#Servir Water Observations Data Integerator
This app is created to run in the Teyths Platform programming environment. See: https://github.com/tethysplatform/tethys and http://docs.tethysplatform.org/en/latest/
- Tethys Platform (CKAN, PostgresQL, GeoServer)
- pyshp (Python package for uploading shapefiles to geoserver)
- pyproj (Python package for projecting coordinates)
- suds (lightweight SOAP python client for consuming Web Services.)
###Install Tathys Platform See: http://docs.tethysplatform.org/en/latest/installation.html
###Install pyshp into Tethys' Python environment:
$ sudo su
$ . /usr/lib/tethys/bin/activate
$ pip install pyshp
$ exit
###Install pyproj into Tethys' Python environment:
$ sudo su
$ . /usr/lib/tethys/bin/activate
$ pip install pyproj
$ exit
###Install suds into Tethys' Python environment:
$ sudo su
$ . /usr/lib/tethys/bin/activate
$ pip install suds
$ exit
##Installation: Clone the app into the directory you want:
$ git clone https://github.com/SarvaPulla/servirdi.git
$ cd servirdi
Then install the app into the Tethys Platform.
###Installation for App Development:
$ . /usr/lib/tethys/bin/activate
$ cd servirdi
$ python setup.py develop
###Installation for Production:
$ . /usr/lib/tethys/bin/activate
$ cd servirdi
$ python setup.py install
$ tethys manage collectstatic
####Modify the tethys settings.py file for providing geoserver url:
$ . /usr/lib/tethys/bin/activate
$ sudo su
$ cd /usr/lib/tethys/src/tethys_apps
$ nano settings.py
Then insert the following in the settings.py file:
GEOSERVER_URL_BASE = 'http://domainname.com:8181' (Insert your geoserver url here)
GEOSERVER_URL_SSL_BASE = 'https://domainname.com:8443' (For HTTPS only)
GEOSERVER_USER_NAME = 'admin' (Insert your geoserver user name)
GEOSERVER_USER_PASSWORD = 'geoserver' (Insert your geoserver password)
Save File: Ctrl + X. When prompted, Press Y.
Create a new bash session in the tethys_geoserver docker container:
$ . /usr/lib/tethys/bin/activate
$ docker exec -it tethys_geoserver /bin/bash
$ vi /var/lib/tomcat7/webapps/geoserver/WEB-INF/web.xml
Insert the following in the filters list:
Insert this filter-mapping to the filter-mapping list:
Save the web.xml file.
$ exit
$ docker restart tethys_geoserver
Create a new bash session in the tethys_geoserver docker container:
$ . /usr/lib/tethys/bin/activate
$ docker exec -it tethys_geoserver /bin/bash
$ cd node1/webapps/geoserver/WEB-INF
$ vi web.xml
Note: You can make this change to any other node in the geoserver docker.
Insert the following in the filters list:
Insert this filter-mapping to the filter-mapping list:
Save the web.xml file.
$ exit
$ docker restart tethys_geoserver
##Updating the App: Update the local repository and Tethys Platform instance.
$ . /usr/lib/tethys/bin/activate
$ cd servirdi
$ git stash
$ git pull
Restart the Apache Server: See: http://docs.tethysplatform.org/en/latest/production/installation.html#enable-site-and-restart-apache