Gamemode for setting ingame weather to real weather of a city of your choice in defined time intervals.
- Place the OpenWeatherMap folder in the resources directory
- I tend to compile every gamemode. With current meta.xml you'll have to compile the code in release mode or modify the meta.xml to use the source files directly.
- Edit settings.xml and add
<resource src="OpenWeatherMap" />
- Sign up at and get an appid
- Edit meta.xml and set the value of setting name="owm_appId"
Send OWM_GET_FORECAST with no content. You will receive OWM_FORECAST with a serialized JSON object. See the example included.
If you find bugs, just tell me. If you'd like to improve or extend the code, just fork this repo and share it back.
I made this gamemode for fun. If you'd like to support somebody, support the guys and gals which made the server software at