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File metadata and controls

577 lines (401 loc) · 18.6 KB

Log Courier Configuration

Table of Contents generated with DocToc


The Log Courier configuration is currently stored in standard JSON format with the exception that comments are allowed.

End-of-line comments start with a pound sign outside of a string, and cause all characters until the end of the line to be ignored. Block comments start with a forwarder slash and an asterisk and cause all characters, including new lines, to be ignored until an asterisk followed by a forwarder slash is encountered.

	"general": {
		# General configuration here
	"network": {
		# Network configuration here
	}, # (these are end-of-line comments)
	"files": {
		/* File configuration here
		(this is a block comment) */


Log Courier can reload its configuration without the need for a restart. It will do this upon receiving the SIGHUP signal. To send this signal, run the following command replacing 1234 with the Process ID of Log Courier.

kill -HUP 1234

Log Courier will reopen its own log file if one has been configured, allowing native log rotation to take place.

Please note that files Log Courier has already started harvesting will continue to be harvested after the reload with their original configuration; the reload process will only affect new files. Additionally, harvested log files will not be reopened. Log rotations are detected automatically. To control when a harvested log file is closed you can adjust the "dead time" option.

In the case of a network configuration change, Log Courier will disconnect and reconnect at the earliest opportunity.

Configuration reload is not currently available on Windows builds of Log Courier.


Several configuration examples are available for you perusal.

The configuration is documented in full below.

Field Types

String, Number, Boolean, Array, Dictionary

These are JSON types and follow the same rules. Strings within double quotes, arrays of fields within square brackets separated by commas, and dictionaries of key value pairs within curly braces and each entry, in the form "key": value, separated by a comma.


This can be either a number or a string describing the duration. A number will always be interpreted in seconds.

  • 5 = 5 seconds
  • 300 = 5 minutes (which is 300 seconds)
  • "5s" = 5 seconds
  • "15m" = 15 minutes


A fileglob is a string representing a file pattern.

The pattern format used is detailed at and is shown below for reference:

	'*'         matches any sequence of non-Separator characters
	'?'         matches any single non-Separator character
	'[' [ '^' ] { character-range } ']'
							character class (must be non-empty)
	c           matches character c (c != '*', '?', '\\', '[')
	'\\' c      matches character c

	c           matches character c (c != '\\', '-', ']')
	'\\' c      matches character c
	lo '-' hi   matches character c for lo <= c <= hi
  • "/var/log/*.log"
  • "/var/log/program/log_????.log"
  • "/var/log/httpd/access.log"
  • "/var/log/httpd/access.log.[0-9]"

Stream Configuration

Stream Configuration parameters can be specified for file groups within "files" and also for "stdin". They customise the log entries produced by passing, for example, by passing them through a codec and adding extra fields.


Codec configuration. Optional. Default: { "name": "plain" } Configuration reload will only affect new or resumed files

Depending on how log-courier was built, some codecs may not be available. Run log-courier -list-supported to see the list of codecs available in a specific build of log-courier.

The specified codec will receive the lines read from the log stream and perform any decoding necessary to generate events. The plain codec does nothing and simply ships the events unchanged.

All configurations are a dictionary with at least a "name" key. Additional options can be provided if the specified codec allows.

{ "name": "codec-name" } { "name": "codec-name", "option1": "value", "option2": "42" }

Aside from "plain", the following codecs are available at this time.

"dead time"

Duration. Optional. Default: "24h" Configuration reload will only affect new or resumed files

If a log file has not been modified in this time period, it will be closed and Log Courier will simply watch it for modifications. If the file is modified it will be reopened.

If a log file that is being harvested is deleted, it will remain on disk until Log Courier closes it. Therefore it is important to keep this value sensible to ensure old log files are not kept open preventing deletion.


Dictionary. Optional Configuration reload will only affect new or resumed files

Extra fields to attach the event prior to shipping. These can be simple strings, numbers or even arrays and dictionaries.


  • { "type": "syslog" }
  • { "type": "apache", "server_names": [ "", "" ] }
  • { "type": "program", "program": { "exec": "", "args": [ "--run", "--daemon" ] } }


The general configuration affects the general behaviour of Log Courier, such as where to store its persistence data or how often to scan for the appearence of new log files.

"admin enabled"

Boolean. Optional. Default: false
Requires restart

Enables the administration listener that the lc-admin utility can connect to.

"admin listen address"

String. Optional. Default: tcp:

The address the administration listener should listen on in the format transport:address.

Allowed transports are "tcp", "tcp4", "tcp6" (Windows and *nix) and "unix" (*nix only). For the tcp transports the address format is host:port. For the unix transport the address should specify a filename to use when creating the unix domain socket. If no transport name is specified, "tcp" is assumed.


"log file"

Filepath. Optional
Requires restart

A log file to save Log Courier's internal log into. May be used in conjunction with "log stdout" and "log syslog".


String. Optional. Default: System FQDN. Configuration reload will only affect new or resumed files

Every event has an automatic field, "host", that contains the current system FQDN. Using this option allows a custom value to be given to the "host" field instead of the system FQDN.

"log level"

String. Optional. Default: "info".
Available values: "critical", "error", "warning", "notice", "info", "debug"

Requires restart

The minimum level of detail to produce in Log Courier's internal log.

"log stdout"

Boolean. Optional. Default: true
Requires restart

Enables sending of Log Courier's internal log to the console (stdout). May be used in conjunction with "log syslog" and "log file".

"log syslog"

Boolean. Optional. Default: false
Requires restart

Enables sending of Log Courier's internal log to syslog. May be used in conjunction with "log stdout" and "log file".

This option is ignored by Windows builds.

"line buffer bytes"

Number. Optional. Default: 16384

The size of the line buffer used when reading files.

If max line bytes is greater than this value, any lines that exceed this size will trigger additional memory allocations. This value should be set to a value just above the 90th percentile (or average) line length.

"max line bytes"

Number. Optional. Default: 1048576

The maxmimum line length to process. If a line exceeds this length, it will be split across multiple events. Each split line will have a "tag" field added containing the tag "splitline". The final part of the line will not have a "tag" field added.

If the fields configuration already contained a "tags" entry, and it is an array, it will be appended to. Otherwise, the "tag" field will be left as is.

This setting can not be greater than the spool max bytes setting.

"persist directory"

String. Optional. Default: "."
Requires restart

The directory that Log Courier should store its persistence data in. The default is the current working directory of Log Courier which is specified using the path, ".".

At the time of writing, the only file saved here is .log-courier that contains the offset in the file that Log Courier needs to resume from after a graceful restart or server crash. The offset is only updated when the remote server acknowledges receipt of the events.

"prospect interval"

Duration. Optional. Default: 10

How often Log Courier should check for changes on the filesystem, such as the appearance of new log files, rotations and deletions.

"spool max bytes"

Number. Optional. Default: 10485760

The maximum size of an event spool, before compression. If an incomplete spool does not have enough room for the next event, it will be flushed immediately.

If this value is modified, the receiving end should also be configured with the new limit. For the Logstash plugin, this is the max_packet_size setting.

The maximum value for this setting is 2147483648 (2 GiB).

"spool size"

Number. Optional. Default: 1024

How many events to spool together and flush at once. This improves efficiency when processing large numbers of events by submitting them for processing in bulk.

Internal benchmarks have shown that increasing to 5120, for example, can give around a 25% boost of events per second, at the expense of more memory usage.

For most installations you should leave this at the default as it can easily cope with over 10,000 events a second and uses little memory. It is useful only in very specific circumstances.

"spool timeout"

Duration. Optional. Default: 5

The maximum amount of time to wait for a full spool. If an incomplete spool is not filled within this time limit, the spool will be flushed immediately.


The network configuration tells Log Courier where to ship the logs, and also what transport and security to use.

"curve server key"

String. Required with "transport" = "zmq". Not allowed otherwise

The Z85-encoded public key that corresponds to the server(s) secret key. Used to verify the server(s) identity. This can be generated using the Genkey tool.

"curve public key"

String. Required with "transport" = "zmq". Not allowed otherwise

The Z85-encoded public key for this client. This can be generated using the Genkey tool.

"curve secret key"

String. Required with "transport" = "zmq". Not allowed otherwise

The Z85-encoded secret key for this client. This can be generated using the Genkey tool.

"max pending payloads"

Number. Optional. Default: 10

The maximum number of spools that can be in transit at any one time. Each spool will be kept in memory until the remote server acknowledges it.

If Log Courier has sent this many spools to the remote server, and has not yet received acknowledgement responses for them (either because the remote server is busy or because the link has high latency), it will pause and wait before sending anymore data.

For most installations you should leave this at the default as it is high enough to maintain throughput even on high latency links and low enough not to cause excessive memory usage.


Duration. Optional. Default: 1

Pause this long before reconnecting. If the remote server is completely down, this slows down the rate of reconnection attempts.

When using the ZMQ transport, this is how long to wait before restarting the ZMQ stack when it was reset.

"rfc 2782 srv"

Boolean. Optional. Default: true

When performing SRV DNS lookups for entries in the "servers" list, use RFC 2782 style lookups of the form

"rfc 2782 service"

String. Optional. Default: "courier"

Specifies the service to request when using RFC 2782 style SRV lookups. Using the default, "courier", an "" server entry would result in a lookup for


Array of Strings. Required

Sets the list of servers to send logs to. Accepted formats for each server entry are:

  • ipaddress:port
  • hostname:port (A DNS lookup is performed)
  • @hostname (A SRV DNS lookup is performed, with further DNS lookups if required)

The initial server is randomly selected. Subsequent connection attempts are made to the next IP address available (if the server had multiple IP addresses) or to the next server listed in the configuration file (if all addresses for the previous server were exausted.)

"ssl ca"

Filepath. Required with "transport" = "tls". Not allowed otherwise

Path to a PEM encoded certificate file to use to verify the connected server.

"ssl certificate"

Filepath. Optional with "transport" = "tls". Not allowed otherwise

Path to a PEM encoded certificate file to use as the client certificate.

"ssl key"

Filepath. Required with "ssl certificate". Not allowed when "transport" != "tls"

Path to a PEM encoded private key to use with the client certificate.


Duration. Optional. Default: 15

This is the maximum time Log Courier will wait for a server to respond to a request after logs were send to it. If the server does not respond within this time period the connection will be closed and reset.

When using the ZMQ transport, this is the maximum amount of time Log Courier will wait for a response to a request. If any response is not received within this time period the corresponding request is retransmitted. If no responses are received within this time period, the entire ZMQ stack is reset.


String. Optional. Default: "tls"
Available values: "tcp", "tls", "plainzmq", "zmq"

Depending on how log-courier was built, some transports may not be available. Run log-courier -list-supported to see the list of transports available in a specific build of log-courier.

Sets the transport to use when sending logs to the servers. "tls" is recommended for most users and connects to a single server at random, reconnecting to a different server at random each time the connection fails. "curvezmq" connects to all specified servers and load balances events across them.

"tcp" and "plainzmq" are insecure equivalents to "tls" and "zmq" respectively that do not encrypt traffic or authenticate the identity of servers. These should only be used on trusted internal networks. If in doubt, use the secure authenticating transports "tls" and "zmq".

"plainzmq" is only available if Log Courier was compiled with the "with=zmq3" or "with=zmq4" options.

"zmq" is only available if Log Courier was compiled with the "with=zmq4" option.


The files configuration lists the file groups that contain the logs you wish to ship. It is an array of file group configurations.

			# First file group
			# Second file group

In addition to the configuration parameters specified below, each file group may also have Stream Configuration parameters specified.


Array of Fileglobs. Required

At least one Fileglob must be specified and all matching files for all provided globs will be monitored.

If the log file is rotated, Log Courier will detect this and automatically start harvesting the new file. It will also keep the old file open to catch any delayed writes that a still-reloading application has not yet written. You can configure the time period before this old log file is closed using the "dead time" option.

See above for a description of the Fileglob field type.

To read from stdin, see the -stdin command line argument.


  • [ "/var/log/*.log" ]
  • [ "/var/log/program/log_????.log" ]
  • [ "/var/log/httpd/access.log", "/var/log/httpd/access.log.[0-9]" ]


Array of Fileglobs. Optional

Includes should be an array of additional file group configuration files to read. Each configuration file should follow the format of the "files" section.

"includes": [ "/etc/log-courier/conf.d/*.conf" ]

A file at /etc/log-courier/conf.d/apache.conf could then contain the following.

[ {
	"paths": [ "/var/log/httpd/access.log" ],
	"fields": { "type": "access_log" }
} ]


The stdin configuration contains the Stream Configuration parameters that should be used when Log Courier is set to read log data from stdin using the -stdin command line entry.