neither team admin, nor super admin).
  • User '123' with group GA4GH:G4GH-CAP:EBI:SDO:ADMIN, gets a task list. Success. List contains all tasks created for team SDO by all users.
  • User '124' with group GA4GH:G4GH-CAP:EBI:ADMIN, gets a task list. Success. List contains all tasks created for all/no teams by all users.
  • User '123' with groups GA4GH:G4GH-CAP:EBI:TEST and GA4GH:G4GH-CAP:EBI:SDO:ADMIN, gets a task list. Success. List contains all tasks created for team TEST by user 123 and also all tasks created for team SDO by all users.


Parts of Elixir groups 'authorisation framework' - particularly base group name, environment subgroup name and ADMIN subgroup name - are configurable in the same way that is used throughout TESK API.

Environment variable Meaning Default
TESK_API_AUTHORISATION_PARENT_GROUP Full name of the base group (with default elixir: prefix, which is added by Elixir to all group names) elixir:GA4GH:GA4GH-CAP
TESK_API_AUTHORISATION_ENV_SUBGROUP Name of the subgroup representing environment (aka Environment Group) EBI (Full group name: elixir:GA4GH:GA4GH-CAP:EBI)
TESK_API_AUTHORISATION_ADMIN_SUBGROUP Name of the subgroup representing admins (super admins or team admins) ADMIN (Full group name of super-admins: elixir:GA4GH:GA4GH-CAP:EBI:ADMIN)