Reference implementation for ACR-NVIDIA-NCI Breast Density FL challenge.
Held in conjunction with MICCAI 2022.
1. Run Training using NVFlare reference implementation
We provide a minimal example of how to implement Federated Averaging using NVFlare 2.0 and MONAI to train a breast density prediction model with ResNet18.
Follow the steps described in ./data/ to download an example breast density mammography dataset. Note, the data used in the actual challenge will be different. We do however follow the same preprocessing steps and use the same four BI-RADS breast density classes for prediction, See ./code/pt/utils/ for details.
We provide a set of random data splits. Please download them using
python3 ./code/pt/utils/
After download, they will be available as ./data/dataset_blinded_site-*.json
which follows the same format as what
will be used in the challenge.
Please do not modify the data list filenames in the configs as they will be the same during the challenge.
Note, the location of the dataset and data lists will be given by the system. Do not change the locations given in config_fed_client.json:
"DATASET_ROOT": "/data/preprocessed",
"DATALIST_PREFIX": "/data/dataset_blinded_",
The argument specifies the FQDN (Fully Qualified Domain Name) of the FL server. Use localhost
when simulating FL on your machine.
./ localhost
Note, all code and pretrained models need to be included in the docker image.
The virtual machines running the containers will not have public internet access during training.
For an example, please see the
used to download ImageNet pretrained weights in this example.
The Dockerfile will be submitted using the MedICI platform. For detailed instructions, see the challenge website.
Run all commands at once using. Note this will also create separate logs under ./logs
Note, the GPU index to use for each client is specified inside
See the individual run_docker_site-*.sh
commands described below.
Note, the server script will automatically kill all running container used in this example
and final results will be placed under ./result_server
(optional) Run each command in a separate terminals to get site-specific printouts in separate windows.
The argument for each shell script specifies the GPU index to be used.
./ 0
./ 1
./ 0
After training completed, the training curves can be visualized using
tensorboard --logdir=./result_server
A visualization of the global accuracy and Kappa validation scores for each site with the provided example data is shown below.
The current setup runs on a machine with two NVIDIA GPUs with 12GB memory each.
The runtime for this experiment is about 45 minutes.
You can adjust the argument to the run_docker_site-*.sh
scripts to specify different
GPU indices if needed in your environment.
If you didn't use
, all containers can be killed by running
docker kill server site-1 site-2 site-3
You can modify and extend the provided example code under ./code/pt.
You could use other components available at NVFlare or enhance the training pipeline using your custom code or features of other libraries.
See the NVFlare examples for features that could be utilized in this challenge.
The example NVFlare Learner
class is implemented at ./code/pt/learners/
You can debug the file using the MockClientEngine
as shown in the script by running
python3 code/pt/learners/
Furthermore, you can test it inside the container, by first running
Note, set inside_container = True
to reflect the changed filepaths inside the container.
If you would like to use your own FL framework to participate in the challenge, please modify the Dockerfile accordingly to include all the dependencies.
Your container needs to provide the following scripts that implement the starting of server, clients, and finalizing of the server. They will be executed by the system in the following order.
For an example on how the challenge system will execute these commands, see the provided run_docker*.sh
The communication channels for FL will be restricted to the ports specified in fl_project.yml. Your FL framework will also need those ports for implementing the communication.
Results will need to be written to /result/predictions.json
Please follow the format produced by the reference implementation at ./result_server_example/predictions.json
(available after running python3 ./code/pt/utils/
The code is expected to return a json file containing at least list of image names and prediction probabilities for each breast density class
for the global model (should be named
"site-1": {
"": {
"test_probs": [{
"image": "Calc-Test_P_00643_LEFT_MLO.npy",
"probs": [0.005602597258985043, 0.7612965703010559, 0.23040543496608734, 0.0026953918859362602]
}, {
"site-2": {
"": {
"test_probs": [{
"image": "Calc-Test_P_00643_LEFT_MLO.npy",
"probs": [0.005602597258985043, 0.7612965703010559, 0.23040543496608734, 0.0026953918859362602]
}, {
"site-3": {
"": {
"test_probs": [{
"image": "Calc-Test_P_00643_LEFT_MLO.npy",
"probs": [0.005602597258985043, 0.7612965703010559, 0.23040543496608734, 0.0026953918859362602]
}, {
The script used for evaluating different submissions is available at